Chapter 2

Lithuania had just finished reading Poland's last diary entry and started crying, reading Poland's thoughts that he would never say out loud and how confident he was that he would survive another war that everyone almost did not because of all the nuclear weapons that countries had. He could name many of the nations who died in that war but naming Poland just made it hard for Lithuania because he saw Russia kill Poland right before his very eyes. He had heard that the only Nordic to survive the war was Norway and he told who was left of the nations that the rest of the Nordics faded the the same time with Sealand (no one knows how he was killed but it was believed it was a bomb that fell in to the sea and destroyed anything with in ten miles which Sealand was only two miles away from so the hard impact completely destroyed him) He also explained to Lithuania (the only living Baltic) that Estonia was shot dead for trying to get to Finland to warn him about Russia, who was also the one to do the shooting. All together the only survivors of the war were South Korea and Taiwan from Asia. None of the America Brothers survived (which also upset Lithuania) None of Africa survived either and only North Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Norway and Liechtenstein from Europe. It was considered the war to end all wars and to Lithuania, it was. He thought Poland would do what he normally does and Disappear and come back like he had done so often, he was known as the phoenix but just like all the other countries Lithuania knew he would never see Poland in his pink skirts again (which he privately thought Poland suited), hear him talking in his valley girl accent again and just be beside him again talking and laughing with him ever again. This thought hurt Lithuania so much he went in to his study, went in to the middle draw in his desk and pull out a gun. He wrote a note to the other nations to say goodbye, put the gun against his head and said "I'm coming". When he was found two days later the other nations were shocked with the letter but they found it sad that they could see how happy he was to kill himself because when they looked at him, they could see him dead, with a smile on his face.