More Information:

Ryoma only returned to Japan in High school in this story, not middle school.

Echizen Ryoma: 14 years old, smart enough to skip two grades and belong in a senior class. Won the scholarship easily.

Fuji Shuusuke: 17 years old, soon to be owner of Fuji Co.

The private high school is Seihou Academy.


Male: Coat is a navy; pants are greyish silver with a white undershirt and a greyish silver tie. Emblem is a silver phoenix.

Female: Is the same as the male but with a greyish silver skirt and no tie.


Chapter 1

[Ryoma POV]

A dark emerald-haired teen made his way through the crowd while letting out a drowsy yawn careful as to not drop his precious Himalayan cat that was sleeping peacefully in the carrier he clung to. After stopping to grab a can of his favorite grape flavored Ponta he caught a taxi and directed the driver to the address before settling down for the ride. Stupid Oyaji he thought sipping his cold, refreshing drink as he remembered what had happened just a day ago: [FLASHBACK]

"OI! SEISHOUNEN! Pack your bags! We decided to send you off by yourself to your birthplace!" his father grinned as he ruffled his emerald locks; "Rinko and I are off to have a long awaited vacation…So, have fun brat! You'll be leaving tomorrow!"


Right after that one-sided decision, made by his stupid father, Ryoma found himself a plane heading straight for Japan. He let out a sigh as he glanced down at the keys in his hand that belonged to the large, Japanese temple like house where he would now live alone till his parents returned from their vacation.

After paying the driver he lugged his stuff up to the house to find another package that needed to be dragged into the house. He let out a heavy sigh after managing to complete his task and lay down on the ground watching Karupin enjoy her long awaited freedom from the pet carrier. The cat soon returned with a scrap of paper clutched proudly in her jaw as she made her way towards her master, purring contently as she settled beside him. Ryoma gently took the paper away and was about to throw it away till he spotted writing on it:

Ryoma dear,

Please forgive your father at his sudden decision and remember that you will start school tomorrow, try not to oversleep! I made sure that the school sent your uniform to the house so that you will have it. The package should have your schedule and a map of the school along with directions on how to get there. Make sure you pack your lunch for tomorrow and eat breakfast! I packed your bento box in your suitcase so that you would have something to pack it in along with some recipes that you could try and cook for yourself.



He let out a sigh and glanced sleepily at the unopened package before him before picking up Karupin and heading up the stairs that led to his old bedroom before collapsing into a deep sleep, Damn jet-lag.

"Shit!" Ryoma yelled through the empty house as he sprinted down stairs with a pair of scissors in his hands [Author's Note: CHILDREN DO NOT RUN WITH SCISSORS! IT IS DANGEROUS] lunging at the box and opening in quickly. Just as his mom said, he overslept and only had a half and hour to get dressed and run for it; after quickly dressing he filled his beloved's cat bowl with food as he would never let her starve! Guess I'll have to buy something at the cafeteria today, Ryoma thought as he slung his tennis bag over his back, threw his school stuff in his bag along with an apple to eat later before rushing out of the door and sprinting for the school which was three miles from the house. Glad for his athleticism he managed to appear at the gates of the school and slowed to a walk as he had a few precious minutes to spare; as he recovered his breath he gave a snort at the line of fancy cars and limo's parading their way out of the school.

He strolled in, ignoring the looks as he passed, Che, stupid rich people he thought. So what if he didn't come in a limo but by his own two feet! That's what most normal highschooler's do...either that or a bike, bus, or just a regular car! NOT A FRICKEN LIMO! He let out another sigh as he trudged onwards up the stairs and into the school...Seriously?! Who puts chandeliers in a school! He though slightly gaping at the sight before him, giving another sigh and grit his teeth as to not pay any more attention to this stupid rich society school.

The bell rang as he picked up the pace and wandered around trying to find his class room before turning a corner and smacking right into another person, "Tch," he said rubbing his nose which hurt from the impact before going around the motionless person standing before him. As he started to leave a voice...somehow very annoying and snobby rang through his ears, "Hey! Your supposed to show respect to your sempai's you stupid brat!" the taller male said while his "buddies" behind him chuckled, "Apologize you brat," the others jeered him on.

Ryoma merely rolled his eyes before continuing to walk away before two of the snob's peers pulled him back, slamming him into the near by wall making him glare at the three before him. One of them had his tennis bag and dangled it in front of him, "Hmm, I never knew a cocky brat like you would be able to afford such things, you'll be better off with an older shitty racket," he said with a smirk.

