Okay, people, I need you to listen to "I can't smile without you." by "Barry manilow."


Thank you, for the reviews!

Love you all!

You know I can't smile without you.

Can't smile without you.

Can't laugh, and I can't sing.

Finding it hard to do anything.

Damon practically ran to the hill behind the woods.

He knew Katherine had always had a soft spot for that when she was in mystic falls, and it was the one thing that she hadn't shared with anyone but him.

Not even Stefan.

Okay, EW, he thought. No thinking about my baby bro during anything to do with girls. Unless it's making fun of him.

He kept running.

You came along, just like a song

And brightened my day.

Who knew that you were the part of a dream?

Finally he got there, looking at the familiar figure with curly brown hair sitting on a rock.

Now you know I can't smile without you.

I can't smile without you.

"katherine." He said, almost trying to will her to look at him.

"Why are you here Damon? To rub it in? Or gloat? Because, I already have enough people to dangle their happiness in my face. So go. Away."

He came and sat beside her.

"You know that's not going to happen. I always was stubborn. Vampirism just magnified that." He said, unsure of how to continue the conversation.

"I guess. Did Elena fall for it and dump Stefan?" she asked, not really wanting to know.

"She fell for it, but, um, we're not together." He said, settling for that word.

Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me.

"Huh. Why?" she asked, trying to appear nonchalant about the whole thing.

"Because, I dumped her ass. Which was mean, I know. But it needed to be done. I needed to move on." He said, looking at her, hopefully.

She didn't notice and stared at the greenness in front of her. She felt a tiny flicker of hope, a flame that still hadn't died.

"Well, that's healthy. Look, what do you want Damon?" she asked, finally meeting his eyes.

"I want…well, you. Look, Katherine, I'm a dick, sometimes, I admit. And you can be a bitch. And we don't work, really well. But we both have something deeper than that, which I don't really know, but I know we can work it out if we try. And the fact is that I'm in love with you. And I know, it's stupid and creepy, and weird, but it's the truth. And I want us to be together. And I don't know about you, but, I love you." he said, the words tumbling out of his mouth.

"Why?" she asked, needing to know.

"Because I'm an idiot. And because I know you have a good heat somewhere under that entire bitchy attitude. And I want you. And I don't care about your faults. Because you make me feel like I can be myself. And I'm happy when I'm with you. And-" He said, a neutral expression on his face, but was interrupted.

By her kissing him. His eyes went wide in shock, but he kissed back after a moment.

She pulled back, breathing heavily.

"I love you too. Because I'm a gigantic idiot, too. And because you make me feel human again. You make me want the front porch and the white picket fence with children and annoying grand children. And because you accept me, you don't try to change my faults." She said, being honest for once, and that scared her.

"You forgot one." He added, his signature smirk, tugging on his lips.

"What?" she asked, squinting?

"I'm amazing in bed." he said, breaking into a full-on smirk.

She smiled back, laughing a little too, before kissing him again a little.

I can't smile without you.

I can't sing without you.

I can't sing, I can't dance,

I'm finding it hard to do anything.


Klaus was sitting on a bench in the park.

"hey." Said Caroline, sitting beside him.

"Hello, caroline." He replied, looking straight ahead.

"I need to know why you love me." She asked, looking into his eyes.

"What?" he asked, turning his head to look at her.

"Come on! You told me you love me. Now tell me why." She asked, needing to know.

"Um, okay. Because you aren't scared of me. You see good in me, and I'm a better person when I'm with you. Because, I miss you when you're not there. And I feel complete when you're with me." He said, looking forward again.

"Hmm. That's a pretty good list. But you forgot one thing." She said, smiling a little.

"What's that?" he asked, looking at her again.

"Because you deserve me. And I deserve you. And I love you. And that was the nicest thing you've ever said." She said, smiling full-on.

His face resembled a deer-caught-in-the-headlights look.

She giggled, and kissed him, as he kissed back after a moment of shock.

They broke apart, smiling full-on. She put her head on his shoulder and sighed, observing the sunset.


Damon laughed as well.

"You know this is the most stupid things we can ever do, right? And we have both done extremely stupid things in our lives." Katherine said, sighing, albeit smiling.

"Shh. Let's not think about it." he replied, echoing her words from oh-so long ago, still smirking.

"Okay." She said, the cheesy ending being perfect for her.

They sat there, her head on his shoulder. And looking into the sunset.

And they both had these stupid smiles on their faces.

Like they were doing something EXTREMELY stupid, like jumping of a building, thinking they could fly.

But that was love, right?


And both these couples had three things in common.

They were happy, complete, and belonged.

And that was love.


Le gasp! Am I, tearing up? Oh my god, I am! I hope I did I good job on this. Please leave a little review for me!

I've decided that this story doesn't need an epilogue. It's perfect here.

I hope ya'll like it.

And I wrote Katherine because popularity vote said so, and because it's my fic, people!

But still, leave a little something!

Love you all, so much for sticking with me.

Hugs and kisses.

