I doubt Lena and Stef were always so good at arguing. Just a short one

"I don't think you are listening to me Stef" Lena argued across her bedroom while getting ready for bed.

"I hear you Lena" Stef sighed and rubbed her temples

"No but are you LISTENING"

"I AM Lis-"

"You always SAY you are listening and you never are! I swear sometimes I-"

"Can you just let me" Stef huffed and rolled her eyes again when Lena kept talking

"I just want-"

"You know what!" Stef barked in her loudest police voice, one she had never used at home. " FINE, fine Lena do what you want I don't care" Stef stormed out of the room and down the stairs.

"Ugh!" Lena collapsed onto their bed, covering her face with her arms. After several moments she heard a soft knock on the already opened door. "Can I just have a second Stef… I really-"

" Mama?" Brandon's quiet voice questioned. Lena immediately sat up.

" Hey bud" Lena tried to lighten her voice, " What's up?"

Brandon bowed his head and waddled over to sit next to his new mother on the bed. " Don't leave" Brandon said almost above a whisper before pulling his knees up to his face.

" What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere B" Lena raised her eyebrows in confusion.

" Mommy and daddy yelled at each other and he left … now I only see him a little bit..I don't want you to leave to"

" Oh Brandon" Lena paused to search for the right words. " Mommy and I are adults and sometimes adults disagree with each other but…that doesn't change how much I care about and love mommy or how much I want to be with her. We love each other and we love you and that isn't going to change ok?" Lena searched the young boy's eyes. " I am not going anywhere

" Ok" Brandon smiled

" Ok big man, time to go back to bed" Lena kissed her son's head and stood up to take him back to his room. Once she tucked him in and went looking for Stef, who was pacing back in forth in the back yard.

Stef was trying to calm down but after one of the longest work days she has had in a long time she wasn't in the mood today. She had finally gained control of her temper and was about to go back into the house when she spotted Lena making her way across the grass.

" Stef?" Lena asked, Stef just stood and tried her best , to listen.

" I uh, know we disagree sometime but I think it would be best if we just talked it out instead of…"

" Yelling and storming out?" Stef smirked

" Yeah… I mean it's not just you, I do it to also"

The two had been slowly gravitating closer as the conversion as it dragged on.

"So how about" Lena sighed again " We agree to not leave our arguments yeah ?"

"Just stay in the same room screaming?"

" Well not being able to leave will deter screaming yeah?" Stef scoffed


" I'm sorry babe I just"

" No I'm sorry "

" We're ok?"

"Yeah we are ok"

Both women smiled and shared a small kiss while Brandon looked on smiling from his bedroom window.