All Sonic Characters are trademarks of Sega and Archie Comics. I do not claim to own rights to any of these characters.

"Speaking aloud"

'Internal Monologue'

*Electrical Transmissions*

If you enjoy the story as you read, let me know what you think. No point in posting new chapters if nobody's enjoying the story. R&R

Chapter 1: Hero's Funeral

"We are gathered here today…"

'Why is this happening?'

"To honor the selfless sacrifice of a great hero of Mobius…"

'Why is this happening again?'

"And it is with a heavy heart that, that I… t-that I…"

"Sally… I… let me—"

"No!... no Sonic, I'm okay, please." Sally gestures for Sonic to retake his seat; unsure if he should or not, he listens to the princess and walks back over and sits in his chair, an obviously worried look clouding his face.

"Knuckles was a man who believed in peace, who fought for change… a man who died saving the lives of everyone assembled here today. …Knuckles has already died twice before now. T-this time however… he didn't have access to his chaos abilities like before… and the Ancient Walkers are gone, …and with them any hope we might have had… for another miracle."

The tears Sally had been choking back now begin to pour down her face, her breath catching now even more than before. The crowd of mourners faces growing heavier at the momentary outburst of the princess.

"I'm sorry,… Knuckles was a man of utmost loyalty, a guardian not only of his own people but all the peoples of Mobius, and as true a friend as could be had." Sally Pauses again clutching the fur over her heart and sobbing under her breath. "He was taken from us well before his time, and his passing… is truly a loss for our entire world. We will never forget him… or what he's d-done for us." Sally covers her face with her hand as she steps down trying to hide her tears.

Sonic moves to the podium with a solemn face. "Rad Red an I didn't hit it off so well when we first met. And even after we sorted out the misunderstanding we still pretty much fought whenever we got the chance. Was so bad one time we actually imploded an entire zone knocking each other all over the place." Sonic said with a smile and his eye closed remembering his friend. Sonic's mirth bringing slight tear filled smiles to the crowd. "We had at each other but we became good buds. I knew if he was at my back we could take anyone. I'll miss him for sure, but I know that he's watchin over us and I'm gonna do all I can to live up to his example." Sonic steps down with a sad smile painted on his face trying to keep spirits high.

One after another the Chaotix and Freedom Fighters spoke as well as a few G.U.N. representatives; even King Elias came forward to say a few words to honor the man who had saved Mobius from Robotnik's World Ender Missile. All of New Mobotropolis and more were in attendance, but no one from Albion had come, they all held fast to the expected return of their Avatar. No one wanted to argue with their belief because secretly everyone hoped they were right.

Throughout the service, all had shed tears and felt the weight of Knuckles loss, yet one has yet to cry. Julie-Su had barely reacted to anything since her outcry at Knuckles reflexive self-sacrifice. Since that day she has barely slept or eaten and just stares with her half seeing eyes as if she has lost the will to live. The Chaotix have tried to console her but she wouldn't respond to them. Even Sonic had tried and failed. Now the service was coming to a close and all stood to hear the song Mina had composed to commemorate the life of the fallen Hero of Mobius.

Sally was half listening to the song; she had been crying off and on during the service and was trying to compose herself when she saw Julie-Su's catatonic like state. For a moment she just watched her not knowing what she could do for her, then without a word or thought Sally walked over and embraced the unresponsive Echidna. Sally's own tears started flowing again as the almost limp mass in her arms began to enfold her own around Sally. Julie-Su Cried inaudibly unto the shoulder of her friend as their sobs were drown out by Mina's heart felt song.

As the song ended and everyone got ready to return home, the Chaotix made ready the warp ring to head back to Angel Island to guard it and the Master Emerald as Knuckles would have wanted them to.

"Jules, you coming with us or…" Mighty trailed off knowing that she wasn't going to voice an answer and that even if she did, she likely didn't want to go back to the island right now. Not with all those memories, not so soon after his death.

"It's okay, she can stay with us for now; I'll look after her until she starts feeling like her old self again." Sally smiled as she said this trying to hide her own insecurity on the matter. She draped an arm around Julie-Su rubbing her shoulder sympathetically.

"Thank you Princess." Espio said in a down cast but clear voice. "She may be better off with you for now."

"Keep us posted, we'll be in touch." Vector said as he stepped through the portal, almost not being able to get away fast enough.

"What's his problem?" Sonic spat

"Don't get him wrong, Vec is more emotional than he seems, he just doesn't want to be seen crying in front of anyone else."

"Mighty's r-r-right, I d-don't think he m-m-meant to be c-c-c-c-cold" Ray's words spoken in a low voice.

"I understand. Well, bye for now."

"Yeah, later guy's." With that Mighty and the rest of the Chaotix leave and Sally walk's Julie-Su towards the castle accompanied by Sonic. After Sally says good bye to Sonic, she leads Julie-Su to one of the guest rooms down the hall from her own that she will be using for the duration of her stay.

"This will be your room while you're here. My room is just at the end of this hall so if you need me I won't be far away. It's gotten pretty late so you can turn in now if you like. I'll come see how you're doing in the morning." Sally had finished but Julie-Su only just stared with glazed over half lidded eyes. 'I guess I'm not going to get a confirmation one way or the other.' As Sally released Julie-Su and turned to leave, Julie-Su grabbed her hand.

"Please don't leave me." Julie-Su whimpered out, tears returning to her eyes and rushing down the sides of her face.

"Oh honey." Sally sighed as her own tears started welling up again and she pulled Julie-Su in for a hug. "Don't worry, I promise I won't. I'll stay here with you tonight."

Julie-Su nodded once and hugged her tighter, as if Sally might disappear at any moment; after she had calmed down a bit, Sally helped Julie-Su get ready for bed. As the two lay down, the exhaustion of the past week washed over both of them like a tidal wave and they were fast asleep almost instantly.

Author's Notes: It starts out kind of dark but keep reading. Things get awesome soon enough.