A/N: Hello internet! I picked this story back up after two years! I just loved the story too much to let it go by the wayside. As always, I don't ow Harry Potter, blah blah blah

"You're barking!"

"What ever do you mean, dear Georgie?"

"Just how long did this little transformation take exactly?"

"Not that long! Besides, Freddie thinks I look good, don't you Fred?"

George and I turned to look at Fred, who seemed…distracted…to say the least.

"Oy…Fred…Come on mate, I'm giving you a prime chance to insult me!" I chimed, not slowing my stride.

"Hmm?" Fred looked up, apparently not taking in a word of the previous conversation, "Oh, right, yes. You look fine."

I halted in the hallway, mouth agape, watching Fred continue to walk towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom like nothing had happened. Before I could get my wits about me, George looped an arm my waist and dragged me along until we reached the classroom. I followed Lee and the twins to the back, naturally, and went to take my normal seat next to George.

Until Lee took it.

"Lee, move. I always sit next to George."

"No way," George scoffed, "you blew off my eyebrows TWICE last year!"

"Fine! Lee switch with Fred." I jabbed a thumb behind me at Fred, who still seemed lost in his own sick little world.

"Do you really think I'm going to work with you after what you did to George last year?"

"OH COME ON!" I stomped.

"Yes Miss Fry?" I gentle voice came from the front of the class. I instantly dropped into the seat next to Fred, who seemed to have come back to the land of the living just in time to laugh at the flush prickling into my cheeks.

"Sorry Professor." I murmured. Not the impression I'd intended on making…but hey, he knew my name.

"That's quite alright. Now, everyone, welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts, 5th year. I'm Professor Lupin…"

"Fry…psst…Fry…" I felt a nudge against my foot. "Fryyyyyy...hey Fry…" another nudge. "Fry…hey-OW!" I stomped my heel onto the top of Fred's foot.

I attempted to listen to the dreamy Professor Lupin discuss the practical application of the patronus charm with the recent dementor infestation of the castle. This lasted approximately 30 seconds before I felt something tickling my arm. The sensation quickly turned from tickling to burning, and I quickly went from ignoring to screaming.

"OH MY GODS!" I jumped out of my seat and threw my robes onto the floor, Fred now cackling and I stomped out the bright green flames taking over my brand new robe.

"Miss Fry, are you alright?" Professor Lupin asked gently, the entirety of the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw 5th year class stared at me.

"DID YOU NOT SEE…" I gestured to my robe on the floor, the green flames and smoke nowhere to be seen.

"See what, Miss Fry?" Lupin asked again, a slight smile tugging at his lips. A small hiss of laughter escaping Fred's throat, apparently he was incapable of even making noise anymore, he was so taken with laughter. Git.

"I'm um…I'm sorry professor, I thought I had a spider in my robes and…yeah…" I trailed off, grabbing my robes and falling back into my seat, thankful for the cake of foundation currently covering my face, and subsequently hiding the blush in my cheeks.

"That's alright dear, we all have our fears. Now, the key to a strong patronus is a particularly strong happy memory…"

"You will bloody pay for that." I hissed to Fred, who had returned to not taking notes or listening particularly hard to lecture.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Gemmy."

"I will ruin your bloody life."

"You already have."

"I apologize for doing this to you on the first day," Lupin began, the collective posture of the class going from varying levels of attentive to 5-year-old-throwing-a-tantrum-style slouching, "but I would like you all to write a list of happy memories for our next lesson. Not a large list, maybe 6 inches of parchment or so, but I need you all to dig deep for these memories. We will be practicing the charm next class."

As students began to pack their bags, Lupin drifted towards the back of the class.

"Mr. Weasley, Miss Fry, would you mind staying after class for a moment?"

"But it's lunch time! OW!" Fred exclaimed after I jammed my elbow into his ribs.

"Yes Mr. Weasley, I understand your concern, and I won't keep you long." Professor Lupin chuckled, "Now, while I can appreciate the skill it takes to execute and invisible flame charm, I cannot have you both interrupting my lectures, as amusing as your pranks may be."

"Yes sir, we're sorry." I whispered, not sure if all the makeup in the world could cover up the blood prickling in my cheeks.

"Sorry sir." Fred followed.

"It's quite alright. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get into my fair share of trouble here at school. Now get off to lunch, before you miss the chocolate éclairs they're serving for dessert."

"I like him." Fred stated, trailing behind me in the hall, clearly missing my leave-me-the-hell-alone stride, "I mean, he basically said he admired my pranks, which really, can you blame him? I am incredibly talented and…"

"OH SHUT UP FRED!" I screamed, wishing I had longer legs so I could actually storm off with some authenticity, but Fred effortlessly kept up with my quick steps.

"Gemmy, there's no need to get testy. You can admit my charms talents are impressive, I won't tell a soul. You know How good I am at keeping secrets of yours, don't you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped aggressively.

"You know what I mean, Fry. Just how was your date with Oliver, anyway?" Fred had inched up behind me, whispering so other students couldn't hear.

"That's none of your business!" I hissed

"Is it that he's embarrassed to be seen with you? Or the other way around? Frankly, I think the team would be thrilled to know Oliver was finally getting some. Maybe he'd finally be in a better mood at practices. In fact, I should go tell them at lunch!"

"FRED WEASLEY DON'T YOU DARE!" I shouted, causing some first years to stop and gawk at us. Apparently, everyone else in the corridor was used to our bickering.

"And what, dear Gemma, are you going to give me in return for my silence?"

Fred and I were now standing in the doorway of the Great Hall. I contemplated skipping over to the table and telling everyone that Wood and I had snuck out of the castle and snogged all over Hogsmeade and just be done with all of it. The team would know, and honestly, how bad could it really end.

I contemplated that thought for a moment as we started to move towards the Gryffindor table.

"Name it." I hissed.

"In due time, little one. I will call upon your services when I need them."

I spent the rest of lunch pouting into my pumpkin juice.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! I know this is a short chapter, but there will be updates soon! Comments/reviews/opinions always appreciated!