A/N: I apologize for my tardiness in updating. Its been a year and plus since I last updated this story. I am, overall, a very lazy writer. You should probably make a habit of rereading the entire story as soon as you see I've updated.


The amphitheater was built into the side of a tiny mountain within the Dome of Twilight Gleaming. This part of the dome was built with the specific desire of relaxation in mind even for the martial Biel-Tan, it was a necessity for all Eldar. As the last bit of light retreated from the Dome's artificial sky, its external lens retracted to open up vision to the starry night above the amphitheater, a perfect scenery for the servants of the Laughing God to conduct their performance.

Lilien and Elohiem entered the amphitheater from the back and quickly found seats near the middle of the stands. They had arrived in the most opportune time as Eldar began filing in from all corners of the amphitheater. A troupe of the Laughing God was no easy performance to come by and for most it would be the first and only time they would see something like this. The bonesinger took great delight in her and her brother's position, as she noticed some Eldar getting irritated with each other as they struggled to find seats for themselves and their companions.

"Have you ever seen them perform?" she asked Elohiem.

He shook his head, "I have been in their audience before, but mostly in times of war and strife as they do come in front of the council. I am as innocent to this night as you are."

Lilien smiled and looked to the stage in excitement, eyes glossing over every detail and trying to see if the Harlequins were setting the stage, but none were visible. She did however see dark figures patrolling the top of the stage above the curtains, but no light was shining on them.

Her brother leaned over to her, "However, did I ever tell you of my own, personal encounter with a troupe? Aside from all the matters of the council?"

She swiveled her eyes to her brother which gave him his answer, "Yes you're probably wondering why I didn't tell you, well let us be clear that even this should be kept to myself considering the circumstances...oh but this seems like the perfect time." He scooted a little closer to her on the bench but kept his eyes on the crowd below him.

"The Swordwind had taken to a polluted human world to combat the greenskins. I do believe you were beginning your career in artistry then." Lilien thought back for a moment before she remembered Biel-Tan's military leaving a couple of times when she was but a student to bonesinging. Even after the tragedy with their parents, even after being so consumed with questions, Khaine had finally tapped Elohiem to serve.

Elohiem licked his lips, "The Shrine of the Deathly Wail under exarch Clyona, strict but understanding teacher as she was. I found myself separated from my sisters-"

Lilien chucked and interrupted, "Finding the company of so many sisters beneficial?"

The farseer wrinkled his brow and raised his eyebrows questioningly, "As one of the rare males to every be accepted by an exarch of the banshees, I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been given the opportunity to bond with my sisters."

His true sister chuckled again but she knew what he had mean't. She remembered very clearly the day she knew he had once again embarked on the path of the warrior and she hadn't enjoyed it. Her days with the warrior path had come to an end after serving in the Shrine of the Righteous Asurya, a dire avenger aspect and the thought of she and her brother once again being separated by two separate paths hadn't appealed to her. Nevertheless, she could not help but weakly congratulate him for being drawn to and accepted by a Howling Banshee shrine, one of only three males Lilien had ever seen serve with them in her lifetime on the entire Craftworld. One of them was now an autarch and the other an exarch, a thought that further troubled Lilien.

"As I was saying, I had become separated from my sisters by a group of rather abnormally large orks. Curious that I say that in that you can't really predict or categorize the size of those beasts," Elohiem said, once again sitting back comfortably in his seat.

He continued, "I was vastly outnumbered but the clumsy beasts moved like rocks, so I managed but overtime they simply wore me down, for they never tire and I was not mean't for a prolonged engagement. I kept fighting and I came close to simply loosing myself in the bloodshed."

Lilien sat still and stared straight ahead.

"Fortunate for us both, Clyona's teachings warded off Khaine from seizing a too powerful grip on my soul. However, it did not solve my current predicament, as the green skins had me cornered and wounded."

Lilien slowly turned her head to Elohiem who cocked his head at her, "I never did tell you that and you know why of course? I didn't want you to be worried about me, the last thing I would have wanted for you is for my well-being to have an impact on your creations. Look at you now! Constructing starships and skimmers."

She opened her mouth to speak but he held up a finger, "I know...I know, I realized long ago that it was wrong of me to assume that of you and to leave you in darkness, but it turned out fine...thanks to a very unexpected helping hand."

