Home sweet home

This was penny's sixth day straight working in the Cheesecake factory. She couldn't believe that she had volunteered to, but she did anything to keep her mind of Leonard. Three months, 13 days and 10 hours he had been gone, and it wasn't getting much easier. She still had bad days, she would lash out at Sheldon and just want to scream and cry. But waking up was the worst. She just wanted to wake up in his arms, breath him in, tell him that she loved him, and just lie there knowing that she was his for the rest of her life.

Penny was stood at the bar daydreaming, thinking about him, his smell, his smile, everything. No one stopped her anymore, no one asked if she was ok, because it was clear that she wasn't, her boss even let her take breaks when she wanted, they all took care of her- but they weren't Leonard.

She was quickly brought out of her daydream by her phone. She reached into her pocket and slid the 'unlock' button. A smile formed across her face as she read what it said:

Hey baby, a little birdy told me that you have been feeling down these last few days, so I arranged a surprise for you, look out into the parking lot, I hope it makes you feel better. I love you! L xxx

Penny quickly chucked her apron off and ran towards the door, but stopped in her tracks. Stood on the opposite side of the door was a man in a suite leaning against a car. Leonard. Her heart swelled with joy as she raced towards it. She leaped into his open arms as he said "I'm back baby, and I will never leave you again". She didn't know what to say, her eyed filled with tears. "I love you so much" she croaked, clinging onto him for dear life. The man she loved more than anything was back in her arms, she had never been so happy. She pulled back from the hug and kissed him passionately. She missed the tenderness of his lips. As they kissed she felt a shudder rush through her body, only he had this effect on her. It was electric. When they finally broke, all they could do was stare at each other. His dark brown eyes shone through her like a lightning bolt, this wave of electricity made her feel so alive, she had missed him so much, and now he was back, holding her, loving her, and she couldn't help but smile at her happiness.