Chapter One: A New Jutsu

It was a sunny day in Konoha. Naruto was working on a new justu alone. Well not exactly alone. He was with Kurama. Naruto wanted to complete his dad's hiraishin so that aside from place one could also travel a few seconds in time. He's been working on it for eight months now but still no improvement. Kurama told him to give up but well… it's Naruto so giving up is out of the question.

"It doesn't matter how much you try hard. You can't make the impossible possible" Kurama said.

"Ok. You can't say it's impossible, Kurama. Anything is possible. While reviving dead people can be possible why traveling a few seconds in time can't be possible?" Naruto answered.

"So at least let us take a break." Kurama said.

Naruto smirked. "You're tired, Kurama-chan?"

"Shut up Naruto." Kurama said angrily.

"Alright. Let's call it a day. I have to go see baa-chan anyway. I wonder why she called me on a meeting."

When Naruto arrived at the village's gate, the guards greeted him.

"Hello, Naruto!" One of them said.

"Hello, Karo. Hikaru." Naruto said.

"You've been training?" The man named Karo said.

"Yeah! I was training to get stronger." Naruto answered.

"Well you're already strong" Hikaru said.

"But I have to get even stronger to protect everyone."

Both man smiled at their hero's determination.

"Good job, Naruto" Karu said. "Do your best. We're always counting on you." Hikaru said.

Naruto smiled sheepishly. "Arigatodattebayo" He said.

He passed the gate waving his right hand and smiling. In the way to the Hokage tower, many people greeted him. They were all happy to see him. After all he was their hero. He was everyone's hero. A hero who brought peace to the shinobi world. Finally Naruto arrived at the hokage tower. He saw his friends and mentors there. The first person who noticed Naruto was Guy. He hit Naruto in the back. "Wow! If it isn't Naruto? It's been a while." He said cheerfully. Naruto looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about, bushy eyebrows-sensei? We saw each other yesterday!" Naruto looked around. Everyone seemed suspicious. Naruto narrowed his eyes. "What's going on?" He said. Kiba was about to answer him when Shikamaru interrupted. "The meeting is in a while. Let's go Naruto, Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Shino, Neji and Kakashi-sensei." He said. They all followed Shikamaru while others cheered.

"What's going on Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked Sakura.

"You'll find out." She answered.

They all entered the room. Tsunade was sitting at the side of the table. All the Konoha elders were also present. When they sat down, Tsunade began speaking.

"The reason why I called you all is that I have something to announce."

Everyone was looking at Tsunade anxiously besides Naruto's friends.

"I thought it's almost time for me to leave everything to the younger generation."

"You're going to retire Tsunade-sama?" One of the elder said.

"Yes that's exactly it. And we're here to choose the sixth Hokage." Tsunade answered.

Naruto was shocked. He didn't think Tsunade would retire so early.

"And I wanted to recommend Uzumaki Naruto as the sixth Hokage." She continued.

Naruto's eyes widened.

"Oh! Uzumaki Naruto! I think it's a very good idea. He's well respected not only in Konoha but in all nations." The damyo said.

"Isn't he a bit too young for this? He's only nineteen." One of the elders said.

"He has a lot of people to help him. What do you say Naruto?" Tsunade said.

Naruto swallowed his saliva. He looked at everyone in the room and then he looked right into Tsunade's eyes. Now confident and determined.

"I will do my best." He said.

"What's your opinion?" Tsunade said to elders.

"Still he's just a kid." The elder from before said.

This time Shukaku spoke up. "He may be young but he is stronger than any of us. Both physically and mentally. He is the one who stopped Pain at 16. He is the one who stopped Juubi and the one who put a stop to the fourth great shinobi world war. I will support him and I will help him as our Hokage to the best of my ability."

"So let's take a vote." Tsunade said.

"I agree." One of the six elders said.

"I also agree."

"I acknowledge him"

"I agree, too"

The last elder hesitated for a bit. He looked at Naruto who looked back at him. His eyes full of confidence.

"I agree." He finally said.

"Ok now the clan leaders. Nara clan agreed so what about others?" Tsunade said.

"Hyuuga clan agrees" Neji said.

"Aburame clan agrees" Shino's father said.

"Yamanaka clan agrees" Inoichi said.

"Akimichi clan agrees." Choza said.

"Inuzuka clan agrees" Kiba's father said.

Everyone looked at the fire damyo now that all agreed.

"Very well. Uzumaki Naruto. Please stand up." The damyo said.

Naruto stood in front of the table.

"Uzumaki Naruto. I announce you as the sixth Hokage."

It's been two month since Naruto has become Hokage. After two month of studying politics and traveling in the other nations, now Naruto could devote his time to training. During the travels he realized something that might help him with the jutsu he was working on. He noticed that every person leaves a slight chakra in places he's been there. So if he uses it and make that chakra stronger he could make both him and the opponent to go back. He succeeded. The problem was that it didn't have anything to do with time. It was more like a hiraishin using chakra instead of seals. He could also use it to flash to other people's chakra prints which made it more useful than his dad's Hiraishin. He named it Thunder Road "Raido". When Naruto told Kakashi about it he patted his shoulder and said "You're always full of surprises, Naruto."

A few days later, Naruto was in training ground 7. It was the best place for him to concentrate aside from the top of his dad's statue's head. He was talking to Kurama in his mindset.

"I have an idea Naruto."

"What is it Kurama?"

"For changing the time you have to be able to control nature and everything in it. You have good chakra control and Raido gives you access to control people but you don't have complete control over the nature."

"So how do I control it and how does it help?"

"If you master all five elements you can take control over the nature. Time is a part of nature so you will be able to control it."

"Mizukage was also able to control five elements. How come she couldn't control time?"

"She couldn't control people. But it's only an idea. I don't know if it works. And I don't know what might happen if you try that."

"I'll give it a try. I'm not afraid of what might happen. So I have wind and water I'll ask Kakashi-sensei for electricity control. There are also a lot with fire natural element in Konoha and for earth maybe I will go to Rock village."

"You really want to do that?"

"Of course."

After one month Naruto has now mastered all five elements. He stood in the centre of the training ground seven. He closed his eyes and channeled chakra using all elements and mixing them. Then he concentrated on chakra prints. He released a huge amount of chakra to strengthen them. Then everything around him became white.

"It's bad Naruto. I fell like being pulled out." Kurama said.

"What?!" Naruto said confusingly. He himself felt like strength and chakra was leaving him. The white light surrounding him became so bright that it made Naruto close his eyes. When the light disappeared, he opened his eyes. He was in a cave. He tried to move but he couldn't. Then a pair of big hands held him and wrapped him in a blanket.

"it's a healthy baby boy."