"Double D!"

Eddward turned around at his infamous nickname, a smile on his face from the voice that called. He was a junior in high school and things had changed from when he was in middle. He had grown into a man. At 16 years old, he was a striking 5'8" and growing. "Sock head", another one of his nicknames, though sometimes more of a put down. His "sock" was actually a hat that he wore in his childish youth. It was black, a solid black, much like the three tips at the back of his neck. But now, he wore it as a beanie, his true hair color blond but he kept the tips of it black. It just went along better that way.

"Hey, Nazz!" He said, opening his arms and allowing her into them. She hugged back, putting her head to his chest and using his warmth to comfort her.

She stood on her toes as he looked down, and gave him a peck on his cool lips.

"I missed you, regular classes are so boring without you."

Eddward was an intelligent boy, being at the top of his class with ease. He was in every AP class offered, even taking Dual classes for College credit. He wasn't planning on staying near the Cul-de-sac for College. Truthfully, he wanted to live a prestigious life, a comfortable life at the least. With no disrespect, he wanted to be different than his parents. They were hardly ever home and leaving sticky notes of chores was usually their only means of communication. He actually wanted to be home and support his family, hoping that one day he would have one. That caused him to remember Nazz in his arms.

"You should really consider moving up, you're a smart girl," he said, taking his hand and giving a small pat with his finger on her nose.

She smiled at his gesture of teasing, "Well, I'd have to catch up and I may need some... after school tutoring." She winked.

Double D blushed, you could only change so much, and she giggled. She pushed him to the lockers, locking lips with his. Double D felt a surge of pleasure, lowering his arms as she raised hers. As he felt her smile, he also felt a new warmth. More room. She had opened her mouth. He felt her tongue on his lips, subtlety trying to find her way in. He felt himself opening and it felt-


He rolled his eyes, hoping that they would leave him alone. He felt a poke on his shoulder, then he felt his back against the floor.

"I guess not."

Luckily, Nazz was still standing, using her hand to cover her giggles. Her bouncy blond hair fell around her shoulders and her light blue eyes emitted playfulness. She was never upset by his friend's antics, only laughed along.

Double D looked to the oversized oaf that pushed him down, one of his best friends, Ed. Ed was massive as a child, and he was still massive as a teenager. While being 5'9" in Middle, he was now 6'4" in High School and had no intent on quitting. He had shortly cut red hair, almost a military style. He wore his usual green overcoat but with a pure white shirt nearly layered in stains from foods. The lug was huge, but still lovable.

The smirking kid next to Ed was Eddy. Yes, haha, they all had the same name but they were distinguishable by their nicknames. Eddy had also been a short kid, but in High School he had become average. At 16, he was 5'6" and still had the attitude of his old days. He was confident until directed at. He was a con as a child, but now that he had a job, he calmed his money hunger. He had black hair that was spiked and wore an orange shirt with a vertical red stripe going down it. It almost mirrored his childhood look but this made him look a bit more mature.

"Hey, Sock head," Eddy greeted, looking pleased with his interruption, no doubt, "having fun down there?"

"Hardy har har, hilarious," Double D said sarcastically, getting up by Eddy's hand. Though he was the reason he was pushed, he also helped with getting up. That made him a good friend.

"Chickens can't laugh, only cluck. Cluck cluck CLUCK," Ed said simplemindedly as he impersonated one of his more talked about animals. Double D hoped as time grew so would his intelligence. But no luck there. Still, he laughed with his friends and wrapped an arm on his girlfriend's shoulders. He was in, dare he say it, bliss.

He felt a smaller hand wrap around his and settle, it was comforting and made him look down. He saw Nazz in return, smiling, "You ready to go?"

He nodded, "Yeah," he turned to his friends who were discussing the type of grass in the world, "We're going guys, see you later."

He walked away, hand in hand with Nazz before remembering he had to go to the library to pick up some books for an AP Physics project that had been assigned.

"You go on ahead," he said, stopping, "I must go to the library, I'm gonna work on the project tonight."

"Okay, hun," she said, letting go of his hand, "Be sure to call me later?"

He smiled and bent down, kissing her forehead, "Promise."

Marie Kanker sat in the library, her hand resting in her head as she mindlessly flipped through the pages in her book. She was bored, so, so bored. Her blue hair covered her right eye, only leaving her left scanning words. She was at the point of repeating thoughts she was so bored.

