Civil War


Summary: My version of the Marvel Civil War, focusing on Captain America. A semi- song fic of "Civil War" by Guns 'n Roses. Stony

Disclaimer: I don't own anything (it's depressing, really)

Notes: So I was randomly researching the Marvel Universe one day, and discovered this thing called the "Civil War." I got my info from the Marvel Universe Wiki site, so my apologies if anything is seriously off. I did change facts too. The dream is actually how the war is meant to end, in the Marvel comics.

The pairing is Stony, just because I love these two so damn much!

Posting it in the Avengers fandom because I'm scared I'm going to look like a noob if I post it in with the Marvel Comic fandom! No offense guys, just fear of flames…

Any who…


The sounds of gunfire, shouting and thunder swirled around them.

The fighting, for today anyway, was over.

But all he could focus on was the warm red liquid seeping between his fingers.

"Cap," rasped the boy

"I'm here, son. I'm here," he said, putting more pressure on the wound. "You're going to be okay,"

That was his mantra.

"The boy let out a low chuckle.

"You don't have to lie to me, Cap,"

"I'm not lying to you son, I'm lying to myself."

The boy just gave him a sad smile.

"It is going to be alright," insisted the boy, "Just maybe not for me."

"You always were the optimist, son. You believe everything is going to be alright, even in the middle of a war."

"I hope it's nearly the end. Of the war, that is," the boy looked up at the Captain with pleading eyes, "You've got to end this war, Cap."

"It will end, son. I promise you."

"You can't let the Government win," said the boy, suddenly and desperately.

"I won't let them,"

He clutched at the boys hand fiercely.

The boy smiled, the pain in his chest beginning to subside and fade.

He knew it was nearly his end.

"You've been so good to me, Cap. It has been an honour to fight alongside you."

"Goodbye, son. May you finally find the peace you deserve,"

The boy smiled as the light left his eyes.

Cap gently closed the boy's unseeing eyes and lowered his own head in respect.

They had won this battle today, but at far too great a cost.


"Today we are here to mourn the loss of a young man loved by all who had the pleasure of meeting him. His life was cut tragically short…"

The priest's words seemed fuzzy to Cap's ears, and couldn't focus on them.

He sat at the back of the church, on the pew farthest away from the family.

It was a small gathering, with just close family and friends.

All dressed in black.


He, too, was in black.

He remained at the back, feeling as if he was trespassing on a private moments.

But he had to be there.

To pay his respects.

He walked down the aisle towards the front of the church, needing to have one final look.

"Did you know my son?" asked the mother, warmly and shakily.

"Not really, Ma'am. I wish I would have been able to have the chance, though."

"He was a wonderful boy," she said with a sad smile, almost identical to her son's, "He always stood up for what he believed was right."

He nodded.

"I was with him when," his voice broke, "I was with him."

The mother seemed to understand.

"What was your name?"


"Steve," she repeated "I am glad you are here. I think he would have liked you to be here."


"Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust,"

The casket was slowly lowered into the ground.

Feeling a sense of closure, Cap decided it was time to slip back into the shadows of which he came.

The boy's mother halted him

She looked him straight in the eyes for a few long moments.

Silently saying thanks.

Cap just nodded and made his leave.


So, how is it so far? That was just a taste of what's to come.

Reviews are love!

Love Peace and Rock always,
