Hey everyone! Me again! Firstly, I'm so sorry for making anyone that still reads this story wait so long, I've had exams and computer malfunctions and zombie attacks…well, not the last one, but there's no excuse for being so bad at updating, I promise not to take as long updating next time!

Long chappie this one, not sure how good it is as there's a lot of dialogue, but here's some things you should know to help it make more sense:

In Japan it's an old superstition that if a person has a nosebleed, it means they are having perverted thoughts

'Ohayo' means hello in Japanese.

I hate Ryou and make lots of the characters take the mick out of him in this- sorry Shirogane fans!

Cookies to recklessyyouth especially as my first reviewer and for being so kind, as well as Memow, Fred and George Weasley Twins, Daily Sinner, Pizza lover 86, Pokeluv101, Mew Ichigo14 and Tweety00 – love you all!

Hope you enjoy reading, assuming anyone still reads this!


"Ahh, Pudding!" Ichigo yelled, taking in the sight of the blood on her face. She dashed over in a flurry, dropping the plate she was holding onto the floor with an ear-splitting crash. "Stay with me Pudding, you're too young to die!" she grabbed Pudding's face and stared directly into her eyes.

"Um, Ichigo-"

"Don't go towards the light!"

"I'm fine Ichigo, really…"Pudding began, but Ichigo wasn't listening, desperately telling Pudding that she wasn't allowed to die and leave her to do all the work in the café alone.

"She isn't dying, you stupid old woman!" Taruto yelled. Ichigo jumped backwards, as if seeing Taruto for the first time, and finally realising that Pudding wasn't about to die from a nosebleed. Taruto kept his supporting arm wrapped under Pudding's shoulder and glared at Ichigo whilst Pudding tried to stem the flow of blood from her nose. The red-head stared, trying to work through her confusion ad understand what was going on. Sadly though, Ichigo then drew a new, entirely wrong conclusion from the appearance of the situation.

"How Pudding? How did you end up this bad? And why is Taruto?..." She broke off, eyes widening in horrifying understanding.

"Oh no…"Taruto muttered, bracing himself.

"Oh my god! Minto, come look! TARUTO AND PUDDING GOT TOGETHER!" She yelled backwards.

"WHAT?!" Taruto and Pudding both exclaimed at the same time.

'How did she draw THAT conclusion from this situation?' Pudding wondered in her head.

"Look, he's got his arm wrapped around her! How cute! But really Pudding, you're both too young to be doing anything, let alone getting NOSEBLEEDS! NOSEBLEEDS! Really Pudding, I didn't think you were the type to have perverted thoughts. Oh well, you make such an adorable couple! I knew this would happen sooner or later, Taruto is clearly obsessed-must be an alien thing, " Taruto made an indignant sound, a scarlet blush rising in his cheeks. "But still, NOSEBLEEDS!" Ichigo continued to rant, even though no one could really make out what she was saying- her mouth moved so quickly!

"Shut UP, you old hag!" Taruto roared, still blushing deeply. Ichigo turned to glare at him, before dashing off into the kitchen yelling for Lettuce, Keichiro and Minto.

"She's almost as bad as you," Taruto muttered into the monkey mew's ear. Pudding couldn't help but stifle a giggle; much as she loved Ichigo, she was prone to overreacting. Lettuce came dashing around the corner in a flurry, Keichiro and Ichigo in tow. Upon seeing the sight before her, she too dropped the plate she was holding, causing Pudding to wince at the sound.

"Pudding, are you ok?" She asked worriedly, tilting her face to look up her nose.

"I'm fine Lettuce, it's my foot mainly," Pudding tried her utmost to smile convincingly, but it twisted into a pain-ridden grimace. Keichiro pulled up a chair behind her, gently nudging it against her knees until she sat down. Taruto released his hold on her, instead crossing his legs and hovering above nervously, refusing to leave Pudding. The simple gesture made a warm feeling spread inside Pudding's chest.

"Lettuce, fetch some ice, will you?"

"Yes Keichiro!" Lettuce called out determinedly, running in the direction of the kitchen without looking where she was going. It wasn't long before they heard the clattering sound of Lettuce colliding with a table.

"You ok Lettuce?"

"I'm fine! Sorry!" she yelled "Ow, my knee…" they heard her cursing as she went off. The remaining four collectively cringed as Lettuce began banging around in the kitchen, shattering things and apologizing frequently.

"What's going on?" Mint had emerged from her tranquil sunlit corner of the café and descended into the commencing madness, fine bone-china teacup elegantly held in one hand.

"MINTO! Taruto and Pudding got together! Look how obsessed he is! He even had his ARM around her a minute ago! And Pudding has nosebleeds! And her foot hurts, they've been getting rough! I never thought Pudding would get a boyfriend! Who would have thought Pudding would have pervy thoughts? I think it must just be an alien thing…" Ichigo narrowed her eyes, clearly thinking of Kish. "Min…to?"

