Chapter 1: Betrayal

"Babe! Stop running! Come ON! Wait up for me!" A boy ran through the forest behind his lover. Eyes beaming with love yet searching for approval

"You can't catch me! Hurry up! I have a surprise for you!" A wicked smile showed gleaming white teeth but bangs hid the malicious intent of the women before him.

"Dammit! Babe wait….."

Blood curing screams rang out through the forest. The smell of smoke and burning flesh quickly permeated the air. The boy came to a halt in front of the burning house. His lover ran around joyously. For him the world had ended; there was nothing left. The house that had once been a grand Victorian manor was now nothing but ash. The people inside of it were now nothing but mere memories. Everything the 16-year-old boy once knew was now gone. His family was n more. His pack was no more.

"Do you like your surprise baby? I worked really hard on it. I had to make sure the dogs wouldn't get out so I bolted the doors and windows while you were out running. Not a good idea to leave the entire house unguarded. You never know when a hunter happens to be around. "

"You? YOU!? You did this….? Why? I though you loved me? Didn't you love me?! My family! What did they ever do to you!? "

"They were abominations that needed to be destroyed. Just like you babe. What? Did you think I was going to have your pups? You have got to be kidding me?! Me? With a dog like you? Never! You really should have suspected something. But your 16-year-old mind was too stupid to comprehend that I only wanted to close to you so I could destroy the all-powerful Hale pack. I really should thank you."

Blood red eyes looked up into the moon. Black hair sprouted along the boy's face and arms. Clothes ripped apart at the seams. A creature now stood where the boy once did. He lunged at his lover; relished in her screams as he tore out her insides and took her apart limb by limb.

"Mom, when is dad coming back?" A child asked his mom, eyes filled with innocence

"Sweetheart, your dad won't be coming back. I'm sorry sweetie. But, hes in heaven now; watching over you and I. making sure we're safe"

"NO! I need him here! With me!"