Okay! It's only been a few hours since I uploaded the previous chapter, but I simply cannot keep this chapter away. So...

Welcome to the end, my darlings. It has been a tremendous pleasure writing for you. Drop a review, since it's the last.

Stay tuned if you're a fan of my writing, I will have a NEW story uploaded tomorrow. PM me if you want to know the little information I am allowing to reveal.

Chapter 27

Sherlock's POV

I haven't slept in days.

Every day since I had awoken, mummy came around to check up on me and ask if I was doing all right. Of course, I would reassure her that I was to ease her mind and she would eventually move on.

I kept wracking my brain for a logical answer. The only plausible one, was a dream. It was a hopeful figment of my imagination of 'what-could-have-been'. I had purposely and voluntarily let this imaginary character implant itself in my mind. I wanted a friend so badly that I probably made one up; someone whom would be beneficial to me. I needed someone to emotionally handle who I was and how I was. I needed someone to support me in ways that no one else could. I needed a John Watson so desperately that I made him up. People would think I was insane. Others would say a genius.

It baffled and even surprised me that I saw through my own character's eyes. I made him think things, I made him do things that otherwise wouldn't have happened. I wanted to believe he was real so bad that I became him. I believed in him.

I didn't show up to school for a week. Mycroft and mummy didn't make me go. They said I could rest all I like if it made me feel better. Mycroft made sure that the school understood my condition.

I was uneasy for the entire week. Mummy didn't know about my realistic dream. Mycroft didn't know all of it - only who was in it.

John Watson wasn't real. He never was. I was dreaming from the very start. My own mind played a cruel trick on me. It seemed my mind palace was a little too big for one person...I had to invite some people over. I had to fill the emptiness with something that could make it - me - feel whole.

Today was different, though. I found a shred of motivation and I intended on putting it to good use. So as per usual, I dragged myself out of the comfort of my own bed and prepared myself for the day.

Mycroft drove me to school rather than letting me walk like he usually would. The ride was uncomfortably quiet. Once I was in school, I attended all my classes. No one made a remark about my absence besides my teachers whom came up to me and lectured about missing class and rambling on how it would affect my grade later in the academic school year. I stood there and pretended to listen while they continued their useless and pointless talking.

Finally after an endless session with my Biology teacher, it was the last period of the day. Chemistry.

I took my seat at the back of the class, where Sally and Anderson were situated. I ignored them, but unfortunately, they didn't ignore me.

"What's up, freak?" Sally sneered.

"Finally decided to come back?" Anderson retorted. "We liked it better when you weren't here."

"Yeah," Sally added. "it finally gave us the chance to prove that we're actually smart rather than be put down by you." Sally said in attempt to insult me. I took it as a compliment but I didn't utter a single word.

"Attention, class!" Mr. Hamilton shouted, instantly silencing the classroom. Sally and Anderson turned around, shooting me dirty glances before doing so. "It seems we have a new student among us."

I was hardly paying attention to my teacher's words. All I could think about was the darkness that succumbed me in my dreams. It was a recurring event. It was normal for me to space out and think about this. It has been common since I woke up.

"If you could please come in." The teacher invited a young, blond boy whom looked way too familiar for my liking. My heart dropped and I swore it it could have stopped beating.

The boy entered the classroom with a smooth swiftness. He stood at the front of the room and stared right at me, a blank expression masking his features.

"This is John Watson." Mr. Hamilton continued. "He will be joining us for the rest of the school year."

John and I exchanged stares. His was blank, unreadable. Mine was filled with confusion and horror.

"Wake up, Sherlock..."

I swallowed.

"Wake up."