Summary: Tsuna has a crush on Reborn, however, Reborn only thinks of him as a toy. After finding out what Reborn really thinks about him, he feels heartbroken. Even though Tsuna hides his feelings of sadness perfectly, an unexpected person was able to see through that mask.

Author's note: This is my first time writing a fanfiction. Critics are warmly welcomed, because i want to improve my writing and i like hearing the opinion of others. Reborn! is one of my favorite animes/manga.

For the people that have read this fanfic before: I decided to fix every chapter so they can at least enjoy reading it :3

i wish i could own it, however, all credit goes to Akira Amano :)


"Wake up Tsu-kuuuun" said tsuna's mom as she softly shook her son's shoulder.

tsuna pulled his blanket over his head and mumble back " 15 more minutes mom".

"You don't want to be late for your first day of school!" she exclaimed as she made her way downstairs.

Tsuna jumped from his bed as he saw that his alarm marked 8:30 a.m. "Oh shit! I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up!", shouted Tsuna; struggling to put on his uniform at full speed.

Once he made sure that every piece of clothing was on the right place, he clumsily ran downstairs and tripped on the last step. He rubbed his hand against his pained forehead and then quickly recovered from the fall. After all, he was already used to the consequences of his clumsiness. However, sometimes he couldn't help but to wonder if the ground had something against him.

Tsuna then quickly grabbed his blue school bag and dashed through the door. "Itekimasu!", exclaimed Tsuna before closing the door behind him. As he dashed outside he felt the nervousness and laziness of the first day of school struck him. Before he could whine about going to school , he caught a glimpse of Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Reborn.

"Good morning guys!" cheerfully said Tsuna as he approached his friends.

As Reborn took notice of small brunette, he swiftly placed his arm around Tsuna's slim waist and playfully said, "Good morning dame-tsuna".

Tsuna furiously blushed, noticing that his crush's face was way too close to him. As Reborn became aware of Tsuna's interesting expression, he quickly gave one of his signature smirks. Gokudera then shouted, "Stop harassing Yuudaime, you Bastard!". He then pulled out some dynamite as he saw Reborn too close to his dear Yuudaime.

Yamamoto then put his hands as defence and said "Ma Ma Gokudera don't start fighting so early in the morning". "Don't tell me what to do baseball-idiot!" Gokudera quickly shouted at Yamamoto.

Yamamoto then sweetly smiled at the bomber. Dumbstrucked by Yamamoto's gesture, Gokudera quickly look away as he felt his heart skip a beat.

As Tsuna freed himself from Reborn, he stuttered "L-l-let's h-hurry up you guys, otherwise we'll be late!"

When they arrived to Namimori High School, they went to check the board to see their homeroom. Tsuna sighed as he notice that he had Yamamoto and Gokudera, but not Reborn in his homeroom. "Come on guys, let get to class. We don't want hibari to get mad at us for being late." said Yamamoto as he began to walk towards the building's entrance.

Hibari-san? What does he mean by that? wondered tsuna, then he saw Yamamoto pointing towards the big yellow board. Tsuna eyes widen as he saw hibari's name under their designated homeroom. When they noticed that there were only 3 minutes until the bell rings, they decided to make a run for it.

The three of them arrived the classroom a second before the bell rang. Tsuna and Yamamoto couldn't help but to let out a sigh of relief. Mainly because the possibility of them being bitten to death was avoided for today. Gakudera was just happy that he didn't have to deal with Hibari kyoya's cocky attitude, so early in the morning.

"Herbivores, you all barely arrived on time today." Hibari said with his usual icy tone as he approached them.

"HIIIEE! Sorry Hibari-san, we won't be late to school!" said the panicked brunette.

Hibari smirked at the petite brunette and said "Sawada Tsunayoshi, if i catch you being late, I will gladly bite you to death". Tsuna blushed as he noticed that Hibari's face was inches away from his. What was up with people getting too close to him today. though tsuna, but his thought was disrupted as he suddenly found himself lost in the deep grey orbs in front of him.

Hibari pulled away from the small brunette and walked towards his seat. His eyes widen as he noticed a badge that stated "President of the disciplinary committee" on skylark's shoulder.

" No way! how did hibari-san become the president of the disciplinary committee, if he's still a freshman" tsuna whispered at Yamamoto and Gokudera.

"I have my ways herbivore" said Hibari with a smirk on his face.

"That damn Hibari!" cursed Gokudera, glaring at Hibari and wondering how in the hell did he hear them.

Then the classroom door was softly opened by handsome man with a long black ponytail

" Hello everybody my name is Fon-sensei, and I'm happy to announce that everyone is going to be signed a partner for the rest of the year. To know where you sit, you need to look for you name on the board", said the man as he gave his students a warm smile.

The teacher looks like a nice person thought tsuna with a smile. "I wouldn't be so happy if I were you Tsuna" said Yamamoto with a drop of sweat on his face.

"What do you mean Yamamoto?" asked tsuna tilting his head to the side. As Yamamoto pointed at the board, tsuna froze Oh shit! my partner is- cut half through his thought he felt a tap on his shoulder. "lets get to our seats partner." said Hibari with the biggest smirk he has ever seen from Hibari.

WHY MEEEEE!? Tsuna mentally screamed as he was dragged by Hibari towards their whole-year seats.

To be continued...O.o