Chapter 1

Okay! This is a story that xXSimplySunshineXx requested! I finally am going to write all the stories that everyone wanted me to write! If y'all have some requests or ideas don't hesitate to PM me or mention it in the review! Okay here it goes!

xXSimplySunshineXx, I hope you like it! Sorry I haven't PMed you in a while!

Disclaimer: I own nothing… Nothing at all.

"Tony?" Pepper asked. She was sitting by Tony, her legs curled up to her stomach, and her head on his chest. She was drawing patterns on his shirt by his stomach.

"Yeah Pepper?" said Tony. He held her shoulders as the movie blared in front of them. They met up at the armory for a date. They have been going out for a long time now, actually about a couple of years. But never once have they actually told each other the "L" word.

"Nothing." She mumbled. There was obviously something bothering her. She never was this quiet. Usually she would be complaining about the movie or something, but now she was just bored.

Tony sat up, Pepper's head fell from his chest. He turned to her and placed his forearms on his knees. "What's wrong?" He normally wasn't the talking type. He never truly liked talking about his feelings, but with Pepper he was ready to do just about anything. As long as she was happy.

"Nothing… Really. I just…" She was about to say something. But then, she just shut her mouth. Tony came closer to her and placed his hand on her hand.

"Pepper. You know you can tell me anything. Anything." Tony said gently. He was going in to kiss her cheek, she turned away and got up. Tony just watched her get up. He got up and followed her.

"Pepper." He watched her. She turned to him. She was biting her lip, and without a word she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pulled closer on him, digging her head into his chest.

"Oh Tony…" She said.

"Pepper! Pepper what's gotten into you." He gently pulled her arms away from his waist and smiled down at her.

"Tony… I… I" Pepper began. But suddenly, the armory bleeped red, engulfing the room in a red light.

"Wait Pepper. Tell me after this stupid villain is gone." Tony ran up to his Mark three suit and flew out, waving once in goodbye. Pepper was left alone staring out at the empty gap in the roof where Tony just left.

"Oh Tony."


It was a robber. He happened to have a high tech gun, something that gave Tony a little trouble. "Stay down dude in the black… uh… yeah. BEWARE I'M IRON MAN!" Tony cried shooting a repulsor beam at the robber. The robber dove to the side and shot once.

"You can be Iron Man! YOU CAN BE WHOEVER! I am RobGob! Half robber and half…" He suddenly morphed into a slimy green glob.

Tony finished the sentence. "Mutant." This would make it difficult. Mutants normally can keep themselves away from harm. And especially this glob monster, he could most definitely heal himself. Tony tried to shoot him again, but in vain.

"Ha! You'll never ever get me!" With a supreme evil laugh, the mutant disappeared into a water drain. Tony flew to the ground and walked up to the drain. Peering in, he sighed and stood up. He glanced at the citizens who gathered around him. A little girl held a teddy bear and was fearfully looking down into the drain.

"Will he hurt us Mr. Iron Man sir?" She asked quietly. Tony kneeled and took the little girls shoulders. Behind his mask, Tony was smiling.

"As long as I'm here, I promise nothing will ever happen to you or the rest of the city." The little girl smiled. "But remember. This teddy bear will keep you safe." Tony patted her cheek, stood, and flew up into the sky.

It was a long journey back to the armory. Well, that was only because Tony's mind was swimming. Pepper was acting strange for some reason. She wanted nothing to do with him first, and then suddenly she was tightly holding him around the waist. No doubt he loved her hugging him, but it was sudden. Tony shivered involuntarily. He shoved that thought aside as he steered the armor down into the armory. The suit slowly entered into the small cubby that held the armor.

As he got out, he stretched, winching. The robber did a number on him. He could feel a bruise growing in the middle of his back, and in between his shoulder blades. "Pepper?" He looked around the room. She wasn't there.

He then looked in the places Pepper loved hanging out the most: the couch, the medical room, even the spinning chair. She wasn't there. Tony whipped out his phone and dialed up Pepper.

It went to voicemail.

That scared him the most. "Pepper! PEPPER! This isn't funny! PICK UP!" Tony ended the call. He redialed. Someone picked up the first call. He could hear some whimpering in the background.

"Hello? Hello who is this?" tony yelled into the phone.

"You want your girlfriend back? Come find me. You know exactly who I am." The voice said. Sure enough, Tony recognized the voice. He would know that voice from anywhere. "Your girlfriend would like something to say." Tony didn't respond.

"TONY! DON'T DON'T! TONY! IT'S-" She cried out. Tony gritted his teeth.

"Don't hurt her. Gene don't hurt her."

"You have twenty-four hours." And the only thing Tony heard was Pepper screaming.

This may not be like what you wanted xXSimplySunshineXx, but I promise you it will end up like it!