
It's near the end of the year and she loves her ring. Their son has just learned to walk and yes, she finally popped the question. They made it official last week. Her mother couldn't stop smiling. Everyone is happy. She vaguely knows why she waited so long. She wanted to prove something. She had doubts about the concept of marriage. She wasn't sure if she really needed a ring, a ceremony, or a piece of paper to prove