Here we go with the final chapter! Hope you've all enjoyed reading! Feel free to leave a review :D

About an hour later, Sasuke and Naruto finally emerged from the bathroom, looking a little less than respectable. Sasuke had apparently tried to fix his hair and Naruto had hickeys all over his throat. Onyx eyes glared at the room, just daring them to say something –anything –about the fact that he and Naruto had just had incredibly loud, very rough sex in the staff bathroom.

No one met their gaze, though there was a distinctly smug aura in the room and most of the writers were wearing smirks. Sasuke stuck his nose in the air and rolled his shoulders. Good; they were all at least pretending to mind their own business.

"Hey folks; polls are *bleep* in and results say that Sasuke *bleep* Uchiha is GAY! That's *bleep* right! G-A-Y as in just had sex in a bathroom with a man GAY!"

Of course, then there was Hidan.

Immediately, everyone in the entire room burst out laughing. Suigetsu and Kiba were rolling on their desks holding their sides while the women were half laughing and half crying about what a loss it was that such a sexy man wasn't into females.

"You can all go get fucked," Sasuke snapped irritably.

"What, like you just did?" Kiba teased, setting off another chorus of laughs.

" –Oh come on, Sasuke," Naruto grinned, looping his arm around the moody raven's shoulders, "You can't think this wouldn't get out pretty damn quickly. Small walls and all."

" –Maybe you shouldn't have been so loud," Sasuke snapped from between gritted teeth.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fucked me so hard," was Naruto's quick comeback. He danced out of reach of the raven's sudden punch and cackled manically, sticking his tongue out –obviously oblivious to how ridiculous he looked with so many hickeys. Everyone chortled gleefully again as Sasuke folded his arms; thoroughly unimpressed.

"Oh come on, Temp," Suigetsu grinned, clapping him on the shoulder, "I'm sure Hidan has some wonderful things to say –" He gestured at the window, where Hidan was rubbing his hands together gleefully.

"This is a *bleep* development, Sasori," he was saying with a smirk, "Sasuke *bleep* the head writer of Word on the Street! Jeez, did you *bleep* hear them?"

"I think it would be hard not to," Sasori remarked flatly, "Naruto has a voice that tends to carry."

"Well, if it wasn't the hottest thing I've heard in *bleep* ever," Hidan cackled, "Cept those little *bleep* noises Dei makes when I jack him off…"


"Shut it, blondie, we're fucking talking about the hot gay sex we just had to hear," Hidan sniffed, "And don't even *bleep* pretend you weren't *bleep* turned on by it!" There was a sudden yelp and a muffled groan, "Yep; he's hard, Sasori…"

"Hidan!" Deidara exclaimed in embarrassment, pushing the older man away from him.

" –I bet this means we can *bleep* in the bathroom now," Hidan smirked slyly.

"I don't even know what's going to happen to this radio station when you two finally sleep together…" Sasori remarked casually.

"I'll just give a *bleep* detailed description of how we *bleep*," Hidan offered.

"I AM NOT GOING TO SLEEP WITH HIM!" Deidara spat aggressively.

"Yes you will," was Sasori's input.

"Really, Hidan's in love with Deidara?" Sasuke commented flatly.

"Oh yeah; everyone knows it," Kiba shrugged with a wicked grin, "So, are you guys like totally gonna keep fucking or something?"

"That's none of your business," Sasuke snapped crossly.

"Of course we are," Naruto corrected, cupping Sasuke's crotch as he wandered past, "And totally feel free to write an article on it; I'll even give you an exclusive on how great he is in the sack." He winked at a furious Sasuke, "Oh, but you do have to start taking me on dates. I'm not some kind of cheap whore." Sasuke just huffed crossly and headed over to his desk, trying to maintain a small amount of dignity.

"Now; up next, we have a special treat; if my co-hosts would stop bandying around their repressed sexual tension," Sasori sighed as Hidan and Deidara instantly quit their arguing, "We have an announcement to make."

"Well, we all know how you've all been following the story on Itachi Uchiha and his mystery crush, yeah," Deidara announced, "We've got the scoop on who. It. Is. And we know Itachi thinks we're bluffing, yeah."

"First clue; it's a man," Sasori commented.

"Second clue; he's big," Hidan grinned, "Like, *bleep* bigger than me. Imagine the cock on him…You'd like that, right Dei? Little cock whore."

"I'm going to kill you."

"Third clue; he comes into frequent contact with us down at Word on the Street," Sasori added. This was the moment when Itachi Uchiha himself emerged from his office, his eyes stern yet slightly worried. He came to stand over at the window; arms folded and looking very unimpressed.

"Um, Sasori; I think Itachi's passive-aggressively threatening to fire us, yeah," Deidara commented nervously.

"Fourth clue; he's a big fan of Akatsuki Live…"

"Sasori, that's not even a good clue, yeah…"

Itachi's eye twitched.

