Draco's stomach lurched horribly as he sat down at the Slytherin table. He drank a sip of water, but it was all he could stomach. He'd been thinking about the whole situation since he'd propositioned it. At the time, he'd thought Harry was the usual masculine-type pretty boy. He was, of course. right on that account. But Harry was also determined in the way only a boy destined for something great could have been.

These days, Draco sometimes wondered if Harry should have been sorted into Slytherin. They would have been friends. Draco's father would have used Harry for his own devices. Harry would have been in Voldermort's clutches before he could say 'Expecto patronum.'

Luckily for him, Harry wouldn't have to worry about Voldermort until next term.

"Draco, dear, is something wrong?"

"No, Blaise, nothing's wrong." Draco took a bite out of a pork chop to prove his point.

Draco's heart tugged at his chest and he looked up to find none other than Harry Potter, walking a beeline. Right in his direction.


Harry's head buzzed. He knew it was so simple, but with Slytherins sitting around his target, it would make things difficult. That, and Draco was there. Draco was definitely the clincher.

He turned around, making sure Ron and Hermione were strategically placed to see the whole scene. And there was a huge gap on the side closest him for him to bring Draco to sit in.

Harry took a deep breath, nearly choking on all the oxygen he inhaled, and stopped right next to Draco.

"Er, Draco?"

Draco sure took his time turning around. "Yes, Potter?"

"I need to talk to you." The Slytherins looked on expectantly, "In private."

"If you insist, Potter." Draco shrugged to his housemates and was dragged off by Harry.

Every person at the Slytherin table visibly blanched. And anyone else who was listening was just as shocked.

Draco was dragged to the Gryffindor table.

"Now that you have me in "private," what is it you wanted?"

"I wondered, Draco, if you'd accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend." There was a unison choke from the Gryffindor table and a high-pitched squeak, presumably from Ron.

"Of course, Harry. In fact, I have a favor for you, if that's alright."

Harry looked confused. A favor? This wasn't in the plan! Oh god. My doom was impending from the beginning. But what's he planning? "Uhm. Sure."

With that, Draco sucked in as much air as he could and leaned forward. He places his lips on Harry's. Oh my god. It was short and sweet, with hardly time to lick Harry's lips.


After he'd said yes to this favor, he didn't have time to regret it. In fact, he hardly had time to respond to the kiss Draco placed on his lips. It had been unexpected, yes. But it had also been everything he'd hoped for since the beginning of the term.

Everything he'd wanted and prayed for, even dreamed about had been culminated in his first kiss from a guy. From the most unlikely guy at Hogwarts.

Harry giggled, swooped down a picked something up from the table.

"Draco, I have something for you."

It was Draco's turn to stutter. "Yes, Harry?"

Harry held out a slightly bent spoon for Draco to take. "A commemorative spoon. I remember you saying something about my wit? Maybe this will dispel those thoughts?"

Draco looked strange, a smile pulling at the sides of his mouth. He took the cutlery from Harry's hand, and hardly noticed when Ron knocked him to the ground.
