Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan or the few quotes from the original story that I've added into this chapter.

Please enjoy!

The island grows quiet with not a single cricket daring to chirp its happy song for there was nothing to be happy about. Even the waves of Never ocean ceased to crash against the island for it too was sad. The only sound was the growing music of the faeries, their sad melodic sound surrounding the island like a thick mist. The mermaids soon join their choir spreading the word through the seas, their cries making any nearby soul submit into sorrow.

Above the Indian village came the sound of a beating drum, like that of a thumping heart. It resonated along with the choir reaching every corner of Neverland leaving nothing untouched.

On the mountain top a bright golden light begins to glow beginning from the base of the chasm making its way up and shooting into the sky. The light illuminates the island but not once does it cease from shooting upward. To those inhabiting the island it looks like that of a hand reaching out towards the heavens wanting nothing but to be part of the stars that adorn the night sky.

Everyone has their eyes to the heavens and in every single one of their eyes there are tears whether they themselves know it or not. Some cry more than others but they all cry none the less and their tears turn into the golden dust that rises to the heavens.

In the captains quarters stands a man with long curling midnight black hair. His long curling mustache twitches and his Hook glistens in the golden light.

"So he's gone," a short stout man asks watching his beloved captain closely. The captain merrily nods not tearing his gaze from his hook, "Goodbye Peter Pan,"

"No, never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting," he turns to look at his crew man with a somber look and a single tear streaming down his cheek, "And I will never forget him for as long as I live,"

So there it is, the last chapter for this installment, But it's not over yet because we still need one more story to go before we end this journey.

I'd like to thank you all my wonderful readers and to give out a big shout out to NoVacancyMind who was my very first review in this story and to kittyhawk09 who was my first review in the first story and who was able to catch up to this one. If it weren't for you two I would have lost faith in writing this story and I wouldn't have gone this far.

Also a shout out to my dear friend Myloveneverdies who has also supported me for a long time and who always seems to read my mind. I hope to hear from you in the next story as well as all of the rest of you who I have a long list of names for but not enough time to write down so don't think I've forgotten about you because you too are my inspiration.

I'd also like to dedicate this story to someone who seven years ago today left this world. He was old in age, but young at heart and every time I think of Peter Pan I always end up thinking of him.

On another note, I will take a few days off so I can start with the next story but I promise not to take too long of a vacation. For sure I'll be updating on the second week of December and by then you'll learn the name of the new story, Which reminds me...

THE CHALLENGE IS STILL ON so if you have a good idea that you can help me with for the next story please review your ideas and the announcement of the winner will be on the day of the update of my new story, so please help me out by REVIEWING!

Please enjoy your Thanksgiving feast and this is DemonHeart42 signing out for the holidays.

Until next time my lovelies.