A month had passed since that day.

The money it had taken to buy Lovino's freedom nearly wiped out Arthur's inventory..He wasn't complaining, however, he was just happy that mess was over.

It wasn't long afterwards that Antonio had fallen ill and he looked as if he was about to drop dead..Could you ever believe that Lovino had done everything in his power to make him well again? In the end, his attempt had amounted to much more than he'd thought possible, and it was discovered that he, as well as Antonio, were both immortal (of course, Antonio already knew that).

Gilbert had reunited with his brother (or bruder in his case) and his life couldn't have gotten better. It turned out he'd been searching for Elizabeta ever since the day she left (although he did think she was a boy but..well, no one blamed him) and he and Roderich maintained a better relationship than they ever let out to the public. Who would've thought even a "family" such as they would have the gift?

Vash returned to Lilli, whom he'd left at home for the time he'd been away..His ultimate goal had been to keep her safe and become stronger for her sake, whilst building up his reputation, but it turned out she really didn't care about any of those things..She'd actually practices marksmanship while he was away, in hopes to impress him with everything she'd learned once he'd finally returned (as well as shower him with many, many gifts) They had that special gift within themselves as well..

Francis and Matthew no longer roamed the earth as pirates, and instead decided to return to Francis' home in France, where they would build a new life..Though at first Francis was weary, it was over time that he realized Matthew had somehow replaced the scar on his heart that he thought would never heal..In fact, he was so grateful for that bit of happiness Matthew had to offer, he allowed Alfred the freedom to visit them anytime they wanted, no matter how badly he couldn't stand the Brit. As it turned out, Matthew became his treasure, and the two were free to walk the earth together forever as a united pair.

The axis stayed close to Ludwig, wherever he was. However, at one point, Gilbert and Ludwig had returned to Germany while Feliciano remained at Austria with Elizabeta and Roderich. Kiku had sailed alone on the small ship, in search of his own family, he was certain were out there..

In case you're wondering, the axis discovered their immortality shortly after the crew had departed.

As for Alfred and Arthur? Well..

"Hey Arthur?", Alfred stirred one late night.

"What is it, Alfred?", he hummed silently.

"What's a mirage?"

"A mirage? What do you mean?"

"A mirage..It makes people happy, right?"

"..Are you trying to say marriage?"


"Why on earth are you talking about such a thing at a young age?"

"What's a marriage, Arthur?"

He would've very well spit out his tea if only...

"Uh, well, a marriage is a sort of..It unites two people at the heart, so their souls are joined and they are able to spend the rest of eternity together, "till death do us part", as they say."

"Oh, I see..."

"...Yes, well, now go to sleep my little hero.."

"Hey Arthur, can I have a marriage with you?"

And on that night, the captain literally hit the deck and no one was able to figure out why. (In all honesty, they were practically the only few left on the crew.)

Anyone else smell a sequel? Dun dun dunnnn.