A Champion's Journey

I don't own Pokemon or any of it's characters, I'd be one rich sonofabitch if I did. I own only Grey.

Author's Note: Alright, this idea came to me a few months ago and I finally decided to work on it. This story will be the tale of my OC Grey's, journey to keep his title of World Champion. I'll try to stay in the manga world for the most part, though I may use a few anime locations in the story. I'd like any and all creative feedback you can give me. Though I should warn you updates for this may be rather slow. If you don't like it, *puts on ridiculous sunglasses* deal with it. Grey is a psychic like Sabrina (Though he is just as powerful he has only practiced his telepathy and telekinesis), as well as the third of the Unova trainers.. His name comes the theme of naming trainers after colors in the manga.


speaking through telepathy

Chapter 1

Grey looked at the young trainer and his Aggron who had tracked him to Cerulean Cave. The boy had challenged him to battle, and as his position as World Champion demanded, he'd accepted. Grey had proceeded to thrash his first 5 Pokemon mercilessly and now he was about to end it. He looked over to his dark red (Shiny) Blaziken, his 2nd Pokemon out of 6 that he'd sent out to deal with the Aggron. He hadn't lost a single Pokemon yet. But he was in a hurry to get this over with.

"Infernus, use Blaze Kick. We have an appointment to keep." Grey thought to his Blaziken. Infernus (aforementioned Blaziken's nickname.) gave an imperceptible nod before it lunged forward too fast for any human eyes to follow before it delivered a powerful Blaze Kick that slammed into the Aggron's stomach and sent it flying into a wall where it laid still, obviously K.O.'d .

"Bulkhead! Are you all right?" The boy asked as he ran over to his Pokemon. Without moving to collect his winnings, Grey returned Infernus to it's Pokeball and threw out the 4th one on his belt. With a pop and a flash of light, his Alakazam, Psycho, appeared before him.

"Psycho, teleport us to the Elite Four headquarters in Sinnoh. Cynthia called a summit, and we are now officially late due to this youngster." Grey said, deciding to use his voice so the youngster could know exactly how much he'd inconvenienced him.

He didn't like to battle, he preferred to simply spend time with his Pokemon as equals rather than pit them against others that he knew couldn't hold a candle to him. When he battled it never was a challenge, it hadn't been for nearly 4 years since he'd beaten the Kanto league. The third in his long list of league conquests. He'd beaten Hoenn, Johto (in this story Johto has its own League), Kanto, Sinnoh, and finally his home region of Unova's Pokemon league before being named World Champion. He'd beaten every single League with the same party. His shiny Haxorus(his first Pokemon), Enoch. Along with his Blaziken, Zoroark, Gengar, Alakazam, and his Nidoking. Named Infernus, Shadow, Erebus, Psycho, and Hades, respectively had never failed to bring him victory in an official battle. This prowess in battle had earned him the title of the Master. The fact that he had the only complete Pokedex in existence, probably didn't hurt either...

Him and his Alakazam disappeared in a flash of light and the next thing he knew, he was standing in his office in the Sinnoh Pokemon League. His position afforded him the luxury of having an office at every Pokemon League in the world. He went over to the large drawer in the desk the room contained and removed his long black coat that he wore whenever he was on official League business. The coat extended all the way down to just above his black boots.

He left it open in the front, exposing his toned torso, gained from many years living in remote locations. He wore typical black jeans under the coat along with his silver shirt underneath the coat. He headed into the bathroom and ran a comb through his messy shoulder-length silver hair, before returning Psycho to his pokeball and exiting the room. He headed down the hall before arriving to see Lance, Alder, Steven, Cynthia, and Wallace (now the champion of Johto instead of Hoenn) gathered around a large, round table. Grey walked over and took his seat as Cynthia stood up before saying,

"Nice of you to finally join us, Grey. Do you have any reason for your tardiness?" Cynthia asked in an acerbic tone.

"I was busy." He said simply, before he leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the table.

"Cynthia, I'm sure Grey has his reasons for being late. If he chooses not to share them with us, that is his business. I suggest, that instead of needling him for info, we simply get this summit started." Lance said as he gestured to the now sleeping World Champion. Lance was the closest thing he had to a friend on the League of Champions. What with Cynthia being out for his job and Alder always treating him like a child. Steven and him were only coworkers and didn't speak often. Wallace hated his guts for some reason that Grey couldn't fathom and didn't care enough to find out.

"Alrighty, let's get started." Cynthia said with a sigh.

Grey was roused from his sleep a few hours later by someone gently shaking his shoulder. He looked up to see Lance standing next to him.

"Is it over yet?" he asked with a yawn as he stretched his arms.

"Yeah, unfortunately. Did you at least remember to change your official party?" Lance asked with a sigh.

