AN: Written for the Modley Comp using these prompts:

You can't figure out why Astronomy is in any way related to Magic and you're beginning to think this class is a waste of your time. But Professor Nami catches you goofing off and gives you a detention. Your Task: Write a fic about Astronomy's connection to Magic. Stipulation: It must actually be a story, it must be creative and interesting, and not an essay that restates a Wikipedia page.

Ravenclaws are, in general, perhaps the most suited house for Astronomy. Their quick minds easily see and remember the connections between the stars, their placement in the night sky, and their curiosity about the world around them means they tend to have a natural interest in this. 12 bonus points will be awarded to any Ravenclaw who enters. 1 more can be earned if the author demonstrates knowledge of astronomy/space in their story.

House: Ravenclaw, Wand:TBA, I'd like my score PM'd in sections.

Also written for the Fanfiction Summer Olympics using the prompts: above, orange, daybreak, a ring, sunset and envy.

This is a floor routine inspired by "Star" Les Miserables

You had been heading to James's house, long after the sunset. It was Halloween, and since you knew they couldn't go out, you decided to surprise them with a visit. Make things fun for Harry. It was a full moon that night; otherwise Remus would have come too. The power the moon has, now you think it was almost an omen. A full moon means a night when one of your best friends turns into a monster. That night, two did.

The other died.

It was too late by the time you got there. Somehow, you knew it would be before you saw the house. Maybe it was when you looked up, so briefly, and saw the stars. They twinkled above you. Mars seemed to glow red, you were almost certain you could see Saturn. A long forgotten memory of a Divination class stirs, Mars and Saturn dancing together in the sky, a sure sign of ill fortune, death or war. You brushed the thought away, everyone knows divination is nonsense.

Their house is leveled, walls blasted apart. Your raise you wand and whisper "Lumos." Your voice shakes; you know what you will find. There's movement ahead of you. "Who's there?" you shout. Against hope, you think you see Lily's red-orange hair. A voice answers yours, but it is not James or Lily. You knew it wouldn't be. It's Hagrid, he's a friend. He's holding a bundle, a child. It's Harry. Harry survived, perhaps his parents too?

You start to ask, but you look up into Hagrid's face, and into the stars, and read the answer. Only Harry has been left. "Let me take him." You ask the giant, pleading. "I'll take care of him."

Hagrid only shakes his head and says something about Dumbledore's orders. You offer him your bike. You don't need it anymore. You know who did this; you can find him without a bike. Hagrid leaves, you stay. Looking around, you see the bodies. James lies nearer to you. You bend down, staring. You do not cry; the tears will come later. You remember everything that you did together, everything that once was.

"Come on Sirius, we have to put the leaves in tonight. The potion only works if they're mixed in on a night when Venus is aligned with Jupiter."

"Yeah right James. You just couldn't wait till the next full moon"

"No! We're trying to brew Felix Felicis here. It very specific, that's what the instructions say,"

The tears begin to fall, more memories rise up to the surface.

"Sirius, Remus, Peter; look at this! Isn't it beautiful?"

"A gold and ruby ring, James? Gryffindor colors!"

"You got it, Remus."

"Going to propose to her today, Potter?"

"You know it, Peter! I hope she saysyes."

"She will, she loves you."

You can remember hearing the envy in the rats' voice, even then. And beneath it you could remember the fear. The fear that he wasn't good enough; you used that against him every chance you got, to help keep him in line.

You realize that only one thing could be scarier to a rat than a dog. A snake. A dog would bite the rat but a snake would eat it whole.

You are shaking now as you stand up from beside James; you know what you need to do. You will find that rat, you will chase him, and you will hunt him. The rat isn't smart enough to realize you know it was him. And if by a chance foreseeable only by the stars, he knows you are after him, you will still chase him down. Whatever the consequences may be.

In the sky above you, your future has been laid out. From the moment you were born and named Sirius; the Dog Star. You run with the pack, you stick with your friends. You protect them at all costs. If one of the pack breaks away, you do not let them join another pack. You will not let this rat, who has already betrayed the pack once, get away with it. You will avenge your fallen comrades. By daybreak, this rat will be gone.

You turn to face the stars one last time. They twinkle brightly above you. Shining directly above you is Mars. It glows a deep orange now, not red. As you turn away, one more memory pops up, Mars is usually red. If it is yellow-tinted you will have luck that night in your battles. If it is orange in color, you are merely in the eye of the hurricane.It would not be advisable to take risks at these times.

You remember this only because it was one of the last things you Astronomy teacher taught you.

You stare up at the stars and planets. Everything is laid out perfectly, nothing left to chance in the heavens. You know that whatever will happen has already been planned. As you walk away from Godric's Hollow, you find the one constellation that you search for each night. Canis Major; and in it you find yourself. Muggles and some wizards use the North Star to guide them. You guide yourself, you don't need other help. The star shines brightly. You will take this as a good sign. Whatever else happens, you will find that rat. It says so in the stars.

AN: Many thanks to TeddyBear334 for beta-ing!