A/N:This came to me while I was listening to The Fray's "How To Save A Life" and I am so sorry it is so angsty. Inspiration yay!

Lost Again

"I'm sorry, Misaki."

She just stared, it was really all she could do and he smiled that sad smile at her. She couldn't wrap her head around it. How? After all this time it was suddenly over and none of it made any sense.

How could she let him betray her a second time?

After Mikoto's and Totsuka's deaths they had rekindled their friendship and a romance followed soon after. She had been so happy and he never let a day go by without him saying 'I love you' to her. Only now she realized it was all lies. All the lies, the whispered promises, every single damn thing.

She had even given him her virginity!

And now she was all alone again. After all they had been through he says he doesn't love her and he's sorry. Pathetic bastard. Oh how she hated him!

She clenched her fists and shoved past him not even daring to look back at him. Feeling the tears running down her face she began to ran until she couldn't straight and curved into an alley. She stayed there sobbing for what felt like forever and when she was done she rose slowly to her feet. Feeling her bitterness tug at her chest she finally resolved to let him go.

Fushimi Saruhiko would have hold of her heart no longer. Yata Misaki was a one woman show now.

And it was about time.

Standing as straight as she could she lifted her head in defiance and made her way home.

A/N:I hope you all enjoyed me breaking your hearts. :D