Elohiem almost enjoyed the perplexed look on his sister's face, "Ah yes, back to my story. The greenskins had me cornered, I was prepared to sell my life dearly for Biel-Tan as any of us would, but the Crone had different plans for me..."

He smiled, "Instead of cutting my string, she consulted the Laughing God and he gleefully sent his servants to the aid of the warhost."

Lilien raised her eyebrows.

"Yes indeed dear sister, the servants of the Laughing God vaulted over the walls and dispatched the greenskins with such comical disregard...I laughed at that very instant." Elohiem said, seemingly confused by his own past action.

"What were they like?" Lilien asked.

He pursed his lips, "Everything like the stories had told us, I hadn't seen them until that very moment, when they danced and weaved their way across the battlefield...it wasn't an engagement...to them...it was a performance."

Elohiem fiddled with his hands and chuckled almost uncomfortably, "Moving on, after the battle was over I received an earful from Clyona for becoming separated. Then...one of the clowns actually approached me."

The bonesinger had to keep herself from scoffing, there was no way a servant of Cegorach could possibly approach her brother just like that. Why not somebody else? Or the leaders of the warhost?"

"And? What did the harlequin say?" Lilien asked, becoming excited.

"She admired my skills, that is one aspect of the discussion, but she was more curious as to why I had laughed when they had saved my life, as I mentioned. As you well know, laughing in the heat of battle...not a very common act for a servant of Khaine and moreover, myself."

Even Lilien was surprised by the harlequin's question.

Elohiem chuckled, "Yes that was my exact expression behind my mask, I almost felt embarrassment! How humiliating with my teacher and sisters standing right there beside me, the youngest of the squadron, watching all of this occur. It was almost as if the lady clown wanted that to happen or at least approached me on purpose."

"In a rather accelerated manner I replied that I had laughed because who else could have come to my aid at that very moment? The servants of the Laughing God I assure you were not very high on that list." Elohiem said.

"A logical reply, but do not consider yourself an outcast for laughing in the heat of battle," Lilien shuffled in her seat, "We are all different warriors in our own rights, to be branded as all the same and static would have been detrimental to the fluid motion of the Swordwind."

Elohiem nodded his head, "Exactly my thoughts dear sister, but the lady clown didn't seem to be interested in that, and can you possibly guess what she said next, in front of my sisters and teacher? Right there, at that very moment?"

Lilien's interest was peaked, "What?"

He was about to answer when suddenly the amphitheater lights dimmed and the stage was illuminated in bright color contrasting deeply with where the audience was seated. Many Eldar clapped excitedly in anticipation.

"Ah it begins, we will continue this later," Elohiem said and turned his attention to the stage as did Lilien.

At first the stage was empty, darkened like the rest of the amphitheater. Then there was a puff of smoke large enough to spread instantly across the stage. It was tinted red and hid whatever was hiding behind or in it. However, something caught the sibling's eyes as the smoke expanded.

A dark figure was visible in the smoke even from a great distance. It bowed to the audience almost parallel to the ground, one arm outward in an elaborate gesture. The smoke continued to plume and roll but did not move beyond the edge of the stage. The figure then stepped back and suddenly there were two more figures, both with different physiques.

Lilien was drawn forward in her seat, trying desperately to soak in as much information and aesthetic as possible. The two figures split apart where the first had disappeared and carefully glided forward in the smoke.

"Amazing," Lilien whispered, "I can still see them."

Elohiem motioned for her to keep her voice down.

Someone snapped their fingers and the smoke curled off the stage, leaving the two figures in plain sight. One of them wore a smiling mask that was clearly a representation of their patron god, Cegorach. The other was more lithe and figurine and Lilien recognized the glowing weeping tears on her face plate as those of Isha. Lilien had heard stories about them-shadowseers and high avatars of the troupes. Looking around the stage, she noticed the third figure had disappeared.

The shadowseer turned away from the avatar of Cegorach and danced away towards the edge of the stage with the avatar hot on her heels. He stretched out a hand to barely touch her trailing fingers before she turned away from him. The dance was basically a chase as the pair flipped and tumbled back and forth, performing feats of strength and agility Lilien had never seen, even in her days as an aspect warrior.

Elohiem was slowly nodding his head, a smile forming on his lips.

The avatar was always touching his fingers with hers, never breaking contact. Even when the shadowseer pulled sharpest of moves it was as if the avatar had read her mind and knew what she was going to do. The smoke had begun to flow back onto the stage slowly at feet level. Suddenly, the avatar and the shadowseer leaped high into the air, finally turning to face each other and grasping each others hands. They made no effort to right themselves as they fell to the ground.

