okay, so surprise I'm still alive! and it's been 5 years holy shit! to sum things up: i wrote this fanfic after i had graduated high school and was moving onto college and honestly got so incredibly busy that i never found the time to ever continue

now i'm 22 years old (still in college since i did take a break and worked for a while) and i'm here to try and maybe even finish this story! i will admit that over the years i actually did not ever forget about the fanfictions i wrote on here and that i still love rise of the guardians with all my heart (yup it's still my favorite movie). it also made me pursue a digital media degree and now i'm studying animation and recently finished my first 3d animation which i'm very proud of...who knows maybe i'll be able to get a job at dreamworks and pitch rotg2 haha

well anyway, here's the long waited chapter two of this fic that some of you might have been waiting for….maybe i don't know it's been five years! i will try to write whenever i can but i'm not sure when that will be. i do want to finish my fanfictions on here but it's all a matter of how much freetime i get within the semester

also did i seriously name the home economics teacher ms baker…?

ah well, enough talking and enjoy the fanfiction!

"Jack?" Tooth exclaimed.

There he was standing in front of her with both arms covered in bandages. She felt horribly guilty after what had happened during school and tried to avoiding look at Jack's as much as possible. Aster, however, couldn't help but secretly listen while he pretended to get the coffee ready.

"What are you doing here? I mean it's not like I'm not glad to see you or anything it's just, gosh, I'm glad to see you! But, no, what I'm trying to say is are you okay?" Tooth kept fumbling over her words and the atmosphere just continued to grow awkward, she could practically feel her hands getting clammier by the second.

"Um, yeah about that." Jack stammered, "Luckily the burns weren't even serious and the doctor said I just had to lotion it for a few days so that it could heal. After that they sent me out and since school was already out I decided to hang around a bit and I saw you in here and popped in."

Wait, he wanted to me? Tooth thought to herself, and her heartbeat started to increase while her face was starting to become a beet red.

Aster couldn't help but raise an eyebrow curiously to the two teens awkwardly chatting about. He finally decided to intervene in order to break the tension, "Toothy, don't you want to introduce me to your friend here?"

Tooth was thankful that Aster was saving her from the long break of silence and spoke up, "Yes of course! Jack, this is my friend Aster, he's a college student who's working part time here. And Aster this is Jack, he's the new kid at my school." Aster gave out his hand to shake and Jack just gazed at his hand, smiled, and shook it. As soon as Jack grabbed Aster's hand though, he gave out a hiss in pain and winced dramatically. Both Aster and Tooth freaked out, but Jack got right back up and laughed at their reactions.

Jack wiped a single tear from his eye, "Oh man, I'm sorry I just saw the opportunity and took it." He then patted Aster on his shoulder, "I hope there's no hard feelings." Aster wasn't quite sure if he liked this Jack fellow anymore.

However, Tooth gave out a small giggle to Jack's joke. She was able to admire how he had such a good sense of humor about the whole incident and it didn't seem like he held a grudge at all. It was beginning to feel as if she could relax a bit and forget about the whole thing actually happened.

Suddenly, Jack stopped laughing and searched through his hoodie pocket as if he was looking for something and cursed under his breath. "I must've left it at the school." He then looked up to Aster and Tooth and asked, "Do either of you have the time?"

Aster looked at his watch and answered, "It's almost 4:30." Jack cursed even more and started running towards the exit.

"Sorry, I would stay a little longer, but I'm late for something! See ya." Just like that he started sprinting down the sidewalk and headed back towards the direction of the school.

"What do you think he's late for?" Aster asked towards Tooth. Tooth gave a shrug in reply. "He just moved here and I don't think he's signed up for any clubs either."

Aster gruffed, "He's an odd fella I'll give you that."

Tooth sighed to herself. She was worried about how everyone was going to be like at school tomorrow and even though Aster reassured her that everything was going to be fine there was still something that kept bugging her and she wasn't sure what it was quite yet.

The next day at school, Tooth didn't see Jack at school and thought that was strange since it was only his second day. While she was on the way to her next class she overheard the speakers go off and announce, "Excuse me, may Tooth please make her way to the school office please? The principal would like to speak with her." This caused everyone in the hallway to look at her and a collective of "Oohs" and" Someone's in troooouuuble" were being spoke under people's breath.

Tooth felt a wave of anxiety rush throughout her body as she was walking over to the office. She wondered what was it that she had done? Did one of her one of her teachers think she was cheating. No impossible, she was a straight A student and on the honor roll. Wait, did it have to do with the incident yesterday? Was she being blamed for what happened? Did one of the girls lie about the entire incident? Tooth's anxiety just kept getting worse and nearly reached its peak when she arrived the door into the office. The secretary greeted her and told her that the principal would see her shortly.

Just as the secretary said, the principal opened his office door and nodded towards Tooth, "Thank you for coming, Tooth. This will only take a short while." He held the door open for her and Tooth walked in and immediately noticed Jack and the girl from the Home Economics class from yesterday.

Oh god, Tooth thought to herself, This is about yesterday… Tooth hesitantly sat in the last free chair which was next to Jack, who sat in the middle. He looked over at Tooth with a face that read Yeah I want to get out of here too. Meanwhile the other girl seemed to be distracting herself with her phone and not pay attention to the situation at all.

The principal took his seat and gave a quick sigh, "So, regarding yesterday's….incident." He looked over at Jack, "We've been told multiple different scenarios about what happened. Some ranged from Tooth instigated the incident whereas Eris solely caused what happened." Jack tried to speak up to explain what really happened, but the principal just raised his hand to silence. "Whatever happened, this was a poor start for our new student Jackson here and I would appreciate it if you two ladies would be on your best behavior."

