AN: If at all possible, let me know your thoughts on this AU. Because as I might have mentioned before, reviews make my day! XD

Giddy with relief, Toph was laughing as she reached the other side of the canyon. Turning back to where her temporary acquaintances had been, she realized Jet and Smellerbee were already gone. Probably coming after her no doubt. Well, she'd disappear before they ever got the chance to find her.

Dusting herself off, Toph was about to continue into the forest up ahead when she felt wind above her swirled in a way she had never experienced before. Maybe it was one of those tornadoes, they were supposed to be common in the Kingdom of Air. Looking up not knowing what to expect, green eyes caught sight of a strange white creature with a brown arrow on its head flying straight at her.

Cursing, she earthbended herself underground, disappearing entirely from view, then traveled as far as she could without any air to breathe. When she felt like she was about to pass out, she broke forth through the ground, sprouting from it like a flower.

Gasping for air, she lay very still. Tired and feeling like she couldn't fill her lungs with enough air, she shut her eyes and inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly until her heartbeat settled down.

"That was close," she thought, allowing herself a few minutes to relax. But, a strangled sound escaped her lips when she opened her eyes to see the giant beast that had been flying overhead, standing practically on top her. She hadn't even felt it land.

When it growled, it blew hot air in her face and she grimaced at the odor.

"What do they feed you?" she muttered.

"Appa!" someone called and the beast growled again.

For a few seconds both Toph and Appa eyed each other warily and remained motionless.

"You want this right?" she said, lifting the satchel over her head and waving it around. Appa followed the satchel's every movement. "Well, that's too bad 'cause I want it too!"

In the blink of an eye she had disappeared from right below him. Appa bellowed in frustration and took to the sky again. He was the best tracking bison living with the monks and he would find that thief and retrieve the necklace.

After alternating above and below ground for what felt like an eternity, Toph reached a long, narrow cave hidden among some tangled vines. She hid there from Appa, trying to catch her breath. As she glanced around her temporary sanctuary, she realized the cave was not a cave exactly, but a tunnel of sorts. Carefully, she made her way through to its other exit.

It led her to a somewhat large clearing. Lush green grass, a sparkling blue stream and waterfall, and a high tower in the middle of it all greeted her. A mountain range surrounded the secluded area on all sides. Smiling, she made her towards the middle. It would be the perfect place to hide.


The silence was shattered by Momo's agitated chirping. Aang was about to ask him what was wrong when someone tumbled in from outside through the open window.

It wasn't Zhao; he couldn't get up there without Aang's bending. No one was supposed to be able to.

Grey eyes watched with growing curiosity as that someone stood. He noticed the bare feet, the brown pants, the long sleeved, white tunic, and the green vest over it. There was a leather belt around a narrow waist as well. That was when Aang realized it wasn't just any person, it was agirl.


Standing from the wooden floor she'd landed on, Toph's smile was radiant. The necklace was hers! She had lied, stolen, and cheated her way to freedom. Someone else might have had a problem with that but she couldn't care less.

Having been on the run for years, she had learned to be hyper aware of her surroundings and very careful of new and strange places. It was something that was either learned quickly or not at all and the ultimate price was paid. Fortunately the floors were made of stone and when she closed her eyes and tapped it, her seismic sense reached out throughout the tower and she was satisfied it was empty. The triumphant feeling running through her veins made her forget not all enemies attacked from the ground and she didn't bother taking in the space above her. It was a costly mistake.


The number of people Aang had seen since leaving the Air Temple could be counted on one hand. And none of those people had been female.

Sitting on a rafter near the ceiling, Aang found he couldn't look away from the girl. What he could see of her face was pale, smooth, with delicate features. Long, raven colored bangs fell across her eyes, hiding the upper half of her face from his view.

She seemed very interested in the bag she held and his natural curiosity was piqued.


"Alone at last," Toph smirked, opening the satchel.

"What are you doing here?" a voice called out at the exact moment the necklace and satchel were ripped from her hands without warning. It was like a gust of wind simply carried it off.

"Hey, that's mine!" she yelled, pretending her body trembled with rage and not fear. Unlike the simple-minded townspeople she often came across, she didn't believe in spirits. She didn't believe in fate or destiny or anything where she wasn't in control of her own life. But, she couldn't help wonder if spirits were involved seeing as when she searched the darkness, no one was there! And the fear that it was indeed one of those vengeful spirits she often heard about crept up her spine. "Give it back!" she ordered, cracking her knuckles as she got into her preferred defensive stance. Spirit or not, she wasn't going down without a fight.

Having learned three types of bending, Aang knew various fighting styles, but he did not recognize her unique movements.

"I don't want to fight you," he assured her. It was a decidedly male voice. It only served to put her further on edge. "I want to talk to you."

She didn't trust him. She didn't trust anybody.

"Prove it. Gimme back my satchel."

He looked down at the worn bag in his hands. If he gave it to her, she would probably just leave. Aang didn't want that. Maybe he could talk her out of it.

"Okay, I'll be right down."

Toph looked up, around, alert and ready. When he jumped down from somewhere above, she took a step back. His landing was an unusually soft, incredibly quiet one.

"Anyone else here?" Toph asked, her eyes locked in on his hands and what they held.

"It's just me," he promised, hoping she'd look up at him, but she wouldn't.

One minute she extended her hand - very likely to take her bag back - and the next she was passed out on the floor. It took Aang a moment to realize Momo had dropped a potted plant directly on her head.

