Avengers Fanfiction Guidelines

Part Ten


Please be careful to put various warnings that you deem necessary into the description, so your poor innocent (or not-so-innocent) readers know what they're getting themselves into. (Major Tony Whump!) If you're making a major change, or pretty important change to a main character, please mention it if you can. (Dark!Naruto, Smart!Naruto, Anbu!Naruto, Evil!Dumbledore, Good!Voldemort, etcetera...) If you're going to include information or events that may be from another movie (or if you're using a tv show - Agents of Shield? - later episodes) give a SPOILER ALERT warning! (SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IM3!) Very useful, and your Readers'll really appreciate it. Also, include trigger warnings and warning for things that might squick people out. (Trigger Warning for Bulimia! or Don't Read if Mpreg Squicks You! or Warning: Contains Slash!)

Thank you!

47. Home Sweet Planet (Terra): Quill's Old Lingo and Memories

He doesn't have a lot. How old was he when he left? 8? 10? 6? 11? Young. So he won't have that many memories from Terra. And those that he does have, won't be that clear.

Now, how long ago did he leave? How long ago was he abducted? Just how much do you think has changed in the long, LONG time he's been away? A lot. So be careful when writing your fic, because from what I know (and his lack of visits) I somehow doubt he's been routinely checking back in on Terra to keep up with the pop culture.

So, as fun as it is to have Quill say things and make Terran references or jokes that the other Guardians don't get, be careful not to do anything too recent. Hell, he's nearly as old fashioned as CAP. And that's saying something (he isn't exactly on THOR's level yet, though).

If you want, you can search up some lingo from around the time he was abducted, and have him use it occasionally. But be careful - don't go crazy. Remember, he's been away a LONG time. And once again, he was YOUNG when he was abducted. I can guarantee you, he probably doesn't remember much, and he probably got rid of that habit on purpose a long time ago because of the looks he probably got.

But...you even seen someone who knows more than one language, start speaking in their original suddenly when they get nervous, frightened, or frustrated? Or perhaps slip back into an old accent they thought they'd successfully gotten rid of? You CAN do that.

When Peter's frustrated, or surprised, or really nervous - have him slip back into his old accent more, and suddenly start using really old lingo. I don't know about you, but that sounds fun to me...

...suddenly I want to write that...

Another example, is I've seen people make characters like the Doctor (Doctor Who) and Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) slip into older accents, seeing as Jack is like 300 years old and the Doctor is, what, 1200? I forget how old he is now. (Actually, didn't he say in that one movie/special with three Doctors (War, 10, and 11) that he had lost count? Forgotten? Sorry, never mind - off point.)

If you want a real life reference, I guess you can refer back to Pewdiepie. When he gets really frustrated or frightened he starts cursing and saying things in Swedish.

48. State Your Place in the Timeline

Okay, now that we have so many movies and TV shows connected to one universe, understandably things can get a little bit confusing. For one, anything that happened post-Avengers is now officially NOT canon. Doesn't mean you can't write it, though. Here's how it goes:

Does your movie take place after Avengers? Does it go against the following movies? Simple. Post-Avengers. Your fic takes place post-Avengers, where none of the following movies happened. State that.

Why is it important to state that?

If you don't, your readers are likely to get very confused. That's why I recommend, whether in the description or in the beginning of your first chapter, you state where it stands in the timeline, and what movies are "canon" in your fic. Or, if you're only changing one or two small things, STATE THAT. If you're including a character not in the Avengers movie, STATE THAT. Anything that does not go along with the canon storyline or would require the readers to watch another movie/show - STATE THAT. Even if you don't think it necessary for them to watch said movie/show, still state that so they don't get confused. For all you know, they think the character is an OC rather than another character from another show/movie. It helps to keep them informed.

49. Blindness

Daredevil. You know him? He's awesome, right? Yes. Now, say you're planning on writing a fanfic about him - there is one VERY important thing you have to remember: HE'S BLIND. What does that mean?

Well, if you're planning on writing your fanfic from HIS point of view - you have to write things how he'd see them. So, remember:

Matt is blind.

Matt "sees" in his own special way.

Matt has described his "world" as a "world on fire".

Matt's "sight" involves mainly sound, scents, and feelings. Mainly sound.

He. Cannot. See.

That means, you can't say he "looked" over at someone. (Replace it with "turned to face" instead.) Any and all phrases that imply sight, must be removed and replaced with sight-less substitutes. Understand? Did I explain it well enough? Good.

50. Have Some Definitions!

How about some random keywords you probably already know (but just in case you didn't):

AOU: Age of Ultron

AU: Alternate Universe

OC: Original Character

OMC/OFC: Original Male Character/Original Female Character

IM/IM2/IM3: Ironman1/2/3

OTP: One True Pairing

GOTG: Guardians of the Galaxy

POV: Point Of View

Hell, I don't know. But here's what I do know: I'm gunna reference you guys to a great "FanFiction key-term encyclopedia". If you're ever confused about anything, you can look it up on any of the following pages:

www dot angelfire dot com slash falcon slash moonbeam slash terms dot html

expressions dot populli dot net slash dictionary dot html

www dot translationdirectory dot com slash glossaries slash glossary319 dot php

In addition, since this is the end of this part, as well as officially the 50th tip - I will give you a bonus. Here is a link to great site I found with amazing tips for making OC's: (Enjoy!)

www dot springhole dot net slash writing slash write-better-ocs dot htm

"Prompt time, baby!" *puts on sunglasses* *trips* *smashes sunglasses* "...dammit."

Ahem. Anyway.

Here's the prompt:

The Guardians of the Galaxy, either as a result of the events of The Dark World or because they were visiting/passing Terra, end up crash landing. They are temporarily trapped on Peter Quill's home planet. But everything's okay, right? Right? That's what the Guardians think, at least until they actually enter a Terran town, and interact with actual Terrans. That grew up on Terra.

Yeah, they were a lot more unprepared than they thought, and Peter's home planet isn't exactly as he remembers it.

Basically: Peter Quill returns "home" with some friends, and is met by an unexpected surprise.


'Till next time!

Ja ne!