"Fine; he's what, six-five?"

"Jeez, there aren't many guys that tall around here…" Deidara chuckled. Itachi's glare intensified and he mimed slitting his throat while keeping his gaze trained on the three DJs. They all chuckled to themselves.

"Clues five and six; he's a fucking gigantic blue shark man and Itachi, he's fucking standing right behind you!" Itachi froze, then spun around in horror, only to find that Kisame had appeared behind him. Before the raven could react, the huge blue man had swooped down and pressed his lips harshly against Itachi's; pushing him back against the glass.

The three DJs let out catcalls and wolf whistles.

"My god; and there we have it; Itachi is *bleep* making out with Kisame Hoshigaki right in front of us!" Hidan whooped triumphantly as they saw the writers looking extraordinarily pleased with themselves. "*Bleep*, is that tongue I see?" Itachi pressed his middle finger back against the glass before wrapping his arms around Kisame's strong shoulders and allowing him to deepen the kiss.

"Bathroom's free now, Itachi," Naruto offered cheekily. Itachi pulled back from his kiss, looking a little flushed, and immediately rounded on his writers.

"Okay, whose idea was that?" he snapped aggressively, hands on hips and looking far too much like a scolding housewife, "Naruto?"

"Not me," he grinned wickedly, "…It was kind of mostly Sasuke's." Itachi's mouth fell open and then he grinned.

"Well, well, Sasuke," he smirked, "I am both horrified and proud of you." Sasuke just shrugged and smirked back, "…But don't get me wrong; I am totally going to kill you. Especially if you don't clean that fucking bathroom." Naruto chortled to himself, slinging himself down in Sasuke's lap comfortably; much to the chagrin of the raven.

"So how's about dinner, or something?" Kisame offered, licking his lips.

"Wonderful," Itachi replied, in a much lighter voice, then scowling, "You were in on this too, weren't you?"

"Well, maybe a little," Kisame grinned, "Don't worry –I fully intend to make it up to you…" Itachi obviously got the innuendo and was pleased, because he tossed his head and said that he was going out, if Kisame would accompany him. With a smirk, the blue man followed him from the office.

The writers began chuckling to themselves as they congratulated each other on their own cleverness before settling down to work.

"You are going to get off my lap," Sasuke growled, when Naruto refused to do so. Instead, the blonde swivelled so he was straddling his new kind-of boyfriend, wincing in pain at the action, "Or I am pushing you on your ass so hard that you're going to regret letting me fuck you."

"Oh, I could never regret that," Naruto smirked, kissing him forcefully and wrapping tanned arms around a pale neck. Sasuke just sighed and let the blonde do as he pleased for the meantime; kissing him back and running his hands up Naruto's thighs.

"PDA much?" Suigetsu sighed heavily, running his hands through his hair and looking over at Karin, "Why don't you ever do that sort of stuff with me, huh?"

"Because you're annoying and I would never!" she spat back. Suigetsu just rolled his eyes.

So it was that when Shikamaru arrived, he was greeted by the sight of Sasuke and Naruto sucking face in Sasuke's desk chair, with Naruto looking suspiciously like he'd just been heavily pounded –judging by the number of hickeys he was sporting. He chuckled to himself before ignoring everyone and heading straight over to the DJ booth.

"Hey folks, looks like we've still got something on the agenda," Sasori commented in surprise as Shikamaru asked to go on air, "Shikamaru Nara's apparently got something to say."

"Yo Shika," Hidan greeted, "Any particular reason why Neji's looking at you with a bit more *bleep* deadly intent today?" Shikamaru looked through the window and saw Neji's glare practically melting the glass between them. He looked furious. As their gaze met, the brunette moodily looked away, and it was with some satisfaction that Shikamaru noted the prominent hickey on his throat.

"Does it happen to have something to do with that little love bite on his neck?" Sasori inquired curiously. Neji froze.

"In fact, it does," Shikamaru drawled, "I'm actually here to force Neji Hyuuga out of denial."

" –And maybe even the closet, yeah," Deidara chuckled. Shikamaru chuckled along with him.

"I'm just here to say that ever since high school, I knew that Neji had a huge crush on me," he continued casually, noting the coldness emanating from the Hyuuga, "But he was too proud to admit that he; the star student; liked me; the lazy no-hoper. But that's about to change."

"Do share," Sasori raised an eyebrow. Shikamaru grinned.

"We had sex last night."

Neji leapt to his feet in outrage; glaring through the glass with a look that could almost kill. Shikamaru smirked as Hidan wolf whistled and clapped manically.

" –And if he doesn't come in here right now and admit to the listening world that he likes me, then I am giving a graphically detailed description of how much he enjoyed having my cock up his ass," Shikamaru smirked. Neji's eyes bulged, but he didn't move; calling his bluff.