Lilien gasped as they disappeared into the red smoke. The pair vanished as the smoke suddenly began to reorganize itself in the middle of the stage into the shape of a mask similar to that of the avatar's-a widely curled smile. Then, it dissipated all together and the lights dimmed again on the stage.

There was silence for a moment for the entire amphitheater erupted in thunderous applause and cheers. While Elohiem clapped, Lilien sat completely still, almost paralyzed by the fluidity of what she had just witnessed.

Before the harlequins began to move again, Elohiem whisper, "Well? Your impressions?"

"Beyond comprehension," Lilien murmured. She had almost uttered the works out of instinct as opposed to thinking a reply to her brother's question. She could feel an intense relaxation in her limbs, a calm she had never before experienced. The pleasure was equal than or greater to that of playing her music.

She realized Elohiem was still talking.


"Are you alright?"

Lilien knew there was no point in hiding the truth from her brother, "I have not felt such a sensation before. I do not know what to feel."

"Then let it happen. It is the mesmerizing performance of course, I would be lying if I did not feel something similar when I first encountered them," Elohiem added.

"Yes, yes I will do that," then the lights dimmed again.

A masculine voice called out, "Great Asuryan and his paramour Gia, wise Hoec and Cegorach the trickster, far-sighted Lileath, deadly Khaine, industrious Vaul, the crone Morai-Heg...and two that loved us best of all, two from whom we sprang; Isha of the harvest and Kurnous of the hunt."

This time there were more harlequins on and around the stage than just the shadowseer and the high king. There were ten, each to play a God of the pantheon that was called out. They floated and tumbled through the air with an unparalleled grace. Sometimes they joined together for moment, lights burning like stars in the void.

There was a collective gasp as suddenly the clowns burst off the stage, running and flipping up the stairs and through the rows as silent as their performance. Lilien caught the face of one that ran right past her towards the top of the amphitheater. It was grinning at her with dark eye ports where its real eyes hid. Contrails of color raced behind them as they danced, never making so much as a sound.

She blinked a couple of times and turned to Elohiem, whose gaze appeared to shift from harlequin to harlequin depending on where he was looking, never staying attached to one for more than a couple seconds. Lilien attempted to do the same and was frustrated, each one was so colorful and wavering that to break contact with one felt like a heartbreak. She was falling in love with the dance.

The high king and the shadowseer, representatives of Asuryan and Isha, remained on the stage. They were continuing the same sort of dance they had performed previously. Some Eldar were almost falling forward in their seats, some stood where they were once seated.

Soon, all of Lilien's worries were cast aside, she no longer felt any sort of the resentment for her brother. The pain she had felt not a couple of hours before they entered the amphitheater. The harlequins were putting on a show, and she was obliged to focus every ounce of her being on them.

The shadowseer was singing now but there were no words. Whatever noise she was making...no...Isha was making, it was reverberating across the corners of Lilien's mind. It was a song of love and nurturing, soothing and calming the flames of her troubles. Lilien took a breath and sighed with pleasure.

When she opened her eyes, a newcomer had emerged on the stage. This harlequin was not moving as fast as his brethren but acting inconspicuously behind the avatars of Isha and Asuryan. She wondered if anyone was paying attention to him. His suit was composed of a domino pattern and flowing red sashes from his back and belt. A mask covered the top half of his face, so white that it almost blended in with his own alabaster skin. A noticeable orange mohawk extended from the back of his skull to his forehead.

With his hands clasped behind his back and his fellow clances dancing around him, the harlequin almost glided across the stage. He moved away from the dancing pair as Isha's song grew louder in Lilien's mind. Her heartbeat was picking up speed as the harlequin began to walk up the stairway on the right. Still, there was not a sound in the amphitheater.

The Harlequin had a persistent smile as his head moved from one Eldar to the next. He was walking up the stairs, casually slipping in and out of rows. Sometimes he would speak, but Lilien was too far away to hear his words. Her hands grasped the edges of the bench. She turned to Elohiem, "Can you hear him?"

Elohiem had his eyes closed and was breathing softly. Her brother had succumbed to Isha's call and was totally zoned away from her. As much as Lilien wanted to do the same, something about this new Harlequin had peaked her interest. His behavior was so different from the other, colorful, dancing clowns.

