"Marie," Edd fidgeted, glancing at his watch as a tiny bead of sweat was appearing over his brow, "We're 20 minutes late as of five seconds ago," he squeaked. He paced the Kanker's small enough living space, his infamous beanie looking a tad out of place as he was dressed in a simple sweater and tie. Marie found it pretty hot that, even though he wanted to impress her family, he remained true to his nature and love for his ever present hat.

Marie smiled sourly, "That's perfect, fashionably late is how we Kankers love to be." Marie held no grudge against the Royal's, they had done nothing to her, mostly because they didn't know of her but they were going to acknowledge that she wasn't one of them, nor would she ever be. It was too late for that, too late for change. Maybe, if they continued to show respect, she would accept them as family but she would always be a Kanker, with her true sisters.

Edd frowned nervously, "Marie, I have no objection of you proving a point, but must it be when there is someone in a limo waiting for us?"

"Do you want to hold my hand?"

"Yes," Edd admitted quietly.

"Then shut up."

Edd sighed, realizing he had lost the battle, and sat down on the couch next to Marie, only wondering how much longer the sisters would take. Marie snuggled up next to him, her hand unconsciously finding his and grasping it.

"Dream boat, I gotta say, you look mighty cute in your little sweater," Marie purred into his ear. Edd blushed almost immediately.

"T-thank you, Marie," he stammered, his eyes glancing down at their interlocking hands.

"Nuh-uh," Marie teased, her other hand taking hold of his chin, "Look at me."

His eyes, since his face was now forced, fell into her pool blue eyes. Out of his peripheral, he took in the simple black dress she was wearing. It ended a few inches before her knees, and the thin black straps contrasted with her snow white skin. She had done her makeup lightly, even straightening her blue hair so it draped smoothly over her shoulder. Edd gulped.

She is beautiful.

Suddenly, her hand dropped from his chin, and she looked away. Edd shook himself out of his daze.

"Marie?" He asked, confused at her sudden shyness.

"What did you say?" Marie's voice said, still looking away from him.

Edd racked his mind, had he said something aloud and hadn't even noticed? He must've said his overwhelming thought…

"You are beautiful," he said softly, his hand turning her head to look at him, "don't turn away from me when I tell you that."

Marie blushed. Hard. He really amped up his flirting game to compete with her, and she fell for it. His gentle smile only made her more aware of how her feeling were being riled up, fast.

It was then how she noticed how close their faces were to each other, mere inches separated them. Though, it looked like Edd was closing it, and quick. Marie's heart started to pick up pace as she felt herself leaning in too.

"We're ready!" A voice yelled, erupting Marie and Edd from their moment. Marie looked up, seeing May in a white dress and heavy makeup, and frowned.

"Finally," Marie said, an annoyed tone adorning her word. She looked at Edd, who was quickly about to lean back, she grabbed the back of his head quickly and closed the space.

In a moment, their lips had found each other in a kiss, for a few seconds they sat like that before Lee coughed.

"You guys comin' up fah air anytime soon?" She asked aloud.

Edd separated, a powerful red streaking his face, and looked to Marie. She stood up, offering her hand.

"And don't you look away from me when I want a kiss."

Cole sat next to his father, his eyes watching the hands of his Rolex, before turning up to his only brother, "Well, I can tell she inherited more of her father than I had first thought."

Luke sat straight in his tux (like he had a choice), and his eyes narrowed at Cole, "And tell me, where is Ashton?"

Cole looked sternly at Luke, "Ashton is an adult, while your child is still a teenager."

"Well, Cole-"

"Enough, boys," Valeria, their mother, scolded strongly from the other side of Richard, their father, "We are not children here, so I suggest you behave as such."

She glanced at Luke next to her, and Cole on the other side, "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, mom," Luke grumbled, allowing his eyes to look at anything but his bitter brother.

"Cole?" Valeria asked.

"Of course, mother," Cole reassured, his stare becoming a tad less stoic.

Jasmine entered their private room, feeling the tension but managed to shrug it off, "The girls and Eddward are here, Gordon just informed me."

"The girls?" Richard finally spoke, then he turned to Luke, "What girls?"

