Author's Notes: Well, I wasn't planning on an almost year long hiatus, but I'm back for the most part... probably... maybe. For those of you who checked my profile since around January you probably know why I sorta vanished. Now I just gotta get back into the swing of things. For news about the happenings on my stories, I've starting to do what I think will be weekly updates/check ins on my profile page, this way I hopefully wont leave another me shaped hole in the universe. As always R&R ^w^

Chapter 21: Reception

After the wedding and coronation ceremony, Mina sang the love song she had composed for the special day, during which not a single sound escaped from the audience. Her song was that of an enchantment casting the listeners into a beautiful illusion, depicting a love so brilliant that even the stars would know jealousy. As Mina's song struck its final note, the spell was broken and the cheers drove out all other sounds while Mina turned and bowed to the newlyweds sitting entwined on the throne with Knuckles sandwiched in the middle.

With Mina's song as the closing of the wedding itself, Knuckles stood with his new brides on each arm, "Peoples of Mobius and honored guests, I am proud to have been able to share this special day with all of you. Knowing that we have the faith and support of everyone here, and that of those who could not make it away from their important duties on the frontlines, means the world. And it is for this world that we will do all in our power to achieve victory against Robotnik and restore peace to all of Mobius." As Knuckles finishes the crowd thunders loose another roar of cheers.

After the excitement begins to quiet a bit, the announcers begin the emptying procedures for the citizens in attendance; those on the guest list are ushered into the castles ballroom for the reception after the brides and groom followed by the best man and the maids of honor.

The large room is a sea of tables surrounding the dance floor at the room's center. On a slightly elevated circular island at the top most edge of the dance floor sits the newlyweds table. After everyone is seated and the drinks and diner orders are taken, the guests talk and move about the room.

"Hail Knuckles, King of Mobius and his lovely Queens." Lupe bows.

Sally stands and begins walking around the table as Knuckles answers, "No need to be so formal Lupe. I'm glad you and your family could make it."

Sally punctuates his statement by drawing Lupe into a hug. "Thank you for coming."

As their hug ends, "I couldn't miss your wedding day Sally, I'm only sorry that Lobo had to stay behind and look after things so that the children and I could make it." She looks from Sally to Knuckles and Julie-Su and smiles, "But he said to wish the three of you well for him."

Knuckles nods a smile as Julie-Su replies, "Let him know we understand why he couldn't make it, and thank him for us."

"I will. He tried not to show it but I can tell he wanted to come too." She glances at Sonic and then back to Knuckles, "You men, always putting on a brave face for us despite yourselves." Amy and Nicole's faces become slightly concerned while Sally and Julie-Su just grin. "I'm surprised you two are still upright given what Nicole showed us of the battle."

Sonic smirks as he looks to Knuckles who's wearing a similar expression, and then turns back to Lupe, "Are you kiddin? Red and I were having a blast and a half. The only parts that sucked were that Buttnik picked today and that we ended up trashing the city, not to mention our first pair of snazzy duds. Otherwise, thrashing his toys is always a good time." Sally and Julie-Su try to look annoyed by Sonic's making light of the recent situation, but between Amy and Nicole's giggling and Lupe's open laughter, they can't help but laugh as well.

As Lupe's laugh recedes to a chuckle, "Well with the two of you at the forefront, victory and peace are all but ours already." With a smile and a bow of her head Lupe returns to her seat.

Soon after, the representatives of G.U.N., Shadow and Rouge approach with a curtsy and a bow. Rouge smiles at the newlyweds, "Congratulations ladies for landing the big red lug. Had to admit that I was surprised at how things played out." Rouge glances from Julie-Su to Sally, "I'd heard you were anti-marriage. And I didn't even know you two were still so close." Sally smiles blushing slightly as Julie-Su tries to control her agitation. "Still, I wish the three of you the best, even if I am a little jealous." She punctuates her remark with a wink at Knuckles. The innuendo sails over Knuckles head as he smiles at what he thinks is further congratulation. Sally takes it as a compliment while Julie-Su just glares, holding her tongue.

Shadow steps forward and shakes Knuckles' hand, "Congratulations."

"Thanks, glad you made it."

Sonic chuckles, "Yeah, I hadn't expected to see you all dolled up for a social event Faker. You clean up pretty well."

Shadow just rolls his eyes at the comment and the two excuse themselves with a smile and a smirk before returning to their seats as well.

After which, the other leaders and representatives each makes an appearance before the new King and his Queens, giving congratulations and light conversation until the food arrives and everyone takes their seats. Once all have been served, Sonic stands and taps his glass with his spoon and the room quiets. "Hi everyone, glad that all of you: friends, family, allies, and even a few or more former rivals, could be present to celebrate the happiest day in the lives of three of my best friends. Hot heads number 1, 2 and Knuckles. Honestly, anymore tempter and just having those three in the same room would be considered a fire hazard. But, since those tempers have led to some pretty mashed bots and epic saves in the past, we still love um. And as we can see, they definitely love each other. Hell, one of um cheated death for like the eighth time to be here. And you couldn't pry the girls off of him with a crowbar. But I think I speak for all of us when I say, we couldn't be happier for them. So I'd like for everyone to raise their glasses and join me in toasting my buds." As everyone laughed along with Sonic, they joined him and held their glasses high, "May their rule be long and prosperous, and their love eternal. Long live the King and his Queens!"

"Long live the King and his Queens!"

The rest of the evening passed fairly quickly. After the toast everyone enjoyed their dinners. Sonic guzzled chili dogs as Amy watched enchanted. And then it was time to cut the cake. The newlyweds carved their pieces, hands joined together on the knife as they made each cut before handing it over to Amy so she could take the reins. Sally and Julie-Su both feed Knuckles a bite and then he feeds one to each of them in turn. Then Sally surprises Julie-Su, presenting her with a bite of cake on an outstretched fork. Blushing, Julie-Su eats it and offers Sally a piece as well, which she immediately wraps in her mouth. The three figure they'll need more cake and grab another slice each before heading back to their table to continue feeding one another.

Then after cake, and a fair amount of wine, the newlyweds share the first dance. But rather than attempt a slow song, the girls take positions on either side of Knuckles some feet away. Then as the band begins playing the tango, they circle him, dancing in cadence as they grow closer until they're within arm's reach and he grabs each by the hand, pulling them into his embrace, dipping them each three times in turn before raising their hands up and spinning them out in front of him, side by side as he dances with them, steadily closing the gap. Upon reaching them, the girls lock arms and dance in spirals with him together, but after a few passes Sally breaks off, circling around them as the music picks up and the pair's movements become more complex. Then Julie-Su breaks off to the opposite side as Sally, trading places without breaking the motions. And as the song approaches its end, Julie-Su rejoins as Knuckles embraces them again before dipping them both together a final time, their hands trailing along his chest. With this the song is over and is replaced by resounding applause and cheers. After a moment, Knuckles rights them and steals a kiss from each of his brides, spurring a second wave of cheering.

After that, most everyone headed for the dance floor. For hours, from slow songs to fast and all the shades in between, they drank and danced for the rest of the evening and on into the night. But eventually the party came to a close. And after seeing off their guests, the groom and his new brides adjourned to their bedroom for the first time.

Author's Notes Continued: The Tango I pictured for the dance was a slightly extended version of the Spanish Tango from The Mask of Zorro movie.