
She was sitting on a red, wooden branch in the middle of the red forest. The little forest was a part of the huge garden that lay between the palace walls and the building itself. She was sitting there a few minutes alone, and waited. Then she saw him walking towards her. He wore a blue spandex, white gloves and boots. The breastplate he was wearing had a golden and red crest on it's right side. She didn't know if the crest was on both sides of his plate because the boy's back was covered by a red cape. Bulma smiled, he wore always the same clothes, just like herself. Ever since, the young girl had her white summerdress on that was knee-long and her silver sandals.

Vegeta made a halt just in front of her, arms crossed, and gave her a quick, acknowledging nod and sat on the branch beside her. ''Did you learn what I taught you yesterday?'', the young boy asked with his usual nonchalant voice. The human only smlied.

''Of course, Veggie. Machma ben fi nem.You know I'm the best. I know Saiyan-go like it is my mother tongue. I think I know enough of the Saiyan language- let's do something else tonight- something humans like me do. Can you tell me a story? Humans tell each other stories of mystics and so on. It's really fun, you know.'' Vegeta looked at the girl in shock. They met every night since almost three months and one ago he began teaching her his language and the history of his people hence she told him everything she knew about her own planet. Never did she want to hear a story. The teenager massaged his temples with his forefinger and thumb. ''Oh please Veggie! Pretty please. If you tell me just one story I'll never ask for it again.'', she begged with the sweetest melody her voice could produce. Vegeta sighed. He knew Bulma knew no end when she really wanted something.

''I know just one anyway. So if I'll tell it to you, will you shut up?''

The prince recieved an encouraging nod. Sighing he turned his head away from her and began.

'' My mother tells me this story at night. Well, three hundred years ago, there was a king on Vegate-seji. Of course his name was also Vegeta,because every King is named after our planet. He ruled his kingdom with wisdom and pride and so, all his people admired and were loyal to him. But something was wrong with the king. He was a good ruler, but it was an inner weakness he had developed. Sometimes he felt tired, depressed and even lost his appetite.

King Vegeta didn't tell anybody about these incidents, afraid of somebody proclaiming him weak. But a king had to be strong. One day though, he fell asleep at dinner with the former king and queen, his parents. After the dinner, he slept three days straigt until his parents awoke him. They had concluded that he was neither sick nor weak. It was the king's soul that was weakened, because craved for his mate. There is only one Saiyan for another and mates are destined. King Vegeta couldn't just pick anyone, he had to finde her. So he called for every father with royal blood to send his daughter to his palace. Hundreds of beautiful women came, but none of them pleased Vegeta's soul.

It is told that the King searched for months, to no awail. And so, one night he went to a tavern with his counsellor. He had lost his sense of humor and palace life was not as appealing as it had been. When their first drink arrived, he looked up to the woman who brought the liquids to their table. And then, king Vegeta saw for the first time in his life real beauty. The waitress was allowed to sit on the same table as the two men and talked with her like they were all equal; because they were. Mates are one being created by nature and love. When they find each other, they can't be seperated or they will die one way or another. But together they beome truy strong. A mate protects the other with his life, not because of fear for his own but for the sake of the other's. Mates will never be alone. And so, king Vegeta and his mate were together until they fell in the battle for their kingdom, together.''

''Wow.'', was all Bulma could say for the moment.

Suddenly, the heiress of Capsule Corp. sat straight in her bed and looked at the full moon shining throught her bedroom window. Five years ago this dream started. She couldn't take it anymore, she had to know!She had thought about all this long enough. It's now or never I guess. The sixteen-year old girl pushed her blanked aside, changed into some kakhi shorts and a white shirt. Then she took her capsule belt and a little bag, filled with water, some food and clothes to change. Finally, Bulma walked back to her bed, wrote on her pad sorry mom, had to go on a vacation. I'm back as soon as possible. I love you and put it on her pillow. The only thing the blue haired teenager needed now was a device from her drawer that would help finding the boy of her dreams. The dragon radar. It was time to face this Vegeta alien charackter, if he even existet.

Hi guys! What do you think? I know the prologue is kind of short but the next chapter will make up for it.

This is my first story so please R&R :)

Love, Vegeta'sNo.1