Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball.

Prince Gumball had changed his outfit seven times already, fussing at himself in the mirror with nervous hands. "This is so stupid!" He mumbled to himself. He and Marshall Lee had made secret plans for him to come over that night. Their relationship was just a few weeks old, but being as they were both royalty, it was exceedingly difficult for them to have hardly any time alone to talk just the two of them. It wasn't the candy people's fault, of course, no one knew that Marshall and he were dating. Since their last encounter, they had decided it was best to keep a thing like this a secret for the good of the candy people. Best not to confuse them, they would wait until their relationship hit a more serious note before bringing it to light. It also made dating Marshal Lee even more exhilarating than it already was. Secret boyfriend was so romantic to the prince.

The Prince looked at his refection in the mirror. His bubble pink skin and soft features made him look so delicate. Especially when he compared himself to Marshall, who emulated masculinity. He just couldn't quite figure out why he was so nervous. He had been around Marshall several times, and felt normal. …well, not normal. There were always those little butterflies tingling in his tummy. Or when Marshall would laugh, he would suddenly be aware of his own candy heart beating rapidly in his chest. Yet, the feeling he was having now was much stronger. He couldn't explain it. Gumball took a deep breath. It was well past bedtime in the castle, all his candy subjects had been fast asleep. Marshall would be coming in though that window any moment. Prince Gumball sat himself on the ottoman by the windowsill. He suddenly wondered how experienced Marshall was. He himself was a virgin, and he realized that maybe he was nervous because the two of them having sex was a very real possibility for tonight. Before his mind could scramble up any more thoughts, Marshall appeared in the window.

"Hey." He said casually letting himself in. Gumball stood up quickly, "Hey! Did anyone see you?" He asked, throwing all uncertainty from his mind.

"Nope. Not a soul." Marshall gave a sly smile, he pulled Prince Gumball into a long, much awaited kiss.

"Oh, man. I have been wanting to do that for days!" Marshall exclaimed, he stripped himself of his jacket. Gumball laughed, eyeing his boyfriends toned figure.

"Have a seat, Marshall. I brought us some tea, and snacks if you want. Also, I have a really funny story to tell you about what Fiona said the other day." Prince Gumball said, the two of them got comfortable relaxing on the bed, they talked and laughed. It was so nice to just be able to relax together. They sat across each other on the bed, eating snacks and enjoying each other's presence. After many hours conversation, they got into a discussion of why they hated each other.

"I seriously thought that you were so into Fiona!" Marshall laughed. "It just made me so mad, I was like, trying to put the moves on you forever. You butt." He teased, poking Gumball's face.

He laughed, playfully swatting Marshall's hand. "Well I'm sorry, but your 'moves' are a little unclear and juvenile, I thought you were just being a big bully! Remember when you told me that I was a fruitcake? How was I meant to take that?" Gumball rolled his eyes, he smiled to keep the tone light.

"That you are delicious." Marshall Lee joked. "I think I was just frustrated, I didn't think I was ever going to be able to tell you how I felt about you. I mean look at us. We are alone in your bedroom at 2 in the morning." Marshall Lee stretched out into the bed, he turned onto his side facing the prince who in turn went to lay the same way.

"Yes, we sure are." He admired Marshall's figure relaxing comfortably in his bed. "You know, this moment doesn't even seem real."

"Why, not?" Marshall stroked Gumball's face, he leaned in for another kiss. His hand rested on the young prince's waist.

"Uhm. I don't know. This is the latest that I have ever been up, so nothing even seems real, and then you're here. It's like a dream." He laughed, hoping he didn't sound too ridiculous. Marshal Lee smirked. He got closer to Prince Gumball, kissing him again, this time climbing on top of him. "You are just too sweet." He began nipping at his boyfriend's neck. Gumball gasped in sharply, Marshall took this as invitation to explore his body. He trailed his hands down to between his prince's legs.

"MARSHALL." The Prince was stunned at how quickly he became aroused.

"What's wrong?" Marshall Lee asked, though keeping his hands busy undoing his lover's pants.

"N-nothing. It's just …That I haven't done anything like this before." He explained quietly, his face was hot.

"You mean like …ever?" Surprised, Marshall had frozen. Prince Gumball nodded. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No. I just got a little nervous." He joined lips with Marshall once more.

