A/N: While there are a few 2012 references, for the most part this is the 2k3 universe because that's what I grew up with. You, however, can read it either way. Let me apologize in advance for any errors. Thanks for reading! Comments good or bad are greatly appreciated.

Growing Pains for Leonardo

"Umph," Raph fell to the mat hard but was just quick enough to catch the bokken with the prong of his rubber sai as Leo slashed down at him from above.

With a smug grin and a twist of the wrist Raph weakened Leo's grip on the wooden sword and sent him off his balance. And though Leo didn't lose his footing completely Raph seized the moment to hitch kick to his feet.

"Thought you had me didn't ya, well maybe you ain't as good as you think ya are," Raph gloated having finally made some headway against his older brother.

If he was startled by his brother's quick maneuver or his taunting words, Leo gave nothing away in his face, completely intent on his purpose. He needed this to prove to their father that he was truly ready, and wiping that smug grin off Raph's face would be just pure bonus.

Without ceremony, Leo ducked and swept out his right leg taking Raph to the mat once again, but this time using the side of his blade to deflect Raph's defense. Bending down to press his knee into Ralph's plastron, Leo used his better leverage to bend Raph's wrists back. After a few moments of fruitless struggle and with a frustrated grumble Raph had no choice but to let his sai fall from his hands. Continuing to press forward and bringing the bokken to Ralph's neck Leo smiled and said flatly, "You think so?" To which Raph only glared, angry at being bested by Leo, again.


At the call from Master Splinter, Leo immediately released his brother and stood offering his hand to Raph who ignored it and also stood. Facing each other they bowed respectfully, though Raph's ire still danced on the surface, the now engrained custom was required at the end of all sparring matches by their very strict Japanese father and ninja master.

"Well done Leonardo, you continue to show excellence in your weapons training," Splinter praised calmly.

Putting their practice weapons away and then joining their younger brothers, Leo and Raph kneeled in their usual line formation with Don and Mikey before their father.

"Thank you sensei" Leo responded. He bowed from his kneeling position and could not help it as the corners of his mouth turned upward slightly. To which Raph, rolled his eyes and Mikey giggled, earning them both pointed glances from their father that stilled them instantly.

Turning back to look at all of his sons, Splinter began to open his mouth but was uncharacteristically interrupted by Leo. Sensing their father was bringing the morning's practice session to an end without making any important announcements, Leo impulsively added, "I feel completely at one with the sword, I know it is my true weapon and I can continue to honor you by training with the true katana blade." A little shocked at the boldness of his own words, Leo finished by lowering his eyes in a show of at least some humility.

For their part his brothers were equally as shocked that their normally perfect older brother had not only interrupted Splinter but had blurted out such a bold and borderline disrespectful comment. Like the heads of spectators at a tennis match Raph, Donnie and Mikey's heads snapped first to look at their brother and then to their sensei.

As their father stared at his oldest son unspeaking, Don began to fidget never liking to see any of his siblings in trouble as he certainly believed Leo now was and Mikey's blue eyes had simply grown wide and blank as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. Readable as a book, Raph's face flitted between a jealous scowl at the thought that Leo might actually be moved ahead of him in their ninjitsu training with this audacious move and an evil grin as the continued silence of their Master indicated that his older brother would more likely be sternly lectured on how it was not the student's place to ask or even hint for such a thing.

As everyone waited expectantly for his reaction, Splinter kept his face inscrutable, though he sighed inwardly. He knew that his Leonardo longed to be training with the real blades and in truth could not be prouder of his son's discipline and commitment to training at the tender age of 13. More so than his brothers, Leo was relentlessly eager to become the warrior… the leader Splinter knew he would one day be. But the father in him felt cautious and protective. Was he ready? Did his son really grasp what this next step truly signified? The thought shook him to his core. Contemplating teaching his son to weld real blades was a vicious reminder that real blades would eventually be used against him, that the day when Leo would be forced to take a life to save his own or his brothers' lives was fast approaching. Splinter didn't relish seeing what little childhood he had been able to give his sons lost quite yet. But hadn't that been the whole reason he had begun training his tiny adopted turtle sons so many years ago? So they could defend themselves. Was it his son who wasn't ready? Or was it he himself?

Finally breaking the silence, Splinter towered over his son and spoke with no emotion, "Honor, Leonardo, is best shown by a student who is patient and obedient and trusts his sensei knows what is best, wouldn't you agree?"

The words stung. Even while mentally noting that he was too old to throw a temper tantrum, Leo could feel hot anger begin to rise inside him. He didn't understand why this was so important to him or why his father had continued to put him off as he had been working very hard in practice to earn this privilege for several weeks. Opening his mouth to protest, one look at his father made him think better of it. His Japanese style upbringing had instilled a deep sense of honor for his elders and despite his mounting frustration he didn't want to be a poor example for his younger brothers. That responsibility, to be a good ani, was equally important to him.

After another moment, Leo quietly acquiesced, "Yes, Master."

Nodding, Splinter looked at them all and said firmly, "I will be mediating for the next few hours, do not leave the lair. Fix lunch for yourselves and I expect you to do some cleaning in your bedrooms before supper, you are dismissed. " Then turning without a sound he left the dojo. His sons sat transfixed as they listened for the shoji door to their father's bedroom to slide closed.

No sooner than the sound registered did Mikey jump up and launch himself at Leo, "Whoa, Leo, I thought you were toast for sure, I mean, to just come right out and say it….that was so…so….I don't know… awesome!" he said all while trying to pull his brother into roughhousing play.

"Mikey, it wasn't awesome" Leo said with just a touch of awkwardness, " I probably shouldn't have said that, at least not while you were all in the room. " Leo gently pushed his youngest brother off him and stood up. While he didn't exactly feel like what he had said was wrong, he also wasn't really comfortable with his baby brother's admiration for being so brazen toward their father.

"Ha, you think that was awesome? What's so awesome about being backed down like a little kid for being a smart ass?" Raph accused rocking back on his heels to stand up.

Leo glared at Raph who grinned and walked past him toward the dojo door. Leo knew Raph was purposely guiling him not only with the insult but with the foul language he would never have used in front of Splinter. But not really feeling in a position to defend himself, he said nothing.

Seeing that his oldest brother wasn't in the mood to play, Mikey chased after Raph asking if he wanted to play his latest video game.

Leo then looked to see his purple banded brother slowly coming to standing.

"I'm going to make a turkey sandwich, you want one?" Don asked

"Uh, yeah, ok", Leo answered.

Leo turned to follow Donnie out of the dojo, but not before stealing a glance at the weapons wall. On which hung the impressive collection of weapons Hamato Yoshi had collected before his mutation. Nunchacku, bo staffs, sai, kusarigama, naginata were all proudly displayed, but for Leo's eyes it was the gleaming twin katana that set his heart racing and his mind working.


Ok, confession, this is my first story, what did you think so far?