She watched him gently lead an Eldar out of her seat and towards the stage. Lilien was shocked, she did not know the Harlequins recruited guests into their performances. She stole another look at Elohiem and he was swaying softly. The Harlequin had his arm locked with the other Eldar. There were no protests, no sounds as they took center of the stage. Even the king and queen parted around them, yet they continued dancing.

The queen broke away from her partner and stepped to the back of the stage as the Harlequin and his unwitting guest turned to face her. She raised her arms as a gas began to seep from the creidann on her back. Lilien gasped.

The smoke that was already on the stage from the first performance seemed to rush back to the shadowseer, her body becoming almost wrapped and absorbed in it all. It reformed into a veiled face, its eyes closed. Lilien almost passed out from the experience. She managed to refocus her eyes down at the Harlequin and his guest. He was talking to her, but she was too far away to hear.

Go ahead, tell Isha what is on your mind my dear. She does discriminate with her children.

Lilien's ears twitched, she tried to recall what she had heard, but there was nothing once more.

Then, the colorful harlequin led his guest off the stage and back to her seat. He then began combing the seats again. The king and queen returned to dancing. The other clowns still whisked their way through the crowds.

Lilien didn't take her eyes off the harlequin, he didn't even run or flip like his brothers or sisters. He simply walked around with a persistent smile and his hands behind his back. He took two more guests up the stage and repeated the process with the queen, but he ultimately returned them.

Finally, she turned to Elohiem, prodding his elbow. Elohiem blinked and looked at her, "Why did you do that? I was having the most extraordinary experience."

"How? Your eyes were closed and there was no sound."

"Yes there was," he narrowed his eyes at her.

Lilien wrinkled her brow, "I do not understand. I am captivated, but I do not know what I am supposed to feel."

"Stop expecting everything, that is my job. Your job is to experience. Hm?"

"I am, I just wish someone would help me understand all of it. All of it."

"Perhaps he can."

Lilien slowly turned around. The mask of the smiling Harlequin filled her vision. He was inches from her own face but she remained still. She saw bright blue circles for his eyes behind his mask. His tongue licked the tops of he teeth.

He asked, "Enjoying yourself?"

Lilien didn't answer, she turned to Elohiem, but he had returned to his musings. She looked at the rest of the Eldar, none of them seemed to be paying any attention to her and the Harlequin.

"I hope you are, it would be dreadful to my performance was lackluster," he cocked his head and for the first time changed his expression into one of pouting.

"No, it is...beyond words. I...I do not-"

"Don't know what to say?"

Lilien rocked her head back and forth.

He smiled again, "Perfectly...reasonable." He offered his arm, "Would you like to come with me?"

Before a choice could even register in her mind, she found herself standing and reaching for his arm, weaving it into his. They stepped onto the stairs even as the other clowns flew past them, up and down the amphitheater.

They had barely taken a step down when Lilien asked, "You're different, aren't you?"

"That's good, tell another."

"But you are part of this performance."

"I'd like another if you wouldn't mind."

"What are you?"

"Ah, ah, ah my dear, I believe the correct question is..." he gestured with his hand for her to reword.

"Who...are you?"

"My name is Motley!" His voice thundered in her ears and it felt like the whole amphitheater should have heard him, but no other pairs of eyes turned to them. Lilien stared at him as they descended the steps, getting ever more closer to the stage. He continued, "And who do I have the lovely privilege of escorting?"


"Ah, a beautiful name. Truly, truly a daughter of Isha."

"And you, are you not?"

He giggled, "Unfortunately, my father is the great laughing one. I'm sure you're familiar with him. I do love Isha of course...but...I fear...my devotion to my father is greater."

The harlequin called Motley led her up the stairs. The king and queen flew past them, causing Lilien to take a tighter grip on Motley's arm. He patted her grip, "There is no need to fear, this is a time for joy, celebration. Pomp!"

"I still do not understand."

"That was not on the description of this performance," he led her to the center of the stage. Her heart began to beat faster once more as the queen began to step back. He turned her to face him, "You have been chosen to play the most grand role in our performance. Can I trust you?"

Lilien swallowed and stared at him, she could find no other answer, no other reason.


The king and his fellow harlequins began to dance around the pair, mesmerizing Lilien. She blinked to regain her focus. The queen was moving in front of them once more, she was almost floating across the stage, spreading her arms as the mist and smoke began to form the veiled face.

