A/N: I'll trade you my "no-waiting-update-right-now" for your "ignoring-mistakes-cos-i-only-skimmed-this-and-cal led-it-proofread". Deal?

Jane hasn't moved, still stunned by the question addressed to her. She opens her mouth hoping that some words will find their way on their own, because she definitely can't provide them herself. She can't be direct. She doesn't have the strength to.

"Maura, from A, B and C?"

"B. I have watched you change."

"That's a, uh..." she starts, and her eyes scatter around the room, anxious. "A point for you?"

"It is." Maura nods. Jane masters the strength and courage to get her eyes back at Maura's. The pair she meets is interested and there are tiny lights in all the green. She's beautiful.

"So what should I, um, what you want me to... the stakes..."

"You should do whatever you want. Pick anything that you feel like and not worry. Seize the... moment!"

The phrasing fits the playfulness and the game, but the message is clear. What more of an invitation would she need? What "signal"?

What Jane wants to "seize" is Maura's face, to bring it to hers and kiss her like she's never been kissed before, show her what she feels like doing not just now, but during every waking moment of her existence. And yet every muscle that Jane had a strenuous time controlling is now not responding to her urges. Do it, Jane. Kiss her. Right now. Seize the moment

But the handbrakes are pulled and she's frozen. Maura is looking at her lips, biting her own. She makes a step forward. It's cautious. It's a question mark. And Jane doesn't move away. She can't even if she wanted to. The only hope glimmering in her mind is that Maura continues. One of them should have the guts.

"Let go, Jane." Maura says.

Magic words, but they do only partial work. Jane's face relaxes and her shocked expression vanishes as lips part with lust. Her face drops at an angle to compliment Maura's raised head. And as Jane orders the rest of her body to activate, Maura doesn't wait. She takes these soft movements as a yes. A step binds their bodies together and her silky shirt tickles Jane's torso like the fluttering wings of a butterfly. Maura's high heels are lying by the door and she has to raise herself on the tips of her toes. Jane is shaken by the sudden feeling of fingers on the sides of her waist. Maura leans in further, palms fully grasping Jane and stills. Inches from her face.

"Rules say you need to do it."

Jane's eyes snap shot and she moves her head forward, crushing her lips into Maura's, losing all restraints she has ever used, freeing her head from all thoughts and letting it focus on all the sensations that she is experiencing.

Maura could be talking about the hormones and chemistry of kissing. But Maura's lips are busy enveloping Jane's. Maura could be talking about the psychological effects of challenging. But Maura's mouth is lustily welcoming Jane. Maura could be talking about anything and everything. But Maura's tongue is complementing the dance the other one started.

Their watches tick but the women's internal senses of time glitch, break and malfunction. Neither worries. Neither cares. Their heads are floating too high. Maura's hands press into Jane's lower back, bringing her even closer, if that is even possible. The palms slide up the toned muscles and Jane wishes she is never let go of.

"Maur," she murmurs, never fully moving away from the kiss.


"This," she says gently, when Maura moves her kisses along her cheek, to her earlobe. "is not fair."

"How so?"

"I'm only.." Jane's voice trails off and turns into a mix of signs and moans since Maura changes her target and starts kissing her neck, just below the ear. The slick feeling of the tongue on her burning skin makes Jane forget the words, but the textile beneath her palms brings her to the topic again. "You have more clothes on than me."

Maura laughs into her neck and the soft shake makes her blonde hair tickle the brunette's upper torso.

Jane is indecisive about which one of the kisses, movements and touches she likes best. A fiery ache below her waist reminds her that maybe what will become her favorite hasn't even been done yet. Such a thought, accompanied by Maura's warm breath travelling down to her collarbone, forces her into throwing her head back.

A sound she's never heard herself make escapes her lips, and Maura's fingers abandon her back.

In the milliseconds before she looks at her again, Jane thinks she has freaked Maura out. Yet, her eyes fall on Maura's flesh, slowly being exposed from under the top she is removing.

"Yoga." the doctor says with a wink, startling Jane and she realized that her gaze has been locked on Maura's perfect build. It was too unrepressed to go unnoticed. So, when she awakens from that another one of her staring trances, she sees the silk carefully laid out on the couch, along with Maura's skirt, revealing the blood-red lace that Jane has been unable to take her eyes from.

"Fair enough now, Jane?"

Then Jane grabs her, pulling her in, binding their lips and abs, legs and breasts, arms and hands, all together, and Maura needs no other answer.

A/N: So, fair enough now, girls? ;)