Chapter 38

The morning after the ball, Storm woke to find Hermione lay across her. Fingers hooked around the bow-tie that still remained around her neck. The only bit of clothing she'd been left with, bar her socks, after returning to the brunette's personal quarters that night. Hermione was breathing quietly across her collar bones, her head lay on her shoulder. The sheets wrapped around them quite messily, as the sun streamed through the window. It wasn't early, Storm knew that with some semblance of certainty. But that wasn't surprising, they'd not gotten to sleep until at least five that morning after a long day.

Storm shifted ever so slightly under the brunette's weight, making an attempt to get up without disturbing the older witch. Her body was stiff, and her bladder burned uncomfortably. She was almost in the clear when Hermione's finger's tightened around the bow-tie; nearly strangling her with it. The sound of Storm's rather undignified yelp of surprise almost had the brunette stirring, grumbling in protest in her sleep.

Storm reached out for her wand, and magically undid the knot, letting the black fabric come loose and fall away as Hermione rolled over. With a sigh of relief, the younger witch had shifted and bounded for the adjoining bathroom, only to return a few moments later. The brunette hadn't moved again, and Storm had to make a mental note to keep this for when Hermione tried to hang her sleeping habits over her head.

With a smug smirk, the American slid back into the bed, wrapping her arms around the older girl's smaller frame. It was warm and comforting, and Storm wasn't long awake as she lay there; curled around the brunette's body in a protective embrace. It was tried and practised, and they seemed to fit together.

Storm had hoped it would last, the calm and happy feeling that surrounded everybody at Hogwarts. But it was short lived and soon faded as the Newt's and Owl's began to loom ever closer.

The coming weeks were filled with Hermione and Ginny studying very nearly non-stop for their NEWT's. Ginny had surprised both Storm and Hermione by actually taking them seriously, working just as hard as the brunette. Storm made a point in asking why, she just replied with "I want to beat Percy" and that was that. From what the American gathered, Percy was even more uptight than Hermione and that in itself explained the redheads need.

Storm herself had been just as bored as she thought she would be, the lessons didn't mean anything to her, the homework, it just didn't matter. She had her career sorted out, and none of it involved NEWTS, so studying for them was incredibly pointless. She found herself not really joining into classes, ignoring homework, and out of place entirely in the evenings.

She found herself sleeping alone one night, lay sprawled on her back in her own barely used bed. It was small compared to Hermione's Head Girl's bed, and felt really rather empty; even if she took up most of the room on her own. The drapes were closed around her, and she could hear the snores of everyone else fast asleep. She'd only come up alone because she knew Hermione would insist on sitting up most of the night scratching away at her parchment, huffing and puffing as she went along.

Being alone was much better than being frustrated while watching the older witch drive herself nuts. Storm was sure Hermione was more than prepared, but the older witch would just snap rather sharply about the importance of NEWT's and why she had to keep studying. Rather than arguing back, the American would quite simply shrug her shoulders and walk away. Her evenings had consisted of wandering around the castle and its grounds, or visiting Hagrid and Sasha. They were both happy to spend time with her, and were a welcome relief from the tense atmosphere that came with the brunette and redhead's company just then.

Quidditch had ended for the season, and she didn't even have that to fall back on anymore. It was like waiting for the term to end, just so her life could begin. She found herself, thinking about what type of home she'd like, and whether or not Hermione would move to Dorset after the year was over and she'd saved enough to get a small home for herself and Hermione. A place were Dexter would be welcome, because she doubted any flat in London would accept a dog as large as he was.

Her thought process was interrupted by a silver light bursting through her drapes; coming to a stop as a swirling otter treading weightlessly on her stomach for a few seconds. "Storm," Hermione's voice started out of the glowing animal, as it stared the shifter down. "Could you please come help me a moment" it finalised and the younger girl thought seriously about sending her own patronus back with a no. But she didn't, she shifted to get out of her bed as the iridescent otter disappeared and left the room in its darkness.

The American simply grabbed her wand, pulled on a pair of shorts and headed quietly for the door. After all, Hermione needed help with something, and who was she to say no? After all, she was only trying to sleep.

In no time she was pushing her way through into the brunette's personal quarters. There was no need to knock, as she was sure that'd just get her yelled at anyway. The room was brightly lit, and Hermione's bed was littered with books splayed open in every space. The brunette herself was stood, her hands flat against the desk in front of her, scanning a book that was open on its surface.

"Most people sit while they study" Storm quipped, already feeling herself tense around the brunette.

"What?" Hermione asked as she looked over her shoulder, her features tugged into a confused grimace. "Oh never mind, will you look at this please? It's totally untrue!" She almost seethed as she jabbed her finger at the page she'd been reading. Her shoulders obviously tense, and her hair frazzled and larger, more curly than usual.