"Well, Don't you be nervous, my Prince." Marshall said. He began undoing Gumballs shirt, revealing his baby pink flesh. Prince Gumball could feel his heart race. The sensation of Marshall Lee's hands on his skin was enough to make his head light. "This is going to be the most fun you've had in a long time."

Prince Gumball believed it. He was already in such bliss, he helped Marshall in undressing himself. Soon, he was bare laying on the bed for Marshall's full amusement. "And won't you be disrobing as well, my king?" he asked. He knew that it gave the vampire king a certain joy hearing him use the title, and so, he saved it for very rare occasions. Watching Marshall un-dress was a true sight. His skin seemed to glow in the dim light, his toned body captured by shadows.

Marshall Lee was very well endowed, the young prince felt worried that was they were about to do would be painful. He didn't have very much knowledge of sex at all. He began to worry about how much Marshall knew. All of these thoughts, and everything else melted away as Marshall Lee's hand wrapped itself gingerly over Prince Gumball's already semi-erect penis. He gently swept up and down the shaft, until the rosy member stood fully erect. Gumball could feel the heat radiating off his lover's hand. "Marshall…oh my..g-" He could barely make out a whisper.

"Shh. My love. We've barely gotten started." Marshall removed his hand. "I'm going to need you to do your best not to move too much, what I'm about to do may be slightly dangerous." He only half joked.

"I don't care." Prince Gumball said, "What are you going to do?" He asked curious, Marshall did not reply. He simply showed. Lowering himself on the bed. He pushed his lover's legs apart gently. His tongue teased at the tip gently, making Gumball's hips jump forward. He soon had his entire mouth over his lover's full girth, slowly bobbing in an ever pleasing rhythm. The prince's body writhing in pleasure. "Marshall Lee, I'm feeling like I'm going to …explode." These sensations were all so new to the prince. He could feel the heat radiating in his stomach. It had almost become too much before Marshall took one final suck and stopped, making him cool down slowly.

"Not yet, my prince." Marshall said. Gumball noticed that Marshall himself had grown incredibly erect. His big cock, protruding from his hips.

"Do you want me to do that to you?" Gumball asked, eyeing his boyfriend's anatomy. Marshall smiled. He crept up to him, allowing the prince to suck his cock briefly, wrapping his hands into the fluff of fuchsia hair he found so appealing on his prince.

"Okay, S-Stop." He pulled him off. Afraid that he would finish too soon. "Are you ready?" He asked his lover, kissing him passionately and hard. He felt so strongly for Prince Gumball, he wanted this night to be perfect for him. "Yes, I want you. " He responded, his cheeks were flushed, the look of pure desperation in his eyes. Marshall chuckled. The prince turned around, ready for what was to happen. He squirmed as Marshall entered two long fingers into his rear end. "Okay?" He asked, turning them to help loosen the gentle muscles. "Yes!" Gumball whimpered. He was in pure bliss, ready for his lover to be inside him.

Marshall steadied himself at the entrance. He placed his tip into the orifice. The room was thick with silence, but the sound of their heavy breaths. In a beat, Marshall slowly pushed himself in all the way. They both moaned out, Marshall in bliss of his lover's tight entrance, Gumball in pleasure of being full. He bucked his body back, taking Marshall's giant cock deep into himself. He cried out, the slight pain was only bringing him closer on the edge. Marshall stood upright, gumball rocking himself back and forth onto the vampire kings stiffness. Both is such a state of bliss that they paid no attention to their moans, only getting louder as they kept on pushing into each other. Prince Gumball screamed with each back thrust. The intensity of pleasure only grew more as Marshall began ramming his way into the younger man harder and with more fury. "Marshall, My King." Prince Gumball moaned out, as his own rock solid member was pulled by Marshall's hand, reaching in front of them. The heat in the prince's stomach returned, like a fire pulsing through his own belly. In the combination of Marshall Lee's full length penetrating into him forcefully and being pulled at from the front, he began to feel a vibration in himself. "I can't!" He gasped, his small frame shook vigorously, and he spilled out onto Marshall's hand. Marshall Lee moaned out, feeling his own body begin to shake. He spilled out a great gush, coming into his lover. Gumball's body continued to shake, he could hardly catch his breath. Marshall finally pulled himself out. Causing a last bit of sensation to make them tremble. He collapsed into the bed next to him. "So, how was it?" He asked, breath unsteady. Gumball kissed him feverously. "That was amazing." He whispered, cuddling up to him. Marshall pecked him on the forehead. They got under the covers, Marshall held Prince Gumball as he slept all night.