Lycan Ianto

Chapter 41

A/N: Sorry about the lateness of this last chapter. I would have thought that more reviews would have been received to the last chapter so it was hard to find the urge to continue to write. Anyway I'll wrap up this story.

Jack flopped down on the picnic rug breathing heavily, "Playing football with lycans is exhausting" as Owen, Gwen and Tosh fell next to him, too tired to even speak.

"Fifteen minute break and we're back, okay?" Ianto said as he juggled the football between his feet.

Lolling his head back and groaning with fatigue Jack muttered, "How about fifteen hours?"

"Come on Uncle Jack, I've yet to see the scissor kick that you said you can do" Conner's eldest boy, Alex said, as he too stood with all the energy of a lycan.

It seems lycans and children have the same energy levels.

"I've got to get to the ball first" Jack muttered under his breath.

Ianto slid down to him, "Sorry my love, I did try to pass you the ball but…." He didn't want to say that Jack wasn't never there so Ianto could pass the ball, mainly because Jack couldn't keep up with Ianto's lycan speed. They did try to make it fair by having two lycans on each team, Conner and O'Hannan on one team and Ianto and Montgomery on the other team with the humans, adults and children equally distributed but the humans just couldn't match the lycan speed.

Cherie decided to show some mercy, "How about we have some lunch? I've brought some chicken, zucchini slice and pasta salad"

"Oh yum, is the chicken the marinated drumsticks, they're to die for" Conner said overhearing from a distance. Obviously his lycan's hearing put to good use.

"Yes my dear, and there's more than enough for everyone even with feeding four lycans and growing children"

"And Jack, he's got an appetite you wouldn't believe for a human" Ianto said smiling at his lover as Jack gave him that look that conveyed 'are you saying I'm an overeater', "but I think that's cute" he recovered to save Jack's dignity.

"And I brought lasagne" Gwen piped up, "Rhys made it" she added when she saw them all staring at her in disbelief, Owen's look was fear.

As the food was unwrapped from heat retaining covers everyone gathered around grabbing plates and cutlery, with Cherie, Conner and Ianto helping the children to pile their plates as well. For the next ten minutes no conversation was made, the only sound was laughter, chewing and ohhs and ahhs of delights of tasting the many different foods on the picnic table.

Later that night after the children had been put down to bed, the Torchwood group, O'Hannan and Montgomery gathered together in Conner's lounge room drinking coffee, made by Ianto and Cherie using Cherie's coffee machine, Ianto found that she shared his talent in coffee making, spending many hours discussing the different process and coffee beans.

"So the threat for the time being is gone?" Tosh asked.

"Well O'Hannan and myself have appointed three new elders" Montgomery explained, "so for now there is no threat"

"That doesn't mean that there won't be any lycans hiding that still believe in the extermination of the indigenous species of this planet" Major O'Hannan said, "so we will be forever on alert"

"Good to know" Owen said.

"And we will be working together more closely?" Jack asked, "I understand why you kept yourself hidden from Torchwood but now we work together, okay?" this wasn't a request, but not a demand either just more of a statement. Jack and Major O'Hannan had already talked privately earlier, Jack wanting to know how he kept himself hidden from him, he thought that he knew all of the UNIT members, or at least had come across all of them at some stage. "O'Hannan had replied that that was by design, that he would reveal himself when the time came, that he didn't want Torchwood destroying his plans of when the time was right. Jack was a little miffed that the Major thought that Torchwood couldn't be trusted but understood O'Hannan's subterfuge.

"Yes Captain" O'Hannan said but looked at every else in the room so they understood the alliance between the teams had been agreed on.

"I will ensure a lycan will replace Ferguson in the Forestry Commission, mainly to weed out any lycans that was in cahoots with Ferguson and to ensure that the remaining forests are protected for the lycan community" Montgomery stated, "a balance is what we will be striving for"

With everyone smiling and nodding with the outcome with what was proposed, this mixed group with a common cause broke up into smaller groups talking with one another throughout the night sharing some laughs and comparing similar likes in music, sport and food. Montgomery and O'Hannan left at approximately midnight to go to their respective homes, with the promise of getting together bi-monthly for a football match and picnic.

Cherie and Tosh huddled in a corner chatting at length about computer systems, Cherie revealing that before she started her family that she too was in the IT profession and even though not the genius as Tosh in computing she too liked to pull apart computers and rebuild them. Conner regaled Owen, Gwen, Jack and Ianto about some of his earlier experiences of when he first became a lycan. Ianto smiled awkwardly listening to some of the experiences that Conner experienced, remembering how confused he was, he hoped that one day he too could be comfortable in retelling his earlier experiences like Conner. Jack whilst laughing uproariously about Conner retelling when he was caught with no clothes in the local zoo and waking up to twenty or so school children pointing at him, looked at Ianto knowing that Ianto still felt dreadful about his not telling Jack as soon as it occurred to him. Jack wrapped his arm around Ianto's shoulder and turned to smile at him attempting to defuse his negativity and try to let him know that he understood.

At around two in the morning Jack announced that he and Ianto were leaving and suggested that the others should as well, as tomorrow was another day fighting aliens and manning the rift alert. As the others were grabbing their coats Jack leaned in closely to Ianto as he helped Ianto into his coat, "We still haven't tried sex with you as a lycan" he whispered lustily.

Ianto blushed as he turned to face Jack his eyes wide in an attempt to shush Jack, he knew that others couldn't hear Jack's whisper but Conner definitely could with his lycan's hearing.

Jack smiled smugly at Ianto, here was this all powerful, strong and mighty beast and yet he could still blush and be embarrassed about sex spoken about openly. Ianto looked around at the others, none of them heard so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Right Tosh, Gwen, which one of you are going to give me a lift?" Owen asked his words only slightly slurred, the whiskey still in his system.

Gwen and Tosh who were both very sober looked at each other contemplating who would have the dubious honour, "I will as Gwen is in the opposite direction from your place Owen"

Gwen said a silent 'thank you' to Tosh, she was already late already and hoping she could sneak in without her Rhys knowing that she got in so late.

Tosh said, "Come on Owen, have you got everything?"

"Everything I need" Owen said as he wrapped his arms around Tosh's shoulders and pulling her towards him giving her a bear hug and kissing her on her forehead, then smiling down at her and whispering, "Thanks"

Shaking her head mock agitation she allowed myself to be lead outside to her car after a quick wave to the others, "See you all tomorrow" as Jack and Ianto followed her to the front entry door.

Conner said as Jack and Ianto stepped out of the door, "Oh and Jack… the sex with a lycan is fantastic"

Ianto groaned.

Opening the passenger door to the sports car Jack caressed Ianto's back as Ianto sat down taking in the heavy scent of his lover, his 51st century pheromones overpowering Ianto's olfactory receptors making him growl in anticipation, "Get in and get us home" for once Ianto was happy for Jack to drive 'Jack style'.

Placing his hand on Ianto's thigh after he climbed into the driver's seat Jack smirked, "Eager, are you?"

"Well when you emit those pheromones of yours like that, it's a bit hard to control"

His eyes darking in lust Jack caressed his hand higher up Ianto's thigh, his fingertips brushing lightly over his groin but not enough in Ianto's opinion.

"Jack" Ianto reproached his lover, gritting his teeth, "stop teasing… and get us home already"

Removing his hand to grab Ianto around his neck and pull him closer, Jack quickly captured his lips in a bruising kiss. Pulling away from Ianto Jack could see the beginnings of Ianto's transformation in his sexual arousal, then just as quickly Ianto reverted back to human form knowing that the sports car did not have enough room for his transformation.

Jack quickly pressed the ignition switch of the car and drove to their apartment thinking of the great night ahead with Ianto, 'hmmm sex with a lycan, this was going to be interesting'.

As the sports car sped off in the distance a dark skinned woman stepped out from her hiding place in the shadows nodding her head and thinking, "I can wait, this is not finished, not by a long shot"

A/N: Well there you have it the last chapter of Lycan Ianto. I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know I left a doubt about whether this is all over, if there is enough interest (that is more than 10 people asking for it) I will endeavour to write the next instalment unless this is it for Lycan Ianto.

As always please review, even if you are reading it months (or years) after I finished writing it. Reviews make me feel valued, that the time that I spent writing was appreciated.

Bye for now.