Storm just sighed, rubbing at her tired eyes as she crossed the room to peak over the brunette's shoulder. The task an easy feat due to their height difference. "You could have at least changed you know. You're going to get sick" the shifter grumbled at her girlfriend who was still in her school uniform. Tie slightly askew but otherwise just as immaculate as it always was.

Hermione ignored her, and waited as she read the passage on shape shifters. The words stating that a Bogart was one of the only types. "If that was true my kind wouldn't exist" Storm replied simply, leaning to press her nose into Hermione's hair. Her arms wrapping around the brunette's waist as she listened to the shorter girl rant on about the false information. "Usually I find it really quite attractive when you get all hot and bothered over something. But Hermione, it's just a few lines in a book that's not even on the syllabus." The younger girl sighed, almost knocked off balance as Hermione turned violently to stare at her. Anger ablaze in her eyes as if Storm had just slapped her across the face.

"It's important, I don't know what will be acceptable to write about now. What if the examiner takes this as fact? And I write about the actual fact? I'll lose a point!" She ranted, and Storm was surprised when she didn't stamp her foot. An eyebrow raised as she watched the temper tantrum unfold before her, shocked that her oh so mature girlfriend was going to act like a spoiled teenager over a point in a test.

"What are you? Three?" Storm asked once Hermione was finished, a lopsided smirk tugged at her lips, her arms folded across her chest as she watched the brunette process her words.

She knew she was in trouble when a look of indignation crossed Hermione's face and her lips pursed. "Well!" She started but was cut off by the American all but tackling her into the desk behind her, the backs of her thighs hitting it with a heavy thud. A startled yelp burst its way from her chest before she was all but engulfed in a rather heated kiss, which she accepted without question. Storm pressing herself firmly into the shorter girl, leaving no room between them.

Surprised when the taller witch found her bum and hoisted her willingly onto the desk behind her. Without hesitation, Hermione had wrapped her legs around Storm's waist, pulling the younger girl in tighter. The American pressing into her further, their hips connecting leaving Hermione craving a much needed friction. Storm's hands wandering and squeezing and touching, attacking all her senses; making her forget why she was angry in the first place. Her own hands automatically tangling themselves in Storm's hair, tugging at the longer strands before scraping her nails down the younger girl's neck. A low groan rumbled in the American's chest, and Storm's hands worked their way between their bodies and found her thighs under her skirt; tugging down her tights impatiently. Hermione lifted her hips in an attempt to aid in the removal, for once just as impatient as Storm herself.

The American's lip's found her neck, licking, sucking, and biting the tender skin at her pulse point. Sending surges of heat rippling through her veins, pooling between her legs as she pushed her hands under Storm's shirt, splaying her fingers out against the soft warm skin there. Using the hem of her shorts to pull the younger girl closer as the American's finger's forced aside the fabric of her panties and found her centre.

Storm almost stumbled, but braced herself against the desk as she flicked and rubbed and pressed and circled. Hermione arching up into her touch, her hips bucking to meet her fingers as they pressed into wet heat that gripped them tightly. The younger witch wasting no time, setting a rhythm right away.

Their lips smacked together, meeting in sloppy kisses, Storm nipping and sucking on the brunette's bottom lip as the older girl's jaw dropped. Her breathing coming in short gasps and pants, her eyes shut tight, moans dripping from her bruised lips, hands grasping and tightening around Storm's neck, shoulders, in her hair as she writhed; pressed against the desk.

Storm almost winced as the brunettes walls shut around her fingers painfully, keeping them from moving. Her fingertips wiggling and curling in an attempt to pull the older witch through the peaks of her climax, Hermione's nails ripping their way through the skin at her ribs, and hip as her entire body went as rigid as the desk she was sat on.

It was over just as quickly as it started, and Hermione found herself gasping for breath as her legs twitched and spasmed, Storm's fingers still quite firmly held in place. A light layer of sweat coated her skin, making her uniform stick to her body a little uncomfortably. After a moment or so, she looked up to meet Storm's eyes, the American looking a little sheepish and red cheeked.

"Sorry" Storm spoke quietly after clearing her throat, not having moved from where she was stood pressed up against the brunette. Hermione unable to concentrate much on anything but Storm's digits twitching from strain, still held rather firmly. The last thing she wanted to do was ask why the younger girl was sorry, but she did anyway.

"Why?" She spoke, her voice hoarse from overuse, her fingers skimming the soft skin under Storm's shirt. Dark eyes meeting dark eyes, taking mental notes as the muscles in Storm's stomach twitched under her touch. The younger girl's stomach was rather sensitive she found, and if she touched the right places the shifter would quite literally cease to function for a few seconds.