Luke's eyes widened as he whispered, "My daughter is mad."

"Alright May," Lee spoke as the group walked into the restaurant, "be quiet, chew with your mouth closed, and-"

"No," Marie interrupted from in front, locked in Double D's arm, "Act yourselves, please."

"Ourselves aren't all that respectable, Marie," Lee countered, following into the private room that held a lot of adults.

"I'm counting on it," Marie whispered as the Royals stood up.

"Granddaughter," Richard pleasantly announced as he stood tall, "I'm glad to see you have arrived with Eddward and…"

"My sisters," Marie supplied as she took a step to the side, showing the two nervous girls. "This is Lee and May," Marie gestured, a small smile adorning her.

Everybody in the room up took a smile as well, except for Cole, who stood quietly and his eyes only watching Marie. "I guess this means we have to get more chairs, we weren't expecting more guests."

Before Marie could reply, Richard snapped, "Cole, I hardly doubt that will be a problem. I'm sure Gustavo wouldn't mind in the least."

Luke gestured Marie and the others to his side as Richard belittled Cole, to avoid all this awkward standing introduction.

"You can see your grandfather is on your side," Luke whispered to Marie as they sat down.

"For all the wrong reasons," she bit back, though with the same simple smile on her face.

As everyone sat, the waiter walked in, a polished thin man, "May I help you with anything?"

"Yes," Richard answered, "We require two more chairs, as well as menus. Don't worry about separating checks either, I will be more than happy cover our meal."

The man nodded, walking out as quickly as he did walking in, and returned with the chairs, menus, and then took the bottle of wine that sat in the corner and began to poor everyone a fair glass.

"Lee, we aren't old enough," May whispered as the man walked to the other end of the table.

Lee smiled, bigger than she had in a while, "Hush, squirt."

Richard had downed half his glass before he spoke again, "So, Marie, I'm aware that this must all come to a big surprise to you. It's not every day you meet the other half of your family."

The chatter that had been going on halted, Marie took a sip of water before answering. "No, it certainly isn't. It's weird, actually."

Jasmine chuckled, "I would think so, trust me, I'm kind of annoyed myself that Luke kept away such a beautiful niece from me." She glared at Luke playfully and shook her head.

Marie didn't know why, but she knew it was a genuine comment. She smiled back at the pregnant lady, her aunt, "Thank you."

"I am sorry," Luke said to nobody, but Marie felt it come to her. She shrugged it off.

"Yes," Richard coughed, "Lucas is to blame, that has been established, but we cannot help the past. We must live now and look to the security of the future."

"I would like that," Marie agreed, "But, as I've stated before, I am not abandoning my name."

"I would think that most would be gracious to embrace the Royal roots, if they so had any," Cole stated loud enough for everyone to hear.

Luke felt himself stiffen as his brother spoke, jabs intertwined with his words. His mouth fell open, ready to defend his daughter from his brother, when the door to their private eating room opened.

"Hey, everybody," Ashton greeted as he walked in with a chair, he placed the seat next to his aunt, who smiled up at him.

Everybody watched Ashton, picking up his aunt's wine and taking a deep drink, as if he was drinking for the first time.

"Yeah," he said to himself, "I'm going to need more of that if I'm to live through this." He looked at his cousin across the table and smirked, "What's up, Marie?"

Marie's grin grew to match his, "Oh, you know, the usual."

"Ashton," Cole gritted through his teeth, "What held you back for so long? We thought you weren't going to show."

The boy shrugged into his chair, "Better late than never."

Cole didn't reply, though he grimaced from the boy's lack of respect.

"Glad to see you made it, Ash," Luke greeted the boy, sitting back into his chair.

"Uncle Luke, you look as graceful as ever," Ashton joked.

Luke rolled his eyes, "Like a dead dear."

Ashton raised his glass, "To perspective."

As Ashton and Luke raised their glasses, Cole felt himself fuming from his own son and brother. Why couldn't his father realize that these two were not needed by their company? Cole himself would handle matters for as long as possible, why was there a need to welcome in this abomination he had to call a niece.