They started to walk away with his bag till the one holding it tripped, falling flat on his face...The culprit? Echizen Ryoma of course, more precisely his foot which stuck out to trip the one who was trying to steal his bag! He glanced calmly at them after retrieving his bag before walking away, "You might want to watch your step sempai," he said smugly. He could feel the other's glares on him quite clearly but paid them no attention, Once again, stupid rich people, he thought with a shake of his head as he made his way to his classroom.

Ryoma opened the door to room 3-A and peered inside to see a number of gazes on him, he mentally sighed.

"Oh, are you the transfer student?" the teacher asked after realizing that she didn't have any of the students attentions.

Ryoma nodded,"stepping into the room before voices suddenly came out.

"What? That puny kid's a third-year?"

"Sensei, are you sure its the right kid?"

"Oi, gaki did you get lost?"

Ryoma rolled his eyes letting out another exhausted sigh which led to another bought of calls.

"Watch your manners punk,"

"Did he just?!"


"Calm down class!" The teacher snapped causing the yells to lower to quiet murmurs. "This is Echizen Ryoma who won the scholarship here and is now in the same grade as you all. He had just transferred from America and is new here so please try to get along with him," she said before pointing to an open seat in front of a light brown haired teen, "You can take a seat in front of Fuji-sama."

He gave a short nod as he made his way to his seat and sat down in front of the smiling teen, he felt a slight chill run through him but ignored it. He yawned and managed to listen to the teacher for five minutes before settling his head onto his arms and dozed off.

[Fuji POV]

Fuji was slightly shocked by the new student's appearance and he could see others were too. The transfer student whom everyone thought would be dull and boring as he was labeled a commoner was quite the beauty: black locks with emerald entwined in the hair, unusual large cat like orbs which were golden, fair skin, he was still the shortest in the class though.

He had a feeling of wanting to monopolize this new teen after witnessing him retrieve his tennis bag from the three bullies this morning, he almost laughed at the shocked expressions on their faces after he tripped the one taunting him with the bag along with the cocky comment. Echizen Ryoma, he thought sounding his name in his mind, Hmm~ Ryo-chan seems like you've caught my interest. He let out a low chuckle which caused everyone in that room to stiffen and fear for their lives as they all knew that a chuckle from that devil was never a good sign.

After a few more classes, the emerald haired teen slept on though he did wake up every now and then to answer a question from the teachers who were shocked to get the answer in a few mere seconds though the boy was sleeping through their lessons. Fuji had let out small chuckles causing everyone to shiver in the room glancing a pitiful look at the sleeping boy whom they realized was the one that was causing the sadist to let out small bundles of laughter.

The bell had rung for lunch and after shaking the sleepy teen awake who glared at him reproachfully as his nap was disturbed, "What?"

Everybody in the room froze at hearing that word come out of the boy's mouth which was laced with unpoliteness, the last teacher to teach the class before lunch also froze before walking quickly out of the room leaving his stuff behind.

Fuji merely smiled, "Ryo-chan the bell rang for lunch."

The teen looked at him with a slight scowl on his face, "Ryo-chan? It's Echizen to you, not Ryoma or Ryo-chan," he almost snarled the last name the tensai had called him before rummaging through his bag for the money he was going to use to buy lunch as he didn't have enough time to make himself a bento. People scurried out of the room fearing for their lives except for a few people who were watching the scene quite intently.

"You brat! A commoner like you should know your place," a purplish silverette snapped flicking back his hair dramatically, "Oresama demands that you can go bring lunch to me."

Ryoma raised an eyebrow at that comment before a small smirk flashed across his face and he strolled out of the room with money in hand and after a few minutes he returned throwing a banana at the one, Fuji knew as Atobe Keigo. Atobe picked up the fruit and glared at the brat, "What is this?," he demanded wanting to know why the so-called 'brat' had given him a fruit.

"What's wrong with what I got you Monkey King? Monkey's love bananas so I figured it would suit your taste," he said quite smugly before leaving once more to get himself a proper meal before stopping to peak back inside, "You owe me money," he called before shutting the door.

Fuji turned his face away laughing along with a blue-haired teen who was watching with interest, Atobe on the other hand was fuming handing the banana to a stoic man with glasses, "Kunimitsu, you eat it," he said to his boyfriend who had a faint smile on his face and couldn't help but respond, "I'm not the monkey here."

Ryo-chan~ You're definitely interesting Fuji mused silently as his eye's were open looking at where the boy had exited.

And that concludes the first chapter of this series! To all my lovely readers out there I hope you do enjoy this new story! XD