She slammed the book shut, her thoughts jumbled and non coherent. She just needed a break. She rested her head, looking down and remaining quiet before becoming rattled by the high pitched squeal that signaled an entrance to the library. Out of curiosity, she raised her head.

She swore her heart skipped a beat.

In walked Double D, his beanie perfectly placed on top of his luscious locks of hair and his green eyes searching. Marie, an assistant to the librarian, met his eyes. She felt her face burn before looking down to her closed book. He had only grown to be more amazing than he had in their childhood years, but she was still in love with him. True, her sisters and she only stalked and terrorized the Edds, but she felt that she truly did love Double D. It was never fake, even from the first moment she laid eyes on him. Though, he never returned the feelings.

"Excuse me?" She heard a smooth voice address. She looked up, hoping her face had calmed enough to show. Damn her pale complexion.

Looking up, she took in a deep breath, "May I help you, Double D?"

She didn't mind using his nickname, they had known each other for years. Even though they didn't speak regularly, she was sure it was fine. Even then, she didn't really care. People didn't just boss her around unless she knew it was for the better. It's just a name.

Apparently, it was the correct choice. He smiled in return, "Hello, Marie, I'm sorry I wasn't sure it was you. I just needed some help finding a book on Radiotherapy. Specifically, for cancer patients."

God, he was so smart.

She remembered his request and her own mind snapped back on track. "Yeah, we pulled out all of these books for the project, as asked of us by the Physics department." Ugh, she was droning.

Still, he smiled, "I figured as much, I know this whole library like the back of my hand."

She had volunteered here long enough to know that. He was here at least four times a week, whether it be research for fun or for school. He just had the natural drive to learn.

"Let me get that book for you," Marie said, standing from her seat. All the books were alphabetized as per her boredom. As her nimble fingers searched, she went through she decided to at least start a conversation.

"So, Radiotherapy? Why so intricate?" Truth be told, it wasn't hard to understand the radiation was sent into a patients body by a number of different machines. He'd probably study about the Linear Accelerator, which pertained to radiotherapy and was what most patients went under to battle their malignant cells. Still, simple knowledge, right?

Double D actually shrugged, "For an advanced class, Mrs. Peace sure didn't ask for much. I choose the most difficult and least known topic as my choice, while others went as simple as a microwave."

She laughed quietly to herself, "You're an honest person, you know that?"

He seemed to stand a little taller, "Thank you, Marie. That means a lot to me."

Marie found the book and held it teasingly in her hand as well as another book about medical equipment, "Look up the Linear Accelerator. It's one of the better pieces."

He nodded and reached, taking hold of the books in her hand, "Thank you, once again."

As he pulled back, she felt his warm fingers trace over hers. She felt her chest tighten, "No problem."

As he walked away, she remembered a new rule regarding the books, "Double D!" He turned around, acknowledging her. "Sadly, you can't check out the books. The librarian wishes the books stay so more than one student may use the book."

"I wasn't planning on checking them out, it would be rude to others studying the topic, but the reminder is appreciated." He hesitated for a second as he looked around the empty library. "Would you care to join me?"

She felt flight without wings, she had no work and she could talk to him, the boy that held her heart. She was more than eager to reply.

"Sure, I mean, if you'll have me."

He laughed, walking back over to the desk, "Of course, why would I invite you if I have no intention to accept you?"

Oh Double D, still ignorant to sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes, meeting him and even taking one of books. "I just happen to know about radiotherapy," she said. "I'll help you out."

"You don't have to, I'm more than capable of-"

She tapped him lightly on the hand, "I insist," she said as professionally as she could, "It's time you be tutored."

With a polite smile, Double D nodded, "I'd be happy to learn."

While Marie opened the book and pointed, describing the usage of waves and just what they exactly do to the body, both were unaware of the other student in the library watching.

He really didn't like the Edds, they had been a nuisance to his neighborhood since he mad moved there. He wore a red backwards hat that wasn't allowed during school hours, but he didn't care much. His red hair poked out of the hat, looking like straw. He wore black pants and a shiny leather jacket and under a red short sleeve.

Kevin watched, forgetting to hide from the dork but not caring either. He'd been searching for his lost motorcycle keys when he stumbled upon the little twerp flirting with the Kanker. The dork had been with Nazz and now she had almost completely forgotten about him, which he couldn't stand. Now, he was going to take her back. By force.

He pulled out his phone, quickly snapping a picture of the two leaning in close and reading the book. But, of course, from Kevin's angle it looked like the two were at the beginnings of cuddling.

"I got you, dork."