There he was, standing in front of the door to the apartment. The plain white door loomed before him, separating him from Levi.

Eren knew that when he opened the door and told Levi everything that he had just talked about with Armin, that his life would be different from this point on. The normality of the life that he was used to was about to get turned upside down. All he had to do now was open the door and walk through the threshold.

But right now that was the hardest thing to do.

Why was Eren having such a hard time figuring this out? Even though he had just talked everything through with Armin, he was still a bit confused on his feelings towards Levi.

So here he stood, outside the apartment, just standing there absorbed in his own thoughts.

He knew his feelings for Levi were not completely platonic but they also may not have been completely romantic. Was a relationship really what Eren needed right now? This was his first year of college and he was still incredibly confused on what he wanted to do with the rest of his life.

However, some little part of Eren knew that Levi was what he needed right now, because even in this incredibly confused state that Eren was in, Levi was one thing that made sense.

See that's the strange thing though, Eren didn't know what he wanted. But he sure as hell knew that he didn't want to lose Levi. That little black haired man made his life just a little bit better.

It was at this point that Eren realized that he just needed to make all of this clear to Levi. That was the only way that any of this was going to work out. With that thought, Eren finally got the guts to turn the doorknob and go inside.

Eren wasn't really sure what he expected when he walked in. Since he never really had any steady relationships before this one, all of his ideas of what love is like were basically romantic comedies that his mom liked to watch. So in a way he kind of expected Levi to be waiting there for him with some big show of affection like a bouquet of roses and for him to say something along the lines of, "Eren I love you, can't you see that we belong together?" And then Eren would run into Levi's arms and all would be well.

But of course, that isn't how it turned out. Actually it felt like a normal day when like when Eren would come home from classes to see Levi sitting on the couch, drinking a cup of tea, and flipping through the latest issue of people magazine.

That's exactly what he was doing too, he was just lounging on the couch with his tea and magazine.

Eren failed to realize that he had actually been out for awhile now trying to figure out his thoughts and while he had been doing that, Levi had probably been home for a little over an hour. Would he really have just stayed there waiting for Eren? Obviously not, but some part of Eren wished that he had been waiting from him.

Walking into the living room, Eren realized that Levi wasn't going to be the one to start this conversation. It was going to be himself who had to start it.

He took a seat on the couch, awkwardly far away from where Levi was sitting.

Starting by clearing his throat, Eren began, "So we need to talk about some things I think."

Levi looked up from his magazine, noting the sizable space between the two of them, then said with a humorous hint to his voice, "Yeah I think we do." Then he put down his cup of tea and closed his magazine, "So shoot."

Taking a deep breath Eren began, "Levi, I really don't know what I want. And this year has been kind of crazy for me, and I'm sure it has for you too. I mean I moved in to this house with you, you taught me how to act, and both of us, people who don't usually make friends, both made a new friend." Eren paused for a moment, "But at this point I'm not really sure you could call us just friends," when noticed what he said he corrected himself, "I don't want us to just be friends." With this Eren finally got the courage to look up at Levi.

To his surprise he realized that Levi actually looked really scared, and for once he wasn't interrupting Eren every other sentence. That in itself was a rare occurrence.

Eren continued, "Levi, I know I told you that I don't know what I want, and that still holds true to some extent. I'm really not sure if I want a relationship right now, but I also know that I don't want to just be your friend."

Levi smiled slightly, but he still looked extremely nervous, "So what do you want exactly?"

Sighing Eren stated, "I'm really not sure I can tell you exactly what I want right now, but I was hoping you could help me figure that out."

Levi chuckled, "You're always one to make a situation more dramatic than it needs to be."

Eren smiled shyly, "But you like me for that right?"

Levi looked down at his lap, his eyebrows knit together as he chewed his lip subtly, it looked as if he was thinking really hard about something.

Before Eren could ask what was wrong, Levi leaned in and placed a slow closed mouth kiss on

Eren's lips and said, "How could I not like you? You're you."

Eren rested his forehead against Levi's and said, "Levi, I'm so confused, there's so much I don't know about relationships, about you, even about myself, and I'm scared."

With that Levi pulled Eren into an embrace and said, "We'll figure it out. Whatever it is that is going on in the brain of yours, we'll figure it out."

And suddenly everything didn't seem nearly as bad.

Maybe things really would get better from here on out.