Author's note: So. I'm starting this new story and I'm going to be serious about it and update a lot, and actually finish it.

Jacob: *snort*

*glares* Shut up, gorgeous.

Jacob: Uh, what?

Let's get er' done!

Disclaimer: SM owns everything, except for the pack members. MINE. Jk. She owns them too. Lucky ass.


I was standing at the edge, just standing. I was thinking too. I peered over the edge of the high up cliff. Back when Jacob first told me about cliff diving I couldn't help but be

interested, he told me it was a rush and these days that's all I seem to be looking for. First with Jessica at the movies, that was the first time I saw him. Ever since then, I've

been looking for anything to help bring him back. To help my mind conjure him up again, and let me believe he cares, that he actually wants me to be safe. I know he asked

me to be safe; tried to make me promise but if he truly cared about my well-being he'd be here about to stop me. With that, I jumped and I was falling. All the air whooshed

out of me, and my stomach coiled so tightly I think I felt a six-pack coming on. As I was falling, it felt like forever and right as my feet hit the water I looked over and saw

him, "Edward!" I gasped out before I was fully submerged. I burst right back out of the water hoping to see him again, but nothing. Then a rumbling wave crashed into me,

pulling me under. The currents were strong and they were playing with me, roughly. I barely made it to surface before I could take another breath my mouth filled with water

and I was under again. This is insane! I thought. How on earth could Sam and his gang do this? Were they superhuman? I came back up, just treading the water when a

particularly large wave hit me and sent me deeper into the water I'd ever gone. I fought frenziedly trying to get back to the top, my lungs were burning with the effort but I

kept going. When another current pulled me sideways into the cliff itself I stopped moving. I realized I was fighting to get to the top so I could see him again. It all came

down to him; I did jump from a cliff into deep rolling waves just so I could see him as I made my descent. I've lost my mind, my sanity, and now my life. I don't know how

long I've been drowning. It could be only seconds but it feels like hours. When a hand tugged on mine I looked down and realized Edward had been there, beneath me jus

t holding me and now I was being pulled away from him.

So there, I did it. Chapter one is complete.

So fuck you! *hip thrusting in Jacob's direction*

Jacob: *in hysterics*

No really, fuck me. (;

Jacob: ….

Btw, I know it's kind of short, sorry. It's just a filler.

Please review. (: