Disclaimer: Adventure Time and its characters are not mine, they belong to Pendleton Ward.

This wasn't suppose to happen! It was never meant to be this way, yet here she was standing before the fallen body of her friend, the crimson blood still fresh on her face. The sweet scent sickened her and she hurriedly wiped it off her face with her forearm. She shook her arm, dispelling the blood onto the ground. The girl breathed heavily and slowly her eyes returned to the matter at hand. Her friend was face down on the ground, part of his white bear hat stained red near his neck. His clothes were wrinkled and mottled with dirt and grime, a few cuts opening his shirts and jeans revealing bruised and wounded skin. Morbidly she thought that if she turned him over she could still see the scream that ripped out from his throat. Her ears brought her a small comfort though as she could hear shallow breathes coming from him, signaling he was still alive.

Her red eyes stared at him, still not believing the image in front of them, as she hovered closer, afraid of what would happen next. The vampire was in front of him now, the moonlight casting shadows over her face, making her look every bit the predator her kind was to his. Red eyes gave way the fear that such monsters were not suppose to have for their victims. She stood by him, levitating uneasily in the air as dozens of questions and thousands of scenarios played out in her head, each more worse than the last. Her hand inched closer to him every second, shaking all the way. She wanted to get out of there, run back home to her cave and pretend that this night was all a bad dream she'd never tell anyone about. But as she turned him over and saw two holes on the side of his neck, she knew that the reality of it was inescapable.

She had given him her curse.

The woman nearly jumped with fear when she heard a small groan, the look on the boy's face a grimace of pain. Her face twisted to a similar look and with the gentlest care she had ever done in years, picked him up with her arms supporting his head and knees and whisked him away into the night, the blood on the soil the only evidence someone was there.