Mint had remained totally still and silent as a statue throughout the entire ordeal, even as Ichigo had continued to flap about the room. Everyone in the cafe waited with bated breath to see her reaction. Minto slowly placed her tea on the adjacent table, the eyes of the entire room transfixed upon her slightest movement. And then she began to laugh.

Not the snobbish laugh she normally used, or the polite, restrained laugh of an educated girl. A proper laugh, snorting and bending over. Ichigo stood stock-still, mouth open in shock.

"Ichigo, you are literally the most stupid person I've ever met! Ever heard of superstition? Of course nosebleeds don't mean a person is having perverted thoughts! I suppose this is all that can expected of those with a state education," She smirked, and so did Taruto looking at the outraged expression on Ichigo face. Before Ichigo could restart her rant however, Lettuce rounded the corner, ice held in one hand, panting heavily

"I…found it! Found the…ice!" she puffed, staggering over.

"Thanks Lettuce!" Keichiro nodded. A grin etched slowly across his face-it was obvious he was trying his best not to laugh. "Umm, Lettuce? Your face is swelling; I think the kitchen cupboards may have landed a couple of blows before you defeated them."

Lettuce turned an amazing shade of beetroot, before being ushered into a chair by Minto, who pressed another ice pack to her face.

"One thing I don't understand is how Pudding ended up in such a state," Minto mused aloud. Everyone turned to stare at Taruto, who, to Pudding's delight, also turned red and looked sheepish.

'He deserves it! My ankle is KILLING me!' It was true; the pain in her ankle had grown from a dull throb to an agonizing stab. The ice helped, but she couldn't help but yelp as Keichiro gently applied pressure. With every yelp, she could see Taruto's head duck lower, and waves of shame rolled over her. Everyone was going to hate the alien now. While it was the unavoidable truth that this was ALL his fault, the last thing anyone wanted was for the truce with the aliens to end.

"I…I…" Taruto began to stutter. Before he had a chance to speak, there was an almighty thundering of boots rounding the corner that they all knew meant only one thing. Ryou. And he was angry.

"What the hell is going on?!" He yelled. Taruto flinched at the harsh noise grating against his ears and made a high pitched noise that sounded something like 'meep'. Pudding snorted at the sound. Big mistake. Ryou turned to her.

"What's wrong with Pudding?"

"Ask him," Keichiro mumbled mildly, point at Taruto. The blonde's eyes narrowed in fury as he took in Taruto's presence- besides from Kish, Taruto was probably the alien he hated most.

"I can explain-"Taruto began, but it was too late, Ryou had already made a lunge for him.

"I'll FLAY you, pipsqueak!" His fingers closed on thin air as the undersized boy shot about three feet up, pressing himself flat against the ceiling.

"I only wanted to see her cry! I didn't mean to hurt her, or anyone else, and I didn't! Well, not really, anyway. And…I'm sorry, alright!" he yelled down at him.

"I forgive you Taru-taru!" Pudding called out jovially, grinning at his scowl, pain temporarily forgotten. There was an audible 'awww…' and various cooing noises made by all the girls, and of course Keichiro. Ryou was less easily appeased.

"The truce is over! Look how badly Pudding is hurt! I think we can be fairly sure you didn't act alone, either!" Ryou was going way over the top, gesturing wildly in a fashion almost similar to Ichigo. Pudding frowned fearfully: this was exactly the scenario she had feared.

"Calm your tits, Ryou. I think he was just trying a prank that went wrong. He's paying for it already, I don't there's any need for another war," Ichigo jutted her chin out at Shirogane defiantly; despite her many faults, she was always the first to defend her friends.

"Shut up Ichigo, get back to stalking Aoyama. And you can forget your wages for this week for rudeness!"

"Aww, Shirogane-SAN! You're so mean to me!" She wailed. Ryou had ignored her and turned away to rant at Tart again, but a rebellious gleam shone through Ichigo's eyes. In a high, teasing voice, she trilled

"Someone's on their man period!"

Ryou froze.

Everything was silent.

Every jaw dropped.

Ryou turned around.

'She's done for!' Pudding thought grimly. She closed her eyes and braced for another earth-shaking screaming match. None came. Instead came the most unexpected, snide voice she could have anticipated to hear.

"Ohayo, Ichigo!" Kish trilled, materialising out of mid-air randomly. For about the third time in 5 minutes, everyone gawped. Kish surveyed the scene, taking in the injuries of Lettuce and Pudding, the over-turned tables from Lettuce's clumsiness, and Ryou's enraged, purple face. His bright yellow eyes shone naughtily, one fang peeping out over the corner of his mouth, pulled as usual into his signature cocky grin. "Jeez runt, I'm impressed, taking two of the mews down at once. If only you could have damaged the mews like this when we were actually fighting them," He sneered at Tart, still pressed against the ceiling.

"What are you doing here, Kisshu?" Ichigo asked scathingly.

"Saving you from the blonde Barbie of course!" he was obviously referencing Ryou. "Ichigo darling, did you miss me?" He glided in, sliding his arms around her and trying to kiss her on the cheek.