"Oh no, Momo," Aang cried, running over to the girl to make sure she was okay. "Why did you do that?"

Looking anything but sorry, the flying lemur chirped in irritation.

"I know you were just trying to help, buddy," Aang replied. "But I don't think she was here to hurt us."


Toph woke up with a vicious headache. When she touched the side of her head, she flinched.

"I'm sorry about that."

Startled at the sound of his voice, her scowl deepened. His light footsteps were starting to get real annoying.

When her eyes snapped up to his, Aang froze on the spot. She was...she was...he couldn't think of the right word only that she was far more beautiful than anything he had ever seen.

Green eyes took in the man's appearance. He was young...about her age perhaps. Though she was scowling at him, he continued smiling, warm and friendly-like. The smile reached his grey eyes, making them kind and bright. Shaggy brown hair fell across his forehead at an angle and she had the absurd thought that he was mildly attractive. But only barely. Toph cleared her throat and looked away from him.

Watching her the entire time, Aang didn't think the girl appeared particularly dangerous. Though when he'd searched her satchel there was a wanted poster with her picture and the name The Blind Bandit on it. That was the reason he took a cautious step towards her.

"Who are you and how did you find me?" he asked. Zhao said everyone hated him. Every last person throughout the Four Kingdoms despised and feared him. Zhao told him that no one wanted the Avatar around and would try to hurt him the first chance they got. But this girl...she didn't seem too interested in him. Not even a little. "Who else knows my location, Blind Bandit?"

"It's just Bandit and how am I supposed to know?" she muttered, rolling her eyes.

"But, you're here and-"

"Where is my satchel?"

"I've hidden it," he admitted, his expression half-sheepish, half-smug. It was the only leverage he had. "Somewhere you'll never find it." Her frown deepened. "So...what do you want with me?"

"Why would I want anything to do with you?" she asked, sounding almost bored, but also very, very irritated.

"Wait, you didn't come looking for me?" Aang had hoped to talk her out of whatever probable end she had planned for him.

"I was being chased, I saw a tower, I climbed it, end of story." She didn't add that she earthbended herself up to the window. That part he didn't need to know.

Aang looked to Momo who had flown to sit on his shoulder.

"What do you think, buddy?" Aang asked in a quiet voice, scratching the top of the lemur's head. Momo chirped and bounced up and down. "I think you're right," he agreed. It did sound like she was telling the truth.

Behind them, Toph was contemplating leaving the necklace behind no matter how much it was worth and just getting the hell out of there. But then again, she already had a buyer lined up...

"Just gimme my satchel and I'll be on my way."

"I'm prepared to offer you a deal," he countered, shifting closer.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she shook her head. First, because he thought she'd negotiate and second, because his steps were so incredibly light.

"Don't think so, Twinkletoes."

"My name's Aang."

"Yeah, that's nice," she said, her tone dripping sarcasm. "Now about my satchel...?"

"I need a guide. You want your satchel back, so-"

"Not interested."

"But you haven't even heard my offer yet," he said with wide, innocent eyes that had the desired effect; she felt a stab of sympathy. Still, Toph rolled her own dramatically, if only to keep up appearances. Because although she had decided to hear him out, she had her reputation to uphold.

When the Bandit didn't argue Aang realized she was actually giving him a chance to explain himself. Smiling, he proceeded to tell her that he couldn't go on his own because he wasn't well traveled (though this was a tiny lie since he'd never even left the tower, but he couldn't exactly share that with her). And he went on to explain that for many years since he had grown very curious about the lanterns and wished to see them up close.

Toph made a face.

"You mean the ones from the temple?"

The temple? Hope surged through him as he wondered if it could possibly be the very one he was born in... Aang nodded emphatically.

"Okay, so lemme get this straight," she began. "I take you to see the lanterns, get you back home safely, and then you'll gimme back my satchel?"


Toph's not sure why she was actually considering it, only that those big grey eyes of his sorta guilt-tripped her into hearing him out and now she wished she hadn't. None of it had anything to do with his being mildly attractive either. Though...there was one other reason, one she didn't contemplate too long. But honestly, Toph couldn't remember the last time someone looked at her with anything other than suspicion and contempt. And here he was asking for her help with a look of hope, of faith, and it was something she hadn't seen in a really, really long time. Not directed at her, anyway.

With a resigned sigh, she muttered, "Don't make me regret this, Twinkletoes."


After they climbed down a rope, neither trusting the other with the knowledge each was a bender, they began their journey to see the lanterns.

"Why are you wearing that?" Toph asked as she landed in a crouch.

Aang was smiling broadly when his feet touched the grass. "Wearing what?" he asked, looking down at himself. Perched on his shoulder, Momo eyed him curiously as well.

"That headband."

Instinctively his hands reached for the headband he tied to cover his arrow. His hair was long enough to cover his forehead, but the headband was simply a precautionary measure. One he wasn't going to talk about.

"It looks good?" he offered making her snort in amusement.

After that they walked in silence for a while.

"So...Bandit, where you from?"

"Whoa, whoa. Sorry, Twinkletoes. I don't do backstory."

"Fair enough," he grinned, walking alongside her. Every so often his eyes flitted to her face as they continued down a narrow dirt road side by side. The bits of sunlight that managed to break through the thick canopy above them made her squint and hesmiled to himself when he thought she wasn't looking. But she caught him doing so and while she fought the blush she felt coming, she mentally cursed the moment she stumbled upon his tower. This better be worth it, she thought.