"Oh, somewhere, over the canyon! Way up low!" Hummed a red headed boy as security escorted him to the newest session to try to get the boy to open up.

"Think he'll ever stop singing?" One of the guards asked, making his partner shake his head.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, Hunt, but there's no way that someone this far gone is ever going to let go of his safety blanket." The other answered, making the biggest of the two sigh.

"Really, it's a shame what happened to this boy." Hunt said, then smiled sadly down at the boy as he looked up.

"Are we going to an ice cream shop, Mr. Big Nose?" He asked innocently, his green eyes wide with hope.

Hunter could only shake his head, "I'm sorry, Rudolph, but we can't take you to an ice cream shop yet."

Rudolph's hopeful eyes filled with tears, but the smallest adult quickly stepped forward. "But, if you behave in this session, I promise I'll come to your room during visiting hours and give you two scoops of ice cream."

Rudolph smiled widely at his promise, then looked forward to find a large white door with steel bars on each side.

"Do I have to go in, Mr. Shawn?" He asked in a small voice, making Shawn's heart break a little.

"I'm sorry, little guy, but this is a new way to make you better." He explained, making Rudolph pout slightly.

"But I don't wanna. The doctors are always mean, Mr. Shawny." Rudolph whimpered, making Hunter sigh gently.

"Kid, we'll be with you the whole time. We'll be standing on either side of the door to make sure that nothing bad happens to you kids." Hunter explained, grasping Rudolph's gently but tightly.

"You promise you'll be there?" Rudolph asked.

"We promise." Hunter told him while Shawn nodded.

"Okay..." He said, "I'll... I'll do it."

"Good." Both guards said at the same time, and soon enough they stood in front of two white doors, steel bars in place as they pushed inside.

"Ah, group, please welcome the last of us, Wallace West." Said a dark haired woman with a pearly white smile, all the while the other six teenagers in the room did their own thing.

The smallest of them, was moving his lips in an exaggeratedly fast speed, and seemed to be having a conversation with someone, but there was no one there. To his left there was a blonde girl who had her arms crossed and was glaring at nothing in specific, all the while the person beside her; who was a boy with black hair and bright blue eyes; also glared at nothing in particular. Beside him there was a small red headed girl who was looking around the room, almost afraid of what was going on. Then beside her there was a dark skinned boy with white hair who was just sitting still, not doing anything, and the last girl beside him was also dark haired with blue eyes, but she was smiling at nothing in particular.

Rudolph slowly walked towards the chair beside the dark haired girl, knowing that this was his spot, and slowly sat down. "Um..." He slowly said, watching as Shawn and Hunter moved to stand on either side of the door.

"Yes, Wallace?" The doctor asked, surprised that the boy was already going to speak.

"I'm not Wallace. My name's Rudolph." He said in a small voice, making the big teen with the dark hair and blue eyes scoff. "We don't really like talking about Wallace."

"We?" The blonde girl asked, somewhat intrigued. "Where did you get this whack job from?"

Rudolph glared at her, but Shawn stepped in before he could say anything. "Artemis, if we do not speak about you and your past without your consent, why are you trying to make him feel bad?"

Rudolph nodded sadly and sank back into his chair, just wanting this whole session to be done with.

"Ok, let's not get into the past officer." The woman said as she stood up, not wanting the session to end before it even started. "We are all here so we can speak about our present problems and try to move forward."

The largest boy there glared at her, hating how nice she sounded. "Not all of us here have problems. Not all of us speak to people that aren't there," He said, pointing at Robin, "And not all of us believe there's more than one of us in our body."

Rudolph pouted at him and crossed his arms. "You're a mean person, Mr. Idiot. Mean people die horrible deaths." Then, something inside of the teen changed. His eyes became a darker green, his red hair seemed to get even wilder, and his voice got deeper and eviller. "Horrible deaths that can involve, but not limited to, chainsaws, chains, spiked bats, knives, guns, the game Russian Roulette, and many more things."

All was silent after this, all the while Shawn shook his head.

"Um, Walla- I mean Rudolph, we do not threaten fellow patients." The woman spoke, all the while Rudolph cocked his head to the side.

"Why the hell are you calling me Rudolph?" He asked, now slumped in his chair as he smirked up at the doctor. "My name's Wallace, lady. And you should be damn grateful you're meeting me."

She scoffed and glared at him, but shook her head. "Before Wallace makes an even bigger fool of himself, would anyone like to say why they're here?" She asked, looking around the people gathered in the circle of chairs.

Amazingly enough, the smallest teen there raised his hand. "Um... B-Bruce told me that I'm not supposed to be seeing my parents... Is that a reason?"

The doctor smiled kindly and was about to speak, but Wallace interrupted her. "Of course it's a reason, you idiot. You're not supposed to be speaking to people that aren't there."