She knew that face.

The eyes opened behind the veil and Lilien gasped, yet nothing else happened.

"Go ahead," Motley gestured to the veiled face, "tell Isha what is on your mind my dear. She does discriminate with her children."

Lilien blinked and looked up into the nights sky. She was shocked to see almost the identical sky she had seen not a cycle earlier on the beach, the same dark void of space littered with a great many lonely stars and nebulas. She voluntarily reached up and repeated the action she had done earlier and placed her palm against the sky, this time her smile and eyes widening with increased enthusiasm.

"What is it...that you desire above all else?" Motley asked. He turned to the High King, who did not stop in his maneuvers around the pair.

Something like a conscience told Lilien that this was a desire not mean't to be shared with anyone else. Then again, what was the harm or stigmatization of it? It is not as if a good plenty of other females desired the same thing...or rather same person. Nevertheless, she was helplessly bound to the harlequin's act and she cleared her throat.

"Go ahead, tell Isha what is on your mind my dear. She does discriminate with her children." Motely said again, laying a hand on her shoulder.

"I desire a son," she said clearly and proudly as if she had accomplished some great feat.

Elohiem opened his eyes, he looked down at the stage.

"Oh? A son? Why that? Why not the finest wraithbone instrument the Gods could offer you? The finest clothes? The most unfathomable beauty?" Motley asked, but his questions did little to break the bonesinger's trance.

"Incomparable! Simply incomparable!" she exclaimed as her smile widened while her hand was placed against the sky. She then closed her fist but left out her index finger and slowly began to drag it across the sky just as the haze emerging from the creidann of the shadowseer began to seep to her and up into her nose. The powerful hallucinogen got to work instantly, throwing the bonesinger even deeper into the hypnotism as it was.

With her finger, she began to draw the shape of her ideal son, she became even more ecstatic when her finger left noticeable white trail across the sky almost as if it were connecting the dots of the stars in the sky.

"He will not be any child of Biel-Tan, he will be my child and not of anyone else, for what love matches that of a mother? Isha's warm arms envelop us all, even in the presence of the bloody handed one." Lilien said, her pupils growing larger and her movements indicating less resistance.

"Interesting...interesting, but do you have any experience of being a mother? Pardon me my lady but you sound almost...over eager. Surely you must know the great tasks and trails it takes for one to take up such a responsibility...especially among our people." Motley hissed with a smile as he weaved his way around Lilien.

"Irrelevant. Biel-Tan fields warriors and armies many times less than that of their opponents and still we emerge victorious. Young bloods casting away their battle virginity have their training yes, but they no nothing of battle until they have experienced it." Lilien almost snapped, "Prepare oneself for parenthood or battle as one will, it matters not until you have seen it for your own eyes."

Motley bowed and smiled, "A tempting analogy indeed m'lady but let us question you further..." he said.

Lilien moved up and down carefully, picking out her hallucination generated son's small pointed ears and crisp facial features. However, she wasn't just drawing any ordinary Eldar babe, even further into her crazed desire, she wanted him to be unique. A feature that would clearly mark him as her own and her mind couldn't feed her the information fast enough.

"Why not a daughter? A niece? A nephew? Surely family means something to you." The harlequin pressed as his troupe members whisked their way across the stage and back and forth.

The bonesinger had her answer on hand, "There is no explanation or reasoning with my madness. A son is my objective desire...but he will be forever outside of my grasp." she said, her heart suddenly sinking into her stomach when her imaginary son disappeared from her vision. A tear quickly came to her right eye as she held her hand up to where the image had just been.

"How unfortunate of you to be cursed with such a problem. Desiring an heir with no mate? Even the maidens of Iybraesil would laugh at you my dear, though it is not my place to laugh at you, only to laugh at the problem itself. But..."

Motley began to pace in front of Lilien, who remained in her chance, gently swaying as if to some breeze.

"I have seen more peculiar attitudes in my service. But yours...yours is the one I am looking for."

Lilien murmured, "And he shall be mine."

Motley formed a grin, "Oh will he? What assurance do I have of that?"

She turned her head to him, her eyes wide with energy. Lilien glided to him, her hands reaching up to touch the Harlequin's temples. Her eyes almost illuminated the dark space behind his mask.

"He will be mine. He shall be me."