Tooth looked down sadly, so she was really getting blamed for what happened yesterday. Eris, on the other hand, still seemed like she didn't care what was going on at all. After a brief pause, the principal spoke up again, "Now that's out of way...We did catch what happened on camera."

Tooth looked up quickly. So this would mean that…? "And I must say, I'm very disappointed in your actions, Eris."

This caused Eris to finally look away from her phone and she had an annoyed look on her face. "Wait what?" she exclaimed.

"The cameras caught what you did Eris, and considering your actions we're going to have to suspend you for a few weeks."

Eris' faced changed from being annoyed to now furious, "What the hell am I supposed to do about volleyball practice then? We have a game coming up and-"

"You can't do that anymore." The principal stated. "You're suspended."

Tooth didn't noticed that her face looked completely dumbfounded and she just watched the two exclaim at each other back while Jack tried to cover his mouth to not show himself snickering. However, Eris noticed this and yelled towards Jack, "Oh is this a fucking joke to you? No thank to the two of you sons of bitches, we're probably going to lose our chance at state!" She then muttered something under her breath that was unintelligible, but best left not said as she stormed out of the office. The door slammed loudly behind as the principal tried to yell Eris' name to tell her to come back in. After realizing that she was long gone, he gave a deep sigh and rubbed the temples on his head.

He then looked at Jack and Tooth who were still in their seats waiting to be dismissed and a tad uncomfortable with what just happened. "Ah you two...You can go." The both of them nodded as they quickly grabbed their backpacks and went back to class. Tooth realized that she finally let out a breath that she didn't even know that she was holding.

Tooth was just glad that the whole situation was put behind her and that she could go back to focusing on school.

Although, nothing would go back to normal.

Unbeknownst to Tooth and Jack, one of their fellow students overheard what had happened in the principal's office. Apparently they worked as an office aide during first period and could hear almost everything that was spoken. And /almost/ was the keyword here.

The mystery student heard that Eris had been suspended from school and couldn't make the upcoming volleyball games because of the Home Economics incident. What they had failed to mention was that the entire incident was Eris' fault, but everyone quickly turned on Tooth to blame. What it had seemed like was that no one really cared who had started what, but rather that now the volleyball team had lost their chance at maybe winning their way onto state and people needed something to be angry at. However, Tooth wondered that maybe if the entire team needed one person to help them win, then maybe the others should practice a little harder. But she refrained from saying that in order to avoid any more hate.

Jack was also receiving his own short end of the stick. Most of the students began saying that he was the one who ratted out Eris and maybe he was from a rival school to try and take her out of the game. Many of the rumors that were going around began to sound completely ridiculous and Tooth tried to ignored most of them, but what finding it to be challenging.

Tooth was thankful that the day had come to an end and that she could simply go off to work. For once she was thankful that she had something that would distract her from the long, exhausting day.

As she was walking out from the school, Tooth heard someone called her name and turned around to see who it was. It was Jack and he ran up next to her, "Hey are you heading home?"

"Oh, ah no, I'm not." Tooth stuttered a bit. "I have work and I gotta head over there now…"

"I can walk over there if you want."

Tooth was taken aback a bit by the sudden request and even a blushed a bit in response. "You don't have to! And it's a bit of a walk as well."

Jack smiled, "I got some time."

Tooth also smiled and nodded and they both walked towards the cafe. The walk was mostly silent except for the occasional wind that would blow the leaves on the trees along the sidewalk. Tooth gave a quick glance over towards Jack who seemed completely composed. She was wondering how he didn't even seemed fazed by what had occurred in school. Throughout most of her school career, Tooth tried to keep to herself in order to avoid drama like this. Although, it seemed like people always seemed into drama in high school no matter how hard to try to escape it.

She gave a small sigh and gave one more glance over towards Jack. Tooth wanted to know if he was alright or not, since it was only his second day at her school. Surprisingly, it turned out that she didn't even need to ask because Jack spoke up before Tooth was even able to. "I wasn't really bothered by what happened today. If that's what you're thinking so deeply about."

"It was that obvious, wasn't it?"

Jack chuckled. "Yeah."

"My dad usually tells me that I'm terrible at hiding my emotions. I'm apparently too expressive for my own good!" That was definitely true, Tooth had been told on multiple occasions by her dad that she had a very expressive face. She could never lie to him because he could that Tooth was lying just by staring at her!

"Well...to clarify, I'm not really bothered by any of this." said Jack.

That surprised Tooth, she did think that maybe Jack was a little bit too calm about all of this, but to not be bothered at all? "Really? That's strange, I almost couldn't get through an entire day."

Jack shrugged, "My reputation at my old school wasn't really that great either. I guess my bad rep just sort of follows me wherever I go."

That piqued Tooth's curiosity even more. What exactly was Jack referring to and what had he done in his previous school? "So, what exactly happened at ur old school?"

Jack's entire body tensed a little and that immediately caught Tooth's attention. His eyes avoided hers and he gave a small chuckle, "You know, just the occasional prank here and there. I guess people don't appreciate jokes that much?"

Okay, Tooth knew that she was a poor liar, but that was even worse than what she could attempt. She wanted to know what he was really hiding, but figured if even asking about it made him uncomfortable then it was best to just leave it alone.

The rest of the walk was deadly silent now and that silence continued for the rest of the way. Once they had arrived at the cafe, the two of them exchanged goodbyes and Tooth watched Jack walk away. She couldn't help but still wonder what Jack was trying to hide. What was it that happened in his old school? Was it severe? What is something that forced him to move here?

Needless to say, there was a lot to Jack that Tooth didn't know about.

wow end of chapter 2! expect the next one in 5 years!

haha kidding, i'll try to update and i can't believe i remember what i want to happen in this fanfic 5 years later

reviews are much appreciated! :)