"I didn't intend for that to happen on the desk" She stated, her cheeks flushing a deeper red. "It's not really... The best place." She muttered, wrinkling her nose as she finally slid her fingers out, only to wipe them discreetly on her shorts.

Hermione didn't really understand, so opted to pull the younger witch down to press a tender kiss to her lips.

"You should probably get changed for bed" Storm muttered again, leaning to rest her forehead against the brunettes.

"You should probably help me" Hermione spoke, a coy smile tugging at her lips, an eyebrow raised.

It took a moment for it to click in the younger girl's brain, and as soon as the dawning realisation spread across her features; it was replaced by a triumphant grin.

Hermione was stopped from commenting as she was once again hoisted up and off the table. Storm's height advantage really paying off as she was spun around, only having a moment to clear the bed with a quick flick of her wand before she was set down. A smug looking Storm following not long after.


After that, Hermione seemed to calm down ever so slightly. She'd think before snapping at the younger girl, and didn't stay up so late studying. Just as everyone had expected, she aced her Newt's. Getting Outstanding's in every single one she had taken. Though she seemed surprised, Storm wasn't. If anybody was able to do it, the older witch was the person. The results had come out just before they left school, leaving all the seventh years in the right place to find jobs once the term had finally finished.

Storm found herself spread out on her back in the middle of the quidditch pitch. The sun was blaring overhead, and the grass was soft and warm. It was a few days before they were due to go home, the term had finished for the seventh years, as there was nothing left for them to do. They'd finished all their exams, and had the results back. The fifth years had a similar situation, and both years too their opportunity to mill around in the nice weather. Storm should have been in class just then, but hadn't gone. She'd bolted for it, which wasn't hard considering her ability to shift, and ended up sprawled exactly where she was. There wasn't a point in attending the last few classes, because she simply wasn't returning the year after, but Hermione didn't see it that way and was sure to have her head if she was found. Though, the brunette had found her, and surprised her again.

As the older witch approached that sunny afternoon, clad in her muggle clothes, wearing a small smile to match, Storm waited for a bollocking that never came.

"I thought I'd find you here" The brunette spoke as she neared, pulling a small basket out of her beaded bag. "I stopped at the kitchens before coming down. I figured we could have lunch just the two of us today" She had finished before Storm could even comment.

"How did you know I wouldn't be in class?" She asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

"Storm, give me some credit. I know you well enough to know you wouldn't be caught dead in a classroom you didn't absolutely have to be in" Hermione laughed as she sat down beside the younger witch. "You also have grass in your hair" she stated, reaching across to pull a blade of grass from behind the American's ear.

"Did you want to move to Dorset after the years through?" Storm had asked out of the blue, "or did you want to stay in London?"

If Hermione was surprised by the question, she didn't show it. She simply set the basket out in front of herself, and started pulling things from it.

"I think we should move to Dorset, find a bigger place than a flat. London is just convenient for the time being. But I couldn't imagine staying," The brunette stated, flicking her dark eyes up to meet Storm's own. Noting how relieved the American looked, and unable to stop herself from questioning.

"Why is it you look so relieved?" She asked as she sat closer into the younger girl's side.

"I'm just glad we're on the same page is all" Storm admitted with a sheepish smile, leaning over to steal a kiss before digging in to her pasty.

Hermione just smirked, shaking her head slightly as she tucked into her own lunch.

The days that passed by, went exactly like that. No lessons, just enjoying the grounds of Hogwarts for the last time. She made extra efforts to visit the thestrals, and Hagrid, milling around aimlessly with Hermione next to her. The brunette enjoying the travels just as much as she had. They spoke about their plans, and what they were looking forward to most. They spoke about their fears, and what they were looking forward to least.

Storm admitted she hadn't really thought about what might come with the status of professional quidditch player.

Hermione herself had laughed at that, knowing just how heavily they were bound to be bombarded. "You're going to be part of one of the best teams in the league, and I'm part of the 'Golden Trio'" She explained when Storm looked confused, using air quotes as she spoke about the title herself Rom and Harry had been given.

"At least you've done something useful, I don't see how flying about on a broom is a justified reason to be in the daily prophet" Storm grumbled as she flopped onto the bank beside the Black lake. Hermione sat down beside her, leaning to rest her head against Storm's shoulder as they stared out at the lake.

"I feel bad for Ginny and Harry. They were already in the Prophet, something about moving in together? I don't see why it's anyone's business" Storm muttered, pulling two chocolate frogs from her pocket, handing one to the brunette as she did.

"It isn't at all. I just don't think they've got anything better to write about in all honesty" Hermione added, a little haughtily as she took the frog from between her girlfriend's fingers.