"So," Ashton said, once again claiming the attention, "Who are these ravishing young ladies with us?"

Marie laughed as she saw Lee and May nearly disappear into their seat, "My sisters, Lee and May."

"Welcome to this warm family dinner," was all Ashton said, his smirk still kind.

"Yes," Richard interrupted, "But I would like to know more about these two beautiful, young ladies. Who is the oldest?"

"Lee," Luke supplied quickly, "She was present when I was here."

"She can speak for herself," Marie snapped as Luke closed his mouth, it wasn't rude but it was firm.

Luke narrowed his eyes at Marie; his own blood treated him like this. He couldn't exactly snap at her because he knew he deserved it, but it was seriously getting to him how little she actually tried. What had Christina said about him?

Richard nodded, bringing his attention to the two quiet girls that had somehow gotten the wine bottle in front of them.

"Lee, May, I know this must come as much of a shock to you as it did Marie," Richard started, his eyes boring into them.

May opened her mouth then closed it just as quickly.

"Do not be afraid to speak," Richard added pleasantly.

"We ain't used to this," Lee said, her accent filling in the room as the others took in her voice.

"We didn't know Marie was rich," May blurted.

Lee kicked at May's shin from underneath the table the moment May finished her sentence, earning an "ow" from her baby sister. Marie widened her eyes, but relaxed, knowing it was in May's nature to mess up. She was nervous after all.

"Sorry 'bout that," Lee said, "But it's true."

"I don't blame you in the least, May," Jasmine said, the comfort in her voice allowed May to look back up, "It can be overwhelming."

"When momma is feeling nice, she'll take us to Jim's sometimes," May said, hardly loud enough to be heard, "But we haven't been there in ages."

Lee and Marie looked at their sister, whose eyes fell back down to her dress and the elegant plate in front of her. Lee placed her hand on her sister's and gripped it, just to let her know it was okay. Lee felt a tinge of annoyance at their mother; she knew May was the one that always suffered from her absence more than her or Marie. No matter how much Lee tried, she couldn't be her mother.

"Ah, Jim's, I haven't been there since I was your age, dear," Valeria suddenly spoke up. The three sisters looked at the grandmother, their eyebrows up in a united confusion.

Valeria smiled gently at May, "I wasn't born rich either, I worked at my mom's Laundromat until she passed on, then I took it over. But you know where we used to go every Friday?" Valeria's smile became the light in the room as she said, "Jim's."

"W-we can go sometime," May blurted, she closed her mouth with her hands and looked at her sisters for a moment, getting their nods before she placed them down.

"I'd like that," Valeria smiled an old smile, "But only if we get ice cream after."

Marie smiled, knowing this woman had found her way into May's heart.

Nobody saw Cole roll his eyes.

It took 30 minutes for the party's meals to be cooked to complete perfection and an hour to consume it all. Richard bought what he called, "The Endless Special" and boy did it seem like it.

At first, the teens in the room were a bit hesitant at what each was being served; it was all in a different language with too many letters. The only one who could pronounce it correctly was Double D, but even he didn't know what he was safe with.

It took a lot of prodding, bargaining, and a tiny bit of begging to coax the teens out of their comfort zone and to try all the funny named meals. But once it was done, it seemed like they never wanted to stop.

"I'm stuffed," Lee said, sitting back and patting the food baby under her dress. May nodded contently beside her, her eyes near shut as she rubbed her stomach in circles.

Marie shrugged, sat back and pulled a toothpick out of nowhere and set it into her teeth as she put her hand on Double D's. He took it in his and leaned in, "I say that went rather well."

Marie nodded, "I didn't want to ruin their perception of me, just that I wasn't willing to leave my sisters for them."

"Mission accomplished."

After dinner was over, Valeria and Jasmine walked over to the Kanker sisters. "I wasn't joking when I said I would like to return to Jim's. We'll be in town for a bit longer than we expected, and we don't really have any friends here. Whenever you all feel like, give us a call." Valeria extended her hand; a little piece of paper that had her number written on it stuck out and fell into May's hand.

"S-sure," May stuttered, putting the paper piece into her bag.

