Hey guys but because of Allegiant I'm going to need a little while to get those romance writing things working again bacause if you read you know there gone! so I'm sorry but here is an incredibly short preview of the next chapter:

Charter 7:

Tris POV:

Beep. Beep. Beep. That's the only sound in the room. I've been listening to it for, what seems like, forever a part of me even thinks that if it stops I'm going to go insane. Then something happens that hasn't before there is something big engulfing my hand. Another hand. This other hand squeezes my hand as if to say 'it's okay'.

"Tris," a male voice whispers, "c'mon wake up I know you can do it."

Then this person squeezes my hand again. Then there is no other sound than the beeping. Until a loud thud. My guess is someone threw the door open.

"What the hell!" a girl screams, "Why the hell are you holding her hand?"

"I'm trying to get her to wake up, Lauren," the man says quietly.

"Someone else can wake her up!" the girl, Lauren, screams again, "It's not your job. You're not her boyfriend you're mine!"

All the pieces come together Four is holding my hand. The thought makes me internally smile and stick my tongue out at her. The fact that he's holding my hand can't be the only reason she's mad. The other reason is probably because he saved me from her brilliant plan to get rid of me. Which obviously didn't work out.

"That's the thing, Lauren, I want to be her boyfriend," he says. What? Did he really just say that?

"And I thought you weren't funny, but seriously let's go I want some cake," she says and I feel Four's hand leave mine. He really was joking. He's going with her.

"Lauren," Four yells, "I don't want to go with you I want to be here with Tris because it's where I belong."

"She doesn't deserve you!" Lauren yells back to him, "She's ugly, she looks like a 12 year old! I'm perfect for you!"

"No Lauren! No you're not. All you want is to shove you're tongue down my throat. You don't know anything about me."

"Then tell me about you," Lauren whines, "I want this to work."

"I don't so please just leave," Four says and I feel his hand slip back into mine. Lauren lets out a frustrated noise and I hear the door slam shut.

"She's gone, Tris," Four says. He doesn't say anything else so I focus on the beeping sound and fall asleep.

When I wake up Fours hand is no longer in mine. Which makes me believe that the whole thing was only a dream. I open my eyes and see Christina sitting next to me.

"Tris!" she screams.