I was fascinated. By what? Why? It was just a glass. An ordinary glass. When people used to ask me if it was half empty or half full, I'd say it's both. In reality it was both, right? The glass was just sitting there. This time, it was neither half full or empty. It was either full of air, or empty of water.

They had said some days would be tougher than others. Obviously this was one of those days. I had seen my friends yesterday. When asked the last movie I had seen, I couldn't answer. Once I thought of it, I believe the last movie I had seen was a dream. It wasn't reality. It wasn't real. This…this is real, the smell of the crisp air, the feel of the chair underneath me, the empty glass sitting in front of me. Is it empty though?

How does one go about thinking of a glass? I pick it up. It is cold to the touch, and smooth. I wonder briefly if I drop it would it break? Could you put it back together? Do you have the means to put it back together? Do I want to put it back together. Or is it easier to just say it's broken, sweep up the pieces and throw them away? If that's easier, why do we struggle through life? Trying to fix what is broken, knowing it will never be made whole again by any power on Pulse.

"Would you stop staring at that thing? It makes you look like you're crazy." I hear someone joke. I didn't realize someone was in here. When did that happen? I look over my shoulder and see him. My heart beats a little faster, and I smile.

"I didn't realize you where in here. Or that you had came honestly." I say as a little embarrassment washes over me and I stare at the floor.

"That's okay. I didn't mean to embarrass you. You've just been staring at that glass for about…" He looks at his watch, "sixteen minutes." I blush and start to shake. The glass is slipping out of my hand. I put it back down shakily.

I stand up slowly, trying to overcome the constant drowsiness that is now ever present in my life from the unending line of medication. He sees and recognizes that this is one of my bad days. He comes over and takes my hand.

"Where do you want to go?" He asks softly. I think about it for a minute.

"I'd like to go outside, and sit." He nods and we head towards the door. I used to be so strong. I used to be the one to look after him, to help him. Now… ever since I was diagnosed with chronic PTSD, and the medication started, I've relied very heavily on him. It took a long time to accept his help. To break down those strong emotional barriers. I had never let anyone else in besides my sister. With her married to Snow, and a second kid on the way, it was time to move out. The loud bangs of my niece, and the crying triggered the PTSD and several times I had terrified my sister, and myself. Hope had helped me settle in here, to my new apartment right next to his in New Palumpolum. One of quietest neighbors on the entire planet of Pulse.

We reach the little patio area, and sit back down. Hope sits next to me, without taking away his hand. I smile at the gesture. How close we have become. How much more I want from him, but dare not ask. What would happen if I lost him all together? I shudder at the thought of going into a home at only the age of 27.

"What are you thinking of Light?" he asks while turning towards me.

"You." I say honestly. He chuckles a bit and runs his hands through his silver locks. He looks me in the eye and once again I'm sucked into his green orbs. Now at the age of 20, I'm amazed at how he has grown into a man over the years. No longer that scared little boy in the wilderness, but a fearless, caring young man. I sigh heavily and look away. I take my hand away from his. I've indulged in his touches to much. I shouldn't have let him hold my hand for so long. I shouldn't have let him think that this was okay. That I just love him a friend. That's not true. It's wrong to carry on like this. But oh, what would I do without him? Tears are stinging my eyes, and close them to stop them from spilling out.

"Once something is broken…isn't it easier to just sweep in up and throw it away?" I ask him. He looks at me like I've said the most awful thing ever. Anger lights within those green eyes. Then it is replaced by a sadness that seems to go to his very core.

"Is it not sad to throw it away though? To see the thing you have come to enjoy and love be broken and not want to be fixed?" he says softly. I look at him. I had never thought of that.

"Isn't it easier to not want to fix it though?" I ask him in return. He puzzles over that a bit.

"It's true, it is easier to just throw it away. But I could never let it admit it is broken itself. I could never turn away and leave the pieces on the floor. I could never leave you Light." He pauses and looks at me. I don't turn to him. My eyes are filled to the brim with unshed tears, and I'm afraid that if I look, they will surely spill over. He gently takes my chin and turns my face to him. I still look at the ground though. Not wanting to see his face. See the sadness in his eyes I have caused him.

"Look at me." He says sternly. "Dammit Lightning look at me!" I look up. He smiles. I feel a new wave of tears rush into my eyes, pushing the ones I had been holding back over the edge. They spill over and there is no stopping it. He pulls me into his arms. I try to push him away, to get away. He just holds tighter.

"It's okay Light, its okay." He whispers so tenderly. My shoulders shake. This isn't supposed to happen. He shouldn't tell me its okay, nothing is okay anymore.

"I'm broken Hope, I'm not good for you. Why are you here?" I ask harshly.

"When you are trying to fix something broken, it's a work of heart. It might take a while, it might cause a little pain, but it can be done. I'm not leaving you broken Lightning. I'm here for you, always. He kisses the top of my head. My heart breaks, and also beats a little faster.

"I love you." He says. I look him in the eye. He smiles. He leans toward me, and for the first time in my life, I am being kissed. By Hope. I close my eyes, and enjoy the feel of his lips on mine. They are soft and warm. He pulls away.

"I'm sorry light…that was out of line, I shouldn't have…"

"Shut up." I say. He looks at me puzzled. He loves me too, he loves me. New tears start to come. Happy tears. I smile wide and look him in the eye. "I love you too."