"Just because we are not related to you, doesn't mean we aren't related to you," Jasmine winked, "Marie isn't to only new addition, is all I'm saying."

She walked away with her mother, leaving the two girls speechless as they waited for Marie and Edd.

"Are they joking?" May whispered to Lee, who was watching the family gather around to say their goodbyes to Marie.

"I… don't know, squirt," Lee admitted, "But I'm sure Marie does."

"Would you mind me driving you home?" Luke asked as Marie was finally left alone, "Gordon will take the others. I just want to talk to you."

Marie raised her eyes at him, "What's in it for me?"

"Just to get to know a little more, maybe some ice cream, I'm a mystery."

"Eh, I guess, let me tell them I'll be home later."

"So where exactly are we going?" Marie asked after ten solid minutes of driving in Luke's truck, she wasn't sure why she agreed to this adventure, but now it felt like it was biting her.

"We're almost there, don't worry your pretty head," Luke comforted, his eyes firm on the road. He drove farther up to road before pulling onto a dirt road, almost hidden by the trees. Marie, unsure of where they were, looked outside and watched the passing trees. The dropping sun somehow made a glow on the trees, making her vision lighter.

Luke drove then suddenly pulled at a stop, "This is as far as we go in the truck, c'mon." He jumped out, and waited at the hood of the truck.

Marie shrugged and opened her car door; she didn't jump, because her shoes and dress didn't permit, but got down and watched Luke. He was waiting for her with a small smile on his face.

"Let's go, princess, just past these trees," Luke said, leading the way as Marie followed. It really was past the trees in front of them. Marie didn't even have time to grumble before a breath taking ledge appeared in front of them. She didn't know beauty all that well but seeing the sun set past the horizon, the trees slow dancing in the gentle breeze, she couldn't help but realize that beauty was right in front of her.

Luke walked forward then sat down and swung his legs over the ledge. He patted the ground beside him, inviting Marie.

"You sure that's safe?" Marie asked as she walked gingerly to where he was.

"Not sure, but I'm sure it'll be fine," Luke answered, earning a step back and a frown from his daughter. "Kidding, I've been out here plenty of times, its safe. Plus, would I bring you to somewhere I didn't know was safe?"

Marie didn't answer, she simply walked and took a distanced seat next to her father. "Why am I here, Luke?"

"I figured you needed to know some things, like your mother saved my life here," Luke answered, the words flowed out of him smoothly.

"Oh, what, you tried jumping here?" Marie asked jokingly, only when she was greeted by silence did she realize she hit the nail on the head.

"I didn't want to be a Royal, I found this place my first day in Peach Creek and I figured why not," Luke said, watching the sun sink into the land.

"But your mother came out of nowhere and asked 'You too, huh?' I was confused; I knew she didn't understand how I felt, how could anybody? All she said was that she knew my position but she couldn't do it. She had someone depending on her."

Marie took his words in, knowing that the someone was Lee. She took interest and looked at her father.

"I told her that nobody depended on me, that nobody needed me. You know what she told me? 'I do, what blue haired boy is gonna take me out for ice cream if you count yourself out now?' I swear, I wanted to laugh and I did. It wasn't a minute into meeting her, and she got me to take a step back. "

Marie looked back, imaging that scene happen all those years ago. She never knew her mother to be caring, she wanted to doubt the story, but the evidence was etched into his words.

"Marie, your mother was an amazing woman and I wonder what became of that sweet soul I met," Luke finished. "You and I wouldn't be here if she hadn't decided to come up here that day.

"A lot of things wouldn't have happened, it is the domino effect for a reason," Marie sighed, her eyes taken off of Luke.

"What would it take for you to forgive me?" He asked, almost sounding desperate.

"You know, I'm not fully decided on that," Marie admitted, "I know you're the only dad I got, but you're a lousy one. "

Luke chuckled, "I don't know if you've noticed but it runs in the family."

Marie laughed with him, "Yeah, I have but still. Quit pushing yourself on me and let me like you in my own time. Don't leave again."

"I won't," Luke promised immediately, he didn't even know his reflexes worked that fast anymore.

"I like the Royals, some more than others, but they're trying the best they know how," Marie offered.