"Why? I've never lost to a challenger. So why should I change my party?" Grey asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I know. But the rules say that after defeating 30 trainers or after 5 years, you have to change your official party. You've been able to dodge them because you never log your Pokemon in the same order. But today was your 180th challenger, which means you need 6 new Pokemon. Or you lose your title..." Lance said, his voice trailing off at the end.

"Say what?" Grey asked, now paying full attention.

"Wait, you had no idea about this?" Lance asked.

"No, I didn't. Thanks for the heads up Lance, I'll talk to you later." Grey said as he stood up and rushed off to his office.

Several hours later...

"So you didn't know about any of this, huh? I told you that not reading the fine print would get you in trouble one day." Mr. Moore said with a sigh from Grey's PokeGear that he was using as a phone.

"Yes, yes, you were right. Now can you help me? I talked to the board and they said I could keep my title as long as I was really working on this problem. But as an additional condition I have to re-conquer every region I did before, so I have to reacquire all the badges and beat every Elite Four and Champion all over again. They're gonna cut my pay, but we both know I don't use most of it anyway. They also said if I get challenged I can use one of my original party but I'm only allowed 2 other Pokemon then. So can you help me?" Grey pleaded with the man who was like a father to him.

"I don't know... Why don't you just ask your dad for help?" Mr. Moore asked before Grey cut in,

"His name is Giovanni! And he is not my father, he is a monster! I'm never going to go to him for help!" Grey exclaimed angrily.

"Alright, alright! Well, if you're not gonna ask him for help, then why don't you stop by the gym and we'll see what we can do. Besides, there's someone here who wants to meet you." Mr. Moore replied.

"Who?" Grey replied inquisitively.

"You'll have to wait and see. See you soon." Mr. Moore said before hanging up.

After that Grey headed to the nearby store in the League's lobby and picked up a few supplies before healing his Pokemon He decided to spend the night in Victory Road before having Psycho teleport him to Lavaridge Town in the morning. He started a fire and released all of his Pokemon so they could stretch their legs. It was not long before Enoch wandered up next to his seat on a log by the fire.

"What troubles you, little one?" the jet-black Haxorus asked him in a concerned tone, or as concerned as a telepathic message could sound.

"It's this whole business with the League. I can't for the life of me, understand why I need any more Pokemon." Grey replied.

"You knew that this job would test you when you took it. Besides, perhaps this coming journey could be the answer to your problem." Enoch replied.

"Which problem is that?" Grey replied with a raised eybrow.

"You yourself admitted that you've been feeling unfulfilled as of late. Perhaps this journey could help you reconnect with the reasons you became a Pokemon Trainer. Besides, if memory serves, Lavaridge town holds a special place in your heart." Enoch explained. Grey gave a small smile as he remembered the fiery, young red-headed trainer he'd met there all those years ago.

"Enoch, you just might be right about that." Grey replied with a half-smile.

"I'm glad you agree, little one." the Haxorus responded.

"Stop calling me little one, Enoch. We both know I'm older than you are." Grey replied irritatedly.

"But you are indeed smaller than I. Or perhaps I should say, littler." Enoch said with a chuckle, a low,rumbling sound that came from deep within his chest.

"Grey is right, Enoch. You should be more respectful of our Master's wishes." Hades chimed in gruffly. Grey raised a hand to silence any further outbursts from the Nidoking. He loved Hades as much as he did any other of his Pokemon, but sometimes the Nidoking was a little overzealous in his support of his Trainer. Besides, he appreciated Enoch's advice, it had proved invaluable on many occasions. The Haxorus was a far wiser creature than he was.

"Looks like Grey can see through your feeble attempt to gain his favor." Erebus said with a cackle. Hades moved to charge the Gengar before Shadow interposed himself between the two Pokemon.

"Cease your quarreling! Our Master is distressed and the last thing he needs is you two squabbling over insignificant things like this." the Zoroark said severely. Grey looked over to see that Psycho was hovering in a meditative pose. He sighed, he sometimes wished all of his Pokemon could be as zen as the Alakazam was. But truth be told, he wouldn't change anything about any of his Pokemon. Because, even among Pokemon, all of his pokemon were special in one way or another. Whether they were Shiny like Enoch and Infernus. Unusually colored like his bone white-haired Zoroark (due to a chemical accident that it had been exposed to as a Zoroa, nearly all color had been bleached from it's coat). Or possessed unusual marking like the tattoo-like markings that adorned his Nidoking and Gengar's body, which was perfectly reasonable considering he'd caught them both in Pokemopolis a long time ago. Or simply had the strange personality quirk like Psycho, who would speak to none other than Grey, and even then only when it felt it absolutely necessary.

"Thank you Shadow, I appreciate your concern. Now if you all don't mind I'm going to head to bed. I suggest you do the same, we have a big day scheduled tomorrow." Grey said before he headed over to his tent and crawled inside his sleeping pad before drifting off to sleep. His last thoughts before drifting of to sleep were of the girl he'd met on his first visit to Lavaridge Town , all those years ago...