WOW! Ya guys did it once again, except more than I expected! CHU! I was a little late on checking this fiction since I was busy updating my other 4 fictions, I noticed it hit the target 2 days ago, 1 day after I unlocked Chapter 4 XD , so eager to see next locked chapter to be unlock? XD

Before I unlock this chapter, here is the next chapter target!

**Next Locked Chapter/Pairing: Saruhiko x Misaki (Can be changed accordingly to this chapter reviews)

**Next Chapter Target: 26 Reviews

I see there is a lot of request and reviews on the Chapter 3 for more Rei x Saru pairing, so here you go! A little of this blue pairing!

Chapter 5 Unlocked Character/Pairing: Reisi x Saruhiko (Requested by )

Reisi who was still outside the apartment, lean against the wall as he looked at the falling rain, the sky looked so dark and gloomy. He sighed heavily, his hair disheveled, his dress shirt ruined. He felt so confused inside. Whatever just happened between him and his enemy was…


The apartment was dark; the only light that lit the place up was from the kitchen. Soft breathing was heard in the living room, Misaki are asleep on the living room carpet near the futon Reisi has lay Fushimi on. Except the futon now are empty, leaving disheveled blanks, pillows and a cooler pad on the side.

Heavy pants echoes quietly from the hallway towards the bathroom.

Fushimi were supporting himself against the wall, he had no choice but to get up and goes for the toilet earlier. He did not want to wake anyone up since he noticed the exhausted face on the two in the living room. The blue coat of Scepter 4 covers his shoulder, staggering.


He looked at the kitchen that is in the opposite direction of the bathroom. His can barely stand up properly, leaning against the wall; slowly he made his way towards the kitchen, quietly not to wake up the two.

" li...ghts.." he mumbles, the light were blinding his blurry visions. He eyed the kitchen, and then he noticed a bowl of soup on the table.

"I need…to…reheat…this…" slowly he made his way towards the cupboard for a small pot for the soup he found. Staggering towards the stove, he reheats the soup.

As he was about to pull out a glass bowl from the cupboard nearby, a painful wave of dizzy hits his head, causing him to lose his grip on the bowl.

"ARGH!" He fell onto his knees as his hands held his hand.

Reisi who was sleeping in a sitting position on the couch, flutters open his eyelids. He then looked in front of him, and then he noticed Fushimis' missing.

The sudden sound of a glass just shattered in the kitchen caught his attention. Quickly on his two feet, he ran towards the kitchen. His eyes scan the entire place, noticing a pot of soup on the stove; quickly he turns the fire off. He turns around and saw a shade of dark blue across the kitchen, hidden by the table.

"FUSHIMI" he calls out as he got nearer to the younger teen. His face frowns. Fushimi fever has not reduced a bit instead it got even higher after he placed his hand onto the teen forehead. Fushimi filched at the cold large hand on his forehead.


"What are you doing here; you should be in bed, resting" he then eyed the floor, the white bowl are completely in pieces, until he saw several drip of bloods. He took Fushimi hands.

"I…just…want…to eat...someth-"he coughed.

"You're bleeding, come on. Let's get those treated first" Reisi gathered him into his arms once again. He was not sure how many times already he carried the light teen in his arms today.

After putting Fushimi onto the couch, he searched for the First Aid kit in the apartment. Finally found it in the closet, he cleaned the wounds with antiseptic and wrapped it with a bandage.

"You should have woke me up if you're hungry"

Fushimi were leaning against his shoulder, while Reisi made sure the bandage was tight enough. He could feel the heat from the teen.

"You…were looking…so tired…that's why I …didn't wake…you up..." he trailed off. His eyelid threatens to shut close. He could see his breath mists in front of him, and then he suddenly shivers when he felt a cold breeze just passed through him.


Reisi, who was noticing the trembling teen, quickly grabbed the blanks on the floor and wrapped the teen body up as gently as possible.