"My mother and sister have everybody's hearts, I already know. It's the men that are tougher to love."

"Ashton is my favorite," Marie said.

"By God, I wonder why," Luke smiled, he knew just how alike they were it was no wonder that they made such good cousins.

Marie got up from her ledge, offering her hand to Luke once she stood. He took it gladly, but still knew better than to give her all of his weight.

"Come on, you owe me some ice cream," Marie said as she began to walk back towards the truck.

Luke watched her walk ahead, his smile never leaving his face. He owed her so much more than ice cream, but it was a start.

Marie walked into her trailer as quietly as she could, it was a bit later than what she had told Lee and she wasn't trying to wake them up. Everybody had had a long day. As she walked past the couch, she noticed a tall form sleeping. She would've guessed Lee but the head had no wild hair.

"Marie," the voice whispered pleasantly.

Marie took slow steps towards the figure, only to realize it was Double D sleeping. He was dreaming about her.

Marie grew a crooked grin and sat on top of him, careful not to wake him up. "Hey, oven mitt, what're you doing?" She whispered into his ear.

"Marie…" came his happy sigh.

"Can I have a little kiss goodnight?" She purred into his ear, her hands already on his chin.


She figured that was permission enough, she placed her lips on his. It took all of five seconds for Double D's eyes to shoot open.

Marie sat back and rolled her eyes, though he couldn't see in the dark, "Sit back and let me have my fun."


That was all she let him get out before pushing herself back onto him. She felt her lips sinking into his with every second that passed. His lips fought with hers, Marie smirked, this is new.

She pushed him farther into the couch; she opened her mouth and allowed her tongue to slide out, as if on instinct, Double D followed Marie into this new territory.

Marie had her hands at the side of his face, all but forcing him onto her. Double D had his hands on her waist, unconsciously pulling her towards him as well.

They kissed, their tongues dancing with each other as they each relished the sweet taste of their lips. They sat like that for minutes, simply taking the breath of the other. It wasn't until Marie felt something on her hip that they stopped.

She pulled back, taking a heavy breath, "A little excited there?"

She knew he was blushing but his returning voice came back, "Like you weren't?"

Marie laughed as she realized that he was right, she did. She wasn't embarrassed, because it was normal. She got off of him, sitting next to him as they each calmed down.


"Yes, dream boat?"

"Would it be too much if I asked you to be my girlfriend now?"

Marie looked over at him, and he to her, he cupped her face and brought himself to her. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She really did like when he took charge.

"Sure thing, Double D, as long as that means we can do that again."

"Oh, I was counting on it."

It's a bird, it's a plane!

No! It's an irresponsible author!

I'm super sorry this took months guys, really. I remember taking a break to focus on school and look what it turned into. I'll tell you this, I DID manage to graduate Top 10 of my class. It really meant a lot to my family and I.

Enough about me, it's all about Edd and Marie here.

And their soon-to-be problems.


Double D is becoming much more comfortable with Marie.

The Royals meet the Kankers.

Cole is rude, as always. Good thing Ashton isn't.

Dinner with the families.

Valeria and Jasmine really want to go to Jim's with May and Lee.

Marie and Luke visit the ledge that started it all.

Some fluff as a way of saying I'm sorry and THEY ARE NOW A COUPLE. I know, anticlimatic but in my head once Edd gets a taste of something new, he is beyond enticed. What better way to ask someone out than after an intense makeout session? Answer, there is none.

Everybody can thank The Howling Behemoth for reminding me to get my life back on track. By the way, I'm sorry I couldn't deliver this yesterday as I originally promised. Family matters.

Still everybody thank him, I would've posted this last night but I didn't want to end it with dinner, just didn't feel right. I added some things today and I feel much better.

I am back and I do plan on updating much more often than once every six months, but if you notice that I am taking my sweet time, then please do not hesitate to shoot me a PM. It really gets me back on the ball.

As I have been gone, I do need to know what's up with the stories around here. Recommend me some and I'll be sure to give them a read.

I'm not asking for any reviews but I can neither confirm nor deny that reviews are the key to my author heart.

See you guys next update!