AN: Thank you to everyone who has followed this story and left reviews. I am SOOO incredible sorry it took this long to update! I hope this chapter isnt a let down after all that waiting! Let me know what you think! :)

"Dean!" Sam came running down the stairs, gun drawn.

"Someone was hiding in the closet."

"Did you get a look at them?" Sam asked

"There was two of them and I saw their car."

"What do you think they were here for?"

"I don't know, Sam! This case just keeps getting weirder and weirder!"

Sam shook his head in agreement.

"C'mon. I think it's time we pay a visit to Zachariah"

"It doesn't make sense." Dean grumbled, breaking the silence, as they made their way to the coroners office.

"What doesn't?" Sam prodded

"Everything. Somebody definitely got into a fight with a demon in that house. But why would a demon not just kill whoever it was, right there?"

"It could've been an angel. An angel would have no problem getting into that house."

"Okay. Angel, demon, whatever! Why'd they finish it off at the pier?"

"I don't know." Sam shrugged.

"And what could possibly bring angels and demons together?"

"Cass did say it could be angels."

"I don't think Zachariah will give us alot of answers though..." Dean parks the impala in front of the coroners office.

"How do you wanna play this?" Sam asks.

"He didnt seem to react to us at the crime scene. Maybe it is just his meat suit."

"Could be." Sam nods.

"Okay, Zacariah could be listening in so let's keep the information flow a one way street." Dean suggests.

"Got it." Sam said as they exited the car and headed for the office.

"Hows the autopsy going?" Sam asks as the three of them stand over whats left of the body.

"I found trace evidence of sulfur in and around some of the wounds. Although the wounds are somewhat consistent with a bear attack, it seems like these were self-inflicted." Woody nodded.

"Really?" Sam was somewhat shocked. From everything hes seen in his life, never has he seen this extent of "self-inflicted" wounds with out without the help of a demon.

"It wouldve been an extremely painful death."

Dean shrugged. "Yeah, i bet."

At that moment Shawn saunters into the room.

"Woody! Ya got anyth- Hey guys!" He smiles.

"Shawn! I was just going over the autopsy report with them."

Shawn pauses. He wasnt expecting Sam and Dean to be there. He also didnt know if they knew he and Gus were the ones in closet. In order to keep his cover, there was only one thing to do...

"Yes..." He started wiggling his forefingers in the air. "GAAAAAHHHHhhhh! The spirits!" Shawn begins to throw himself around the autopsy room. "They are..." he deepens his voices "NOOOoooo! Its... Its not-" he pretends to struggle against an invisible force "It was a demon!" he finally blurts out. He straightens himself and loudly tries to regain a normal breathing pattern.

Sam glances at Dean who has his arms folded over his chest still looking skeptical.

"Very good, Shawn!" Woody's voice has changed. Sam caught the flash of blue out of the corner of his eye.

"What?" Shawn wasnt expecting to get that reaction out of woody. He quickly took note of his change in appearance. Whoever just answered him was not Woody, that he was sure of.

"Boys..." he smirked.

"Oh look who's home. Zachariah!" Deans face turns grim. He pulls an angel blade out of his sleeve.

"What? You didnt think I would stay out of this one, did you? Ha! Well you are wrong once again."

"So angels are teaming up with demons now?" Sam asks.

Shawn watches the exchange with wide eyes.

"Oh I wouldnt call it 'teaming up'. More like, hiring them..."

"Since when do angels need demon help?" Dean prodded.

"Well if you two brats wont say yes, we have to have our apocalypse some how." Zachariah grinned.

"Apocalypse?" The question slipped past Shawns lips before he could stop it.

"Oh Shawn. You're little world is about to be a war zone. Isnt it exciting?! Well, I best be going. See you boys later." he gave a cheeky wink.

Shawn looked to Sam and Dean. A faint flapping sound was heard and Zachariah was no where to be seen.

"Uhhhh.. Where'd he go?" Shawn asked.

"Who knows." Sam replied.

"He'll be back." Dean returned the angle blade to the inner pocket of his jacket. "More importantly, how did you know that a demon did this?" Dean pulled the gun from his waist band and pointed it at Shawn.

"Woah, man! I told you. Im psychic!" Shawn held his hands up immediately.

"Or you could be in on it." Dean pulled out the flask of holy water and threw it on Shawn.

Shawn flinched but there was no burning flesh or cries of agony like Dean had expected.

"He's clean." Sam urged.

"I dont believe you."

Shawn took a split second to gather all the information he could on Dean. Placing a finger to his temple. he closed his eyes. "You arent FBI agents. That was angel. Hes your brother and you have a friend named Cas." Shawn spit out.

Dean was starting to believe the whole psychic thing. "Wait a second! You were the one closet, werent you?!" He tightened his grip on the gun.

"Wha... okay yeah." It was becoming very obvious to Shawn that these were not the types of guys to lie to. "Im not psychic. My dad raised me to observe everything. It was his dream for me to become a cop. But Ive never been one follow the rules. I had called in a few tips and detective Lassiter thought I was in on the crimes. The only way I could avoid going to jail was to say that I was psychic."

"Told you." Dean rolled his eyes at Sam.

"Thats how you knew about Cas..." Sam connected dots out loud.

"Yup. You guys walked in while we were still investigating."

Dean held his position for a moment as he searched Shawns face for any signs of a lie. There was none.