A/N: hi guys, this is my first fic, it's kind of based on a dream I had. Please R&R, any criticism will be appreciated (and yes that includes flames). This is a Modern AU, so no bending, but Toph is still blind. Katara is 24, Zuko is 26, Toph an Aang are 23, Sokka and Suki are 27. Um Katara is a reporter and works at the Sparking News (only because I couldn't think of a better name -_-)

Oh btw, from the second chapter, it will be told from Katara's point of view.

Disclaimer: I own nothing accept the storyline.

Paper Butterflies: Chapter 1

The whole office was abuzz with news, news about the world, news being investigated, news being written, being printed and presented, and at the centre of it all, Bato Atiara was pacing the length of his city view office when the door opened and his star reporter walked in.

His head snapped to the side as soon as he heard the door open. "You wanted to see me chief?" she said. He looked at her for a second then started his rant, "What in the hell were you thinking! Sneaking into a drug lord's club and questioning him in his own territory? You could have gotten maimed or killed or worse, arrested! Do you have any idea what I have to go through to save your ass this time? Hell that's what! You! You give me heart burn! " this statement was punctuated by Bato promptly reaching for his heart burn meds.

Katara Havens only looked at her boss and Godfather, "I'm sorry Bato, but you know for a fact I couldn't just sit here and miss my chance to swipe a potential lead to that low life Crime Lord of our great city! By doing what I did, I'm that much closer to nailing this creep!" she said while eyeing Bato's twitching left eye.

The only response she received was a frustrated yell and a motion to leave. She stopped at the door and smiled softly when she heard "You need to be careful Katara, one day you'll end up picking the wrong fight and I won't be able to get you out of it. Just at least give me a warning before you do something like this again so I can at least stock up on some stronger meds and excuses. Okay?" She turned her smile towards the old man, gave a small nod of affirmation and walked out.

Meanwhile in the slums of the Fire Nation, the "creep" himself was being told of the reporter who was hell bent on finding him. He smirked to himself, he was after all, curious about this woman who thought herself equal to a Lord, albeit a Crime Lord. This was his city and how could he deny an "adoring fan".

It was with this thought that made him rise from his shadowy perch and stalk out of the dimly lit room.

Katara exited the Sparking News and inhaled deeply, savouring the smell of the earth just before a rain storm. She smiled to herself and headed north towards the martial arts gym a few blocks away.

She entered the gym and was greeted by the sight of a young, raven haired woman tossing a man twice her size to the ground with a crash. Katara grimaced and was snapped from her thoughts when a sharp voice demanded her attention. "Well well well, if it isn't little miss Sweetness! I heard you went down to Old McD's crack farm and got yourself quite a story! Nicely done..." the smile marking the woman's face was absolutely beguiling and would have thrown even the strongest man to his knees.

Katara smiled at the woman, shaking her head and said, "Well what can I say Toph, you know how I get when I want something really bad..."

At this Toph scoffed and exited the ring. To the average person, Toph was just a woman who loved a fight, but to her fans, she was the youngest and best MMA fighter in the world, not only for her impeccable skill, but also because she was blind. This coupled with the fact that she kicked ass like no one ever could and made clean victories earned her the nickname "The Blind Bandit." She was the 6 time champion of the Earth Rumble, the biggest MMA tournament in the world.

After a while, once the 6 time champion was clean and ready, the two women headed to their favourite bar to meet up with the rest of their band of misfits.

The booth right in the end was currently supporting three people, two of which were telling very dry jokes, something the third couldn't quite find the merit in.

"And then I said 'you just broke my best set of CHINA!' get it? CHINA!" and with that the two males exploded into raucous laughter. Suki watched her Fiancée and barely restrained the urge to face plant into the table; luckily she was saved by Katara and Toph weaving their way through the tables to reach the booth.

When they arrived, Toph threw herself onto her boyfriend's lap causing the young officer to blush. "So, what did we miss," she asked and regretted it as soon as Sokka stated recapping his terrible joke. Katara smiled at Suki and hugged her pre-occupied brother and waved a hello to Aang, the newest addition to their little group.

Aang was a monk before he moved to the city and became a policeman.

He smiled at her and then it seemed everyone was talking at once. Laughter flowed as easily as did the drinks and everyone was more than ready to unwind and leave the previous week behind them.

After the drinks were done, eyes were closing and the bill was paid, did they all leave to go their separate ways. With a final bout of hugs and goodbyes, Katara whistled for a cab and headed home.

Katara walked through the front door of her apartment and threw the keys into the empty flower pot. She let out a deep breath as she hung up her coat and headed to her room. She didn't get three steps before the light switched on and a smirking figure detached itself from the door post. The voice was gravely and playful, but the dark undertone was unmistakable, "I hear you've been dying to meet me..."