"I wished you could have listened to me earlier to see a doctor…" Reisi wiped the sweats off Fushimi face, his bangs were wet. Then he remembered, Fushimi wanted to eat earlier.

"Stay here, I'll bring you the soup" he pats the teen head gently and quickly made his way towards the kitchen.

By the time he came back, he could not help but smiling at the adorable sight of Fushimi fell asleep on the couch, his flushed face were covered by the bangs. He realized it was not the time to stand around; he needs to get the Third temperature down.

"Fushimi…wake up" he whispered as he shook the younger shoulder gently. Fushimi glazed orbs revealed the moment his eyelids struggles to open. He saw the bowl of chicken soup that he was reheating earlier before he was dragged away by his captain.

"Hnnn…" he groaned in pain as he tries to sit up properly, Reisi quickly helped him up.

"Eat up" Reisi scoped a spoonful of soup and waits for Fushimi to opens his quivering lips. Slowly as possible, he fed Fushimi the soup. He did not mind if the younger takes time to eat, as long as he eats.

"You'll have to eat some medicines after this" he noted, Fushimi nodded weakly.

He doesn't have the energy to fight back. He was just too tired and sick. After taking the medicines, Fushimi fell asleep in Reisi arms. Curling into a ball next to the captain, Reisi chuckled.

"He's too adorable…"

It was 2 hours later, after Reisi fell asleep. He noticed the sudden temperature pike on the teen body that still curls up in his arms.


His frowns turns into worry, Fushimi were shivering underneath those 3 blanks. Even the cooler pad on his forehead has lost its coolness. His face was completely flushed. He struggles to breath.


Misaki who has been dead asleep, groggily sits up and noticed the futon is empty, looking around the room, he saw Fushimi in Reisi arms.

"Get the bath ready, make sure it's lukewarm"

"For what?"

"His fever pike up, we need to get it down ASAP" Misaki gathers on his two feet and runs towards the bathroom and starts filling the tub with warm water.

"Come on, Fushimi, you need to stay awake" Reisi starts stripping down the Third and carry him into the bathroom. Misaki has already filled the tub with water after making sure the temperature was not too hot or too cold. The shorter teen quickly helped Reisi taking off the towel that covers Fushimi flushed body.

"Fushimi, I know this will hurt a little but please bare with it"

The Third mind was too hazy to process anything that has been said to him, until he felt a sudden coldness and warmness on his back. His orbs shoots open. He grabbed onto Reisi dress shirt, trying to get away from the sudden temperature.

Reisi feels a pang of pain in his heart when he sees Fushimi like this. The teen whimpers as Reisi carefully lower him into the lukewarm water, afraid that he might break Fushimi like a porcelain doll by accident;.

"T…take…me…ou..t of…here…" he whimpered against the hands that was holding his shoulder carefully in place.

"Hush… we need to lower your temperature down" Reisi bit his lip; he could feel the teen body shivering in his hands. Burning tears trickles against his hands, the sounds of Fushimi soft sobs washed against his ears like the typhoon outside.

"Hey…I don't think this is a good idea" Misaki interrupt his thoughts. Reisi frowns.

"We can't take him to the doctor, the typhoon is going around at the moment…this is the best we could do for the time being"

Misaki then turns his gaze to the whimpering Fushimi that is now in the bathtub. He could see the blue is struggling not to cry out his pain. His fair skinned body is now completely flushed; he looked so fragile at this condition.

The red haired bent down next to the bath tub, gently he wipes Fushimi body using a cloth, trying to keep him warm. The sobs from Fushimi really pain him, hearing Reisi trying to calm his ex partner made him felt useless.

It was around 3 in the morning, Fushimi fever finally broke down.

Misaki who has already prepared laid heaps of towels he can dig from around the house on the futon. Reisi gently carried Fushimi into his arms, did not care that his shirt will get wet. The younger has fallen asleep, after going through the tortures in the bathtub earlier.

He laid the blue onto the towels and they both wiped him with the towels around him. At times he slightly whimpered at the coldness of their hands. After a while, they tucked him into another pair of clean pajamas.

"Finally…" Misaki huffed on the floor. Reisi rested on the couch with his eyes close. The red haired teen turns to the right side as he looks at the asleep blue.

Fushimi breath starts to calm evenly, there is still a cooling pad on his forehead since his fever did not completely died down. His color starts to return. He did not shiver so much like earlier.

"If Munakata were not here…I wouldn't know what to do with Saru…"

Misaki sighed, suddenly a waved of exhaustion hits him. He yawns before he settles down next to the blue futon on the floor, as he falls asleep within seconds after laying his head on the side futon.

Reisi, who was resting his eyes, noticed the quietness of the living room against the falling rain outside. He then looked at the two who is next to each other on the futon n the floor. Lazily, he gets up and grabbed the blank that lays on the other side of the couch and drops it onto Misaki who has been snoring the moment he fell asleep.

"Now what?" he mumbles as he stretched. He looked at the clock, he frowns.

"Guess I should make some coffee" as he heads to the kitchen along with the empty bowl from earlier.

Twenty minutes later,

He returned to the living room with a cup of coffee, he settles down on the floor next to where Fushimi futon is. Sipping through his coffee, he looks at the asleep blue. He cracked a smile. He brushed off Fushimis' bangs.

"He looked so peaceful when he's asleep"

As he was about to stand up, he could feel a small tug on his dress shirt, he turns around and noticed Fushimis' tugging onto it,

"When did he…?"

"Thank…you…Cap...tain..." Reisi blinks, his orbs softened up seeing at how adorable his Third at this moment. So tempted to hug and take him right there. He shook his head, erasing those unforgivable thoughts from him.

He sat and slowly lays down next to Fushimi, using his left arm as a pillow while looking at the blue in a blissful slumber. Slowly, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

"You're welcome, Saruhiko"

It took me roughly 12 hours to finish this, I was having a mini writers block coz i just finished updated my other fiction, Alive before i start with this chapter LOL. *brain working none stop* either way i hope this chapter is good enough for Reisi x Saruhiko shippers, I'll be putting a few more chapters in, so it wont be long till this fiction complete.



Reviewers on unlocked chapter 4 * Thank you for your reviews, it really surprised me!*

Akari Yukimura ~ LOL, yes! I have the same problem! XD I think the last chapter was a big fail LOL, i blushed like theres no tomorrow XD what have i done to my mind! LMAO but no worries these babies wont suffer much longer, i'll be giving them a few more chapters! So look out for them!

Ren-chan Jinguji ~ T_T I tried my best but that's the best i can do for now and as promised i have unlocked the chapter!

SunFlor ~ I hate torturing Reisi with this unrequited love but its for the best twist ;D and im very surprised to see the reviews are more than the target! Keep it up :D

prodigyme05 ~ Thank you! XD I'm glad that you're happy with the last chapter !

Anon ~ Here you go, a Rei x Saru chapter just for their shippers! XD Enjoy!

Zubby-KUN ~ Yes, after i finished with this fiction, I'll have a Mikoto/fam x Reisi ;D *grins evilly* with something hot in it ;)



Lastly, I'd like to thank ya guys for achieving the mini target on the last chapter! Great job! Please keep following, reviewing and favoring the fiction to unlock next chapter! Dont forget you can request on which character should show up on next chapter! If i see the pairing popularity is more than what i wanted on next chapter, ill change it~



Reminder Target

Next Locked Chapter/Pairing: Saruhiko x Misaki

Next Chapter Target: 26 Reviews

**Check out my other fictions

Alive [HarukaxRin from Free!]

A Place Calls Home[Yogi x Gareki from Karneval]

Forbidden Love of a Dragon [ KurokoxAkashi from KnB]

Frozen Melody [Kuroko x Aomine from KnB]



Till next locked chapter! ~