"…Do tell," Hidan grinned.

"Well, you should've seen his face when I had my fingers up his ass," Shikamaru smirked, "I mean, it was adorable; he was all 'Oh; Shikamaru' and moaning and when we actually got to the fucking –" He was suddenly cut off as Neji came storming into the studio room angrily, and stopped his words with a fierce kiss.

Cheers broke out from both sides of the glass as Shikamaru instantly grabbed the brunette and sat him in his lap; groping his ass and grinding their hips together as their tongues battled furiously.

"…That was unexpected," Sasori remarked dryly. Shikamaru immediately pulled away with a lazy smirk.

" –And then, when I bent him over he said that –"


"Hear that everyone; nine years I've waited for him to admit that," Shikamaru explained, his hands massaging Neji's ass and the Hyuuga resisting every urge to moan.

"Way to force a guy out of the closet, yeah," Deidara chuckled.

"Neji, what do you say? Go out with me?" the lazy genius inquired.

"Like I would after that stunt you pulled!"

"Ooh, Shikamaru, I think you're in for a spanking tonight," Deidara giggled, to which Hyuuga eyes turned to glare at him aggressively.

"We're still on air, Shikamaru, and longing to hear about how you *bleep* Neji," Sasori commented, in a rare display of swearing. Neji looked horrified.

"Fine! I'll go out with you!" he snapped weakly, knowing that he'd been defeated by the prospect of further public humiliation. Again, Shikamaru grinned, muttering, "Finally…" and grabbed Neji's face to kiss him again.

"Seriously man, do you guys have to be *bleep* sucking face here?" Hidan complained.

"Are you *bleep* kidding me?" Deidara roared, "You constantly molest me in here!"

"Yeah, well that's different coz it's me getting the action," Hidan shrugged.

The females in the office, along with Suigetsu, Kiba and Lee were all looking around helplessly from making out couple to making out couple –Hidan had just pressed Deidara up against the wall in the studio to prove a point.

"Wow, this place is going to be a fucking porno from now on?" Suigetsu inquired as Ino quickly ran to get her phone, "Come on guys, get a room!" Naruto just flipped his middle finger at his co-writer.

" –This is a one-time thing; we are not doing this at work," Sasuke growled.

"Yeah, whatever, boss," Naruto snorted disbelievingly before reattaching their lips together.

"Go get the camera," she urged with a grin, watching as Naruto bodily pulled Sasuke out of his chair and laid back on his desk so that the raven was hovering over him, their bodies still pressed together. Suigetsu grinned, snatching up the old polaroid camera that they kept for occasions such as this and quickly took a single photo of Sasuke shamelessly grinding against his new, sort-of boyfriend.

As the picture began to develop, Suigetsu smirked, tearing off the chart that was hanging on the wall to reveal a number of similar photos.

"Writers' Wall of Shame" was the title of the display.

There was Kiba dancing as a male stripper; Suigetsu caught naked by the campus watch during a brutal game of Truth or Dare; Karin making out with a chubby forty-year old in a club; Hinata vomiting from nervousness during a public speech; each of the writers –and the three DJs had a picture there, marking a prominent embarrassing moment they'd been caught in.

And now, Suigetsu pinned Sasuke's picture up there with them, labelling 'Sasuke "The Temp" Uchiha'. With a satisfied grin, Ino took a picture of it and sent it off to Itachi.

"Wait, I have to send something too," Kiba exclaimed, snatching the phone and holding it up to the room, "Suigetsu, make out with Karin, would you?"

"Don't mind if I do," he smirked, grabbing her and crashing their lips together. She resisted for but a moment before finally giving in and wrapping her arms around his neck. Kiba grinned, taking a picture and sending that off to Itachi as well.

Itachi was sitting in a café with Kisame, waiting for his coffee when he got two incoming texts. He opened the first one and grinned.

This is what you've done to us! The message read; from Kiba.

There was Sasuke making out with Naruto (he'd always known there was sexual tension between the two); Suigetsu and Karin (well, about time); and then in the DJ booth there was Shikamaru and Neji (it was nice to see that Neji had finally admitted that he liked the lazy genius –they'd be good together. He'd been trying to think of a way to get them together for ages now); and of course Hidan with Deidara –when was Deidara finally going to admit that he wanted Hidan to quit joking about fucking him and actually do it?

Kisame saw the picture and chuckled his deep, throaty laugh.

"You're going to have trouble on your hands," he remarked as Itachi opened the second picture.

He grinned.

It was a picture of Sasuke's photo now up on the Writers' Wall of Shame. He knew what that meant. It meant that they had accepted him well and truly, as one of their own –whether he wanted to be or not.

" –They're Sasuke's problem now," Itachi smirked. He'd always known that those writers would be good for his beloved baby brother. He was going to be their last Temp.

Because now, he was one of them.

End! Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought, if you like :D
xx K