The boy's eyes fell and he wrapped his arms around his knees, feeling ashamed of even speaking. "Hey, you don't have to be so mean to the kid." The blonde girl growled, making Wallace sneer at her.

"And you were nice to Rudolph? Why should I listen to you when you were hating on a poor boy?"

She glared at him and seemed to be ready to punch him, but Shawn stepped behind Wallace and placed his hand on him. "Come on, Wallace, no need to be so rude. She's still new to the hospital."

Wallace nodded, then smiled up at Shawn, his eyes going to a light emerald green and the frown lines leaving his face. "What's up, Shawn? Is the meeting over?"

Shawn smiled down at Wally, happy that he had finally made an appearance, then nodded towards the doctor. "You're in the middle of it, kid."

Wally looked at the rest of the room, noticed the sad kid and mad blonde, then sighed in frustration. "Wallace?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer to that.

Shawn nodded sadly, then Wally looked up at the rest of the group. "I'm so sorry about whatever Wallace said. I try to keep him under control, but it's really hard."

The blonde looked at him as if he were insane, then asked, "What the hell is wrong with you?! You turn from an innocent wimp named Rudolph to a jackass named Wallace and now you're trying to be what? A nice guy named Wally?!"

"Artemis, that is enough!" The doctor snapped at the blonde, making her growl in frustration. "Wally's condition is especially fragile, much like everyone else's here! There is no need to insult them on it!"

Now she sat back in her chair, crossing her arms in frustration, all the while Wally stared at her in shock.

"Anyways, let's try to get this show back on the road. Let's start with introductions." The doctor told them, making the biggest boy there scoff.

"You should've started off with that, you twit."

The woman smiled evilly at him, and said, "Nice to have your input on this, but I'll start this circus off with myself. My name is Dr. Diana Prince, and I've been working with disturbed teens and young adults for five years now. Now how about you introduce yourself, Mr. Broody?"

He sighed in annoyance and leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. "My name's Conner Kent."

"And why you're here, please." Diana told him, making him growl.

"I've got something called IED. Apparently, I love beating people into a bloody pulp." He growled, glaring all the time at Diana.

Hunter pushed off the wall, just to let the teen know that he was there, but was waved off by Diana. "He has to know I'm not afraid of him. It's the only way to start his treatment."

Hunter nodded but still had his pepper spray pulled out, seeing how that was what the guards used to not hurt any of the patients.

"Good, Conner. At least you know what you're problem is. Now, Artemis, introduce yourself."

The blonde was still brooding, but still spoke, "My name's Artemis Crock, I have no family anymore, I got into some drugs and gangs shit, and now I'm here because I'm apparently a psychopath."

The small boy beside her curled up even more after she said this, but said in a small voice, "My name's Richard Grayson, but I go by Robin. I still see my parents, even though other people have told me their dad."

Diana nodded, then turned to the dark skinned boy. "You're turn, Jackson."

He sighed and sat up, saying in a very formal tone, "To begin with, my name is Kaldur'ahm. And I do not belong in here. I belong in Atlantis."

Diana was somewhat taken aback by this, but there was a cough from the red headed girl beside him. "Well, before this gets anymore awkward, my name's Megan Morse, and I'm here because I'm a kleptomaniac."

"Good, good. See? You are all admitting that you have some kind of problems." Diana said, actually happy at this, then turned to the dark haired girl. "And you, Zatanna?"

The girl looked up at her with blank eyes, then she smiled wickedly and spoke in a cold and dark tone. "Ruoy senob lliw eb deppans dna ruoy niks lliw liob ni eht tsekrad dna tsepeed tip ni surataraT."

All was silent after she said this and lowered her head, leaving them all just stunned. Hunter cleared his throat, already used to the craziness that was spewed from the teenager's mouth, and motioned to Wally. "Your turn, kid."

The ginger smiled and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, um, my name's Wally West and I have four other people inside of me."

And again, all of the other teens were shocked at his admission, but luckily the bell to end the session sounded.

"Well, this is the end to our little playdate." Diana announced, clapping her hands. "Zatanna, Artemis, and Megan will all be sharing a room, while Robin and Wally share one and Jackson and Conner share another. Officers Hunter and Shawn will take you to your rooms, and I will see you here tomorrow at the same hour."

And with that she walked out, leaving the teens with the two officers. "So, promise to act nice?" Shawn asked, leaving all the teens to roll their eyes.

Hunter chuckled at them, then motioned to the doors. "Line up and get going."

And with that, the seven teens all stood up and walked out, following Shawn as Hunter trailed behind their group.

Yep, just another day at Sunny Mt. Justice Sanitarium.

New idea, seems good enough, please review.