"Your request is highly specific. Isha may frown upon you for your selfishness. How about that?" Motley pulled from her touch and circled her. He ran a hand through his mohawk, "Tell me more. This is quite a tale."

Lilien rubbed one of her arms. She looked up with a surprised face. She was no longer in the amphitheater and neither was Elohiem with her. Scanning her surroundings, she recognized her environment-her apartment.

Yet the arrangements of furniture and decorations were off. Bright light was fighting to break past the closed blinds. Her eyes fell upon a figure leaning over a rocker. It was a female, making cooing sounds as she swayed the large basket in front of her.

Lilien asked, "Hello?"

The figure did not turn around, but Lilien did hear the soft whimpers of a child coming from the basket.

"Where am I?"

The figure reached into the basket to pick the child up but to Lilien's surprise, she picked two babies out of the basket. She swaddled them both in blankets before finally turning around. Lilien's eyes widened and she covered her mouth.


Celadra smiled, "Come see them, they've just gone to sleep."

Lilien opened her mouth to speak but something moved past her. She stepped aside to watch her father, Kaerian, walk right in front of her. He looked just like Elohiem, but somewhat bulkier. Kaerian reached for one of the toddlers and made the same sounds as Caladra.

"I never thought this day would come," he looked at Celadra.

The new mother leaned against her mate's shoulder and sighed, "We should be so lucky. Have you given them any thought."

Kaerian nodded, "I have. Let us name the boy, Elohiem. It is a treasured name that belonged to one of my ancestors. He was a great Eldar. Gentle, kind...mischievous," he smirked.

She rolled her eyes, "Elohiem...I like it. So shall it be." Together they looked at the baby in her arms, the girl. Celadra continued, "She's beautiful."

"Just like her mother."

Celadra chucked, "I would hope so. I passed the gardens of infinity on my way here. I can only think of one thing."

They pair looked at each other.

"Lilien," Lilien muttered along with her parents. She stepped over to her parents as they held the babes in their arms. She glanced at the little Elohiem before peaking over to look at her younger self.

The toddler had eyes to big to be real. Veins pulsed towards the irises. A wide toothless grin revealing its fleshy gums.

Motley laughed with glee, "How exciting!"

Lilien was back at the amphitheater, she turned around to face the crowd, but they were all in various stages of trances. Most had their eyes closed, the others were simply dazed. She could no longer see Elohiem.

She yelped as something drew across her arm, sharp and quick. A thin line of blood ran from her elbow to her wrist. Motley raised his sword and examined the imprinted blood.

"How long we have searched for this, you cannot possibly imagine," he looked at Lilien and grinned again, this time a shadow cast over his face. The stage was beginning to rumble and the veiled face had turned into a contortion of smokes and mists. The queen was gone.

"W-What is happening?"

Motley was silent in his grins. He turned around and lifted his sword towards the tornado forming in the back of the stage. The king danced around it. The other Harlequins sped up their routine.

"Blood of Isha. Given," Motley murmured. The blood seemed to detach itself from his blade and fly into the gathering cloud. As it lifted from his blade, it blackened and hardened, morphing into an ash-like substance. Motley turned around and walked over to Lilien. She took a step back but he strode forward to grasp her hands with his, "Do not be afraid, is this not what you wanted?"

Lilien was panicing, fear griping at her spine as Motley's maniacal smile filled her vision. Only his mouth seemed to move.

"Is this not what you wanted?"

"I said I wanted a son! Not this!"

"Then so be it!"

Motley backed away from her towards the swirling miniature storm. He reached into his jacket to pull a glowing gem out of his vest. It glowed so brightly it caused Lilien to cover her face. Motley was unfazed.

"Our father took good care of you my king," he stroked the multi-sided gem, "Now it is your turn to do the same for your people." He let go of the gem and it simply hovered before flashing into the cloud. A brilliant strobe of light followed that filled the amphitheater. Lilien almost fell back but managed to keep her footing.

As the light began to die down, she lowered her arms from her face. Motley was walking towards her again, and there was something in his arms. She blinked a couple of times to focus just as the Harlequin laid what he had in Lilien's outstretched arms. She didn't even realize she had been doing so.

"The Laughing God grants you your wish!" Motley cried out, followed by a choir of laughter from him and his companions as they disappeared into the smoke.

The soft cry of a tiny Eldar child in Lilien's arms was the only noise in the amphitheater.