Well hello there everyone, to begin I would first like to apologize since this chapter is simply an update on this fic's progress and nothing more. First I would like to wish all of you who have taken the time to read this story a very big thank you. When I started this story the summer of my high school senior year I never imagined to have 800+ followers and 100,000 page visits. Before you get worried that I am going to apologize that the story is dead I'll quell those fears now since I have every intention of finishing this story. With my 250th review I would like to thank each and everyone one of you who left me with something from those who read Naruto: The missing nin. Since it has been almost a year I'll fill you in on why there hasn't been an update. First my schedule did not permit me much time to write for fun with being a full time student during the semester, and full time employment during summer/winter break. Saying I don't have time to write at all would be a lie but that's a story for another time. Also I lost a significant amount of interest in Naruto after the fabled "reverse harem no jutsu" (insert cringe here). With this winter break being the first time that I have a significant amount of free time to employ I decided to start working on this story again.

Unfortunately before a new chapter comes out the story is going to receive almost a full revision with each chapter receiving several changes and new content to help flush the story out much more. The majority of my time writing was spent on a creative writing class I took two semesters in a row to help improve myself as an author. From taking the class I identified a few of my strengths and many of my weaknesses as an author. Many of you who have left very constructive reviews have been taken to heart; you, my instructors, and peers have identified many of the same issues that I present in my works so thank you for the time and critical analysis you have given me.

Well, all the news I have to share isn't bad. Technically I have finished this story with a current word count of roughly 100,000 which I hope to raise to 600,000 once of final version is out. I'll try my best to make this story something enjoyable to read and a piece that I can be proud of instead of cringing when I read it.

Well I think I covered everything I wanted to and once again I'm leaving with an apology for a long overdue chapter. I hope all of you who have taken the time to read this had a happy new year. And as always please leave a review for any other question you have for the story and a PM for anything else not regarding the story.

Best wishes for a new year,