"Get OFF, Kish!" She squeaked, squirming about, although the blush rising in her cheeks gave away how much she was really enjoying it.

"Pai will be here soon to smooth all this over. Really I just came along for the fun," He winked at Ichigo and the other mews. "The runt really screwed up didn't he? I mean, it's up to him to choose how to obsess over the weird monkey child, but he must have done something pretty bad to piss off the blonde transvestite like this." Kish grinned at Ryou, whose hands clenched into tight fists.

"No more games, Kisshu. Was Taruto acting alone? And how are you going to make him pay? Oh, and I'll thank you kindly to not harass my employees, thank you."

"Oh, go whine to your boyfriend. Taruto was just mucking around. The runt'll pay; just you wait till Pai gets here!"

"I'm not a RUNT!" Taruto screamed, shooting towards Kish, only to be grabbed in mid-air by the scruff. His scrawny body jack-knifed upright and he was swung forcibly away from Kisshu.

"No, but you are immature," Pai murmured. He looked unflappable as ever, maybe even slightly bored. His cold grey eyes were steely and as forgiving as shards of ice. They swung across the room, lingering on Lettuce for just a second longer than everyone else. His gaze eventually found Ryou's. "Taruto will be made to pay for his actions. I suspect at a first glance that Pudding has sustained only a nasty sprain, and a broken nose. Our people can offer better healing than available on this planet, and Taruto will be made to spend the requisite time in which she recovers on earth, assisting Pudding and the mews in any way he can, as is in keeping with the traditions of the Cyniclon. Are we clear?" His low voice cut straight across the room towards Ryou.

"Yes, Pai. See that this doesn't happen again," he replied in an equally unfriendly tone, the hate in his voice veiled only thinly. The silence seemed to stretch on for all eternity. It occurred to Pudding what an odd sight it must be, four mews, three aliens and two men all standing in the café dining room together.

"Well, get back to work," Ryou snapped. Minto, Ichigo and Keichiro all vanished, followed eventually by Ryou, who patted Pudding sympathetically on the head whilst exiting. Pudding breathed an audible sigh of relief. The aliens always brought such trouble into her life. And yet, she realised with a shock, she wouldn't trade it for the world.

Pai slowly released his hold on Taruto. "Thanks weakling, it's not like other people have things to be doing today," The tall alien huffed, relaxing at the lack of the presence of the others.

"Whatever," Tart grumbled. "What happens now?"

"Well, I'm making myself scarce before that wolf mew shows up, she scares me" Kish shuddered, dematerialising.

"Lettuce," Pai strode over to her. She sat where she was, still clutching ice to her head. Not even that could hide the heat that rose in her cheeks.

"P-Pai San?" She said shyly.

"The same treatment we offered to Pudding is available to you as well, should you wish I can take you to our planet and heal your head," He extended his hand to her. Lettuce hesitated, and for perhaps the first time since anyone could remember, Pai looked almost nervous. Then she smiled and took his hand.

"Thank you Pai," She whispered, standing up. Watching from the side-lines, Taruto began to wolf whistle.

"Pai's got a girlfriend, Pai's got a-"He broke off abruptly at the violent glare he received from the purple-haired man, full of such menace it sliced quicker than any knife.

"Go Lettuce!" Pudding yelled as the two disappeared into the other dimension. She barely caught sight of Lettuce's grin before they were gone, and she was left alone with Tart.

He sighed. "Well, I guess we should get going," He wrapped his arm around her and lifted her off the floor. She shivered slightly at the coolness of his ivory skin. She could feel the lean muscle in his arm, feel the closeness of his body, and was suddenly hyperaware of all the flesh he had on show. An uncontrollable urge to wrap her arms around his waist, pull him into a hug and run her fingers across his midriff over-took her. She shook her head to clear the thought. That was weird, she'd never experienced anything like that before. 'What was that?' She pondered.

"Earth to Pudding!" Taruto yelled. She snapped her focus back to him. "Where to first? I can either heal you at home, or we can stop off at your house, or…" he trailed off, leaving the options to her.

"I need to collect Heicha first from nursery na no da," Pudding said decisively. Taruto groaned.

"Not Heicha, she HATES me!" He cried.

"Come on Taru-taru! Heicha loves to play with Tart and Pudding together! Not like you have a choice anyway na no da!" She trilled. Taruto fell very quiet as they flew out the door.

"Pudding, I am…I mean…I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me," He mumbled, looking down in shame.

Pudding grinned, and it was like sunshine emerging from behind the clouds.

"I forgive Taru-taru! See, you are my friend!"

"MY NAME IS NOT- oh, never mind. You're so strange," He grumbled, but the smile in his voice was evident. They flew off together, towards the nursery, neither aware of what was forming between them.

Phew! That took forever! Hope you enjoyed, I will have chapter three up very soon! I was very rude about Ryou in this, I've just realised. I've never felt so mean :3 oh well! Anyway, thanks for reading, please review because it keeps me going!