"I've got three of your cards now you know" Storm stated with a triumphant smirk, changing the topic entirely as she pulled open the packet.

"Why on earth would you keep them?" Hermione asked, a little surprised.

"To show them to our children when they're old enough to understand. Also, because who else's girlfriend is on a chocolate frog card?" The shifter smirked, around her chocolate frog, her eyes glinting a little mischievously as she looked at Hermione who had just rolled her eyes a little dramatically.

"Honestly Storm" Was all she could reply with, her own smile breaking its way across her features, thoroughly ruining her attempt to be stern.

"If my mother was on a chocolate frog card, I would honestly think I had the coolest mother on the face of the planet. So there you go, they need some proof that you're awesome" Storm spoke again, absentmindedly as if she'd just explained everything.

"What do you mean? They'll need proof?" The Brunette asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

"Nothing, nothing at all" Storm spoke with a laugh, her cheeks flushing slightly pink as she avoided Hermione's gaze.

The final night was spent wrapped up on one of the overstuffed chairs in the common room. None of the seventh years seemed to want to go to bed that evening, and all dwindled until at least two in the morning. Ginny being the last to leave with a groggy goodnight, aimed at Storm as Hermione was already asleep in the American's lap. It was almost sad, sitting there as the fire crackled and burnt itself out. Sad knowing it would be the last night they ever spent in the castle. Storm was reluctant to wake the brunette from her slumber, so instead opted to just carry the older witch to bed. It wasn't hard, given the height difference, and Storm's level of fitness due to Quidditch. Hermione didn't even stir as she was laid in bed, and changed with a quick bit of magic. The American herself way too tired to do it manually. The next morning would come too quickly, and the train ride back would be a difficult one. She knew that for sure. Ginny had opted to take the Hogwarts express for the last time, saying simply it would wrong to apparate and miss the last chance.

On the final day, as she stood with Hermione under the large stone arch, watching the younger kids make their way to the train she was struck with how much she was going to miss it. A lot had happened here at this castle in such a short space of time, and she'd grown attached to its stone walls and those that taught within them. Hermione herself was subdued, looking a little forlorn as she ushered the younger students out and into the grounds for the last time, preforming her last ever Head girl's duty.

Ginny didn't seem too sad to leave, her life had already started outside of the castle, and she was raring to get to it. Harry would be waiting for at Kings cross, they'd be moving into their own home. The green eyed boy had been so excited at the ball, Storm had almost hugged him for it; but Hermione saved her the job and did it herself.

The redhead had promised to meet both Storm and Hermione at the Leaky cauldron a week later, and a week after that Storm and Hermione had agreed to go and visit the couple's new home. Well, Hermione had agreed and later told Storm that was what they'd be doing.

The next few weeks were already booked up for both the brunette and the American, but in different ways. Hermione would be meeting with the Minister and settling into work almost immediately, whereas Storm would be meeting with her new teammates and various other officials linked to Puddlemere united. She'd already received an offer to be interviewed for the Daily prophet, but quickly ripped it up and fed it to the fire.

But as she stood there, lent up against the flagstone arch watching her girlfriend watch the younger students, none of it mattered. It all seemed so simple right then, so gut wrenchingly sad. She didn't know when she'd be back at Hogwarts, and that was that. The ghosts of memories played out in her mind, the good and the bad, and she desperately wanted to run back in through the double doors and re-live every single one. With a deep breath she moved to stand beside the brunette, entwining her fingers with the smaller ones that seemed to have been waiting for her own. A warmth filled the pit of her stomach then, as her dark eyes fell on Hermione's sun soaked profile. Maybe Hermione had always been waiting for her, and maybe she'd always been waiting for Hermione.

"I'll miss this place" She admitted finally, a small frown tugging at her lips as the wind trickled past.
The brunette beside her looked up then, her dark eyes sparkling in the early morning sunlight, a small smile pulled at her lips after a moment of consideration. "I won't" she spoke, surprising the American who just raised a brow in question. "I mean, I will obviously. But I'm glad it's over. I can't wait to just… start a new chapter" She stated, leaning up to press a kiss to Storm's cheek.

"Why is it always about books with you?" The younger girl teased with a lopsided grin that had spread across her features as soon as Hermione had leant up to kiss her.

"Oh hush you" The brunette scolded playfully, stepping closer to the American's side as they began following the last of the students down to the Thestral drawn carriages for the last time.

A/n: That's it folks! Thank you to everyone who read this, favourite, followed, commented. I honestly hope everybody had enjoyed it as much as I have.

"Weather the Storm" Is the name of the sequel, and will be posted not long after this chapter itself. I hope to see you all there! Good-bye for now :)

Over and out- Kass