AN: So..yeah, this just...sorry, guys. It's been too long since I updated. The only reason I even have any inspiration for this today is because I got to talking to my cosplay group's Denmark and she asked to read it because we were talking about pairings and...yeah. She said I should continue it, and gave me a bit of inspiration on it.

To those who reviewed:

Wolfy Valkyrie Cain Grimm: I'm working on it, I promise!
awkwardsarcasm: Yes, it is narcolepsy.

Shriralala: It's alright. Calm down a bit.


The next week or so was rather calm with the two still falling into their new routine.

There were quite a few days after that, though, that things were different. Heracles would come into class upset by something one of his parents would say and Sadik would tune out whatever the teacher was saying to make sure he was alright. Nobody could blame him, he worried for the Greek, even if they didn't get along perfectly.

It was one of these days that people seemed to notice the shift in the two boys. They had been ignoring the fact that they had been getting along relatively well up until now. And even then, it was only to crack cruel jokes.

Heracles caught the brunt of it and it seemed to Sadik that it took all his strength not to break during it. He spoke up, because...well, because it wasn't right that people treated others like that.

"Hey! Leave him alone,"

This got the Turk some odd looks as well as quite a few jokes about him as well, but Sadik only moved to grab the Greek's hand and bag and pulled him away from the group, away from something he knew would cause too much damage to be good.

As soon as they were away, Sadik let go of him and set the other male's bag down just in time to find himself dealing with a rather upset Heracles.

"Whoa, what's wrong?"

Heracles shook his head, looking away that way it was a bit harder to see how hurt he really was.

It took a while, and quite a bit of arguing to get Heracles to open up and talk to him. And once he did, Sadik knew that there was something about the Greek that he couldn't help with, that he couldn't fix like he wished he could.

"I'm sorry,"Sadik managed softly after a while of silence between the two.

Heracles shook his head in answer.

The next month was interesting, if a bit uneventful. Thankfully, people backed off. But Heracles was having a hard time with his family. He never would tell Sadik what about, but the Turk figured it was something to do with the jokes that had been made a while back. He just wished he could help somehow. It was odd. They didn't get along as well as they normally should for them to care, but it was hard not to care about the other's wellbeing.

It was something they'd never experienced before, but they were slowly warming up to this fact. Very slowly.

I am so tired, guys...and I get to go on a field trip tomorrow - my school's Drama club (and my first block Drama class) are going to see Les Miserables be performed by someone in my class...I can't wait. It's going to be fantastic!

But I need some rest. I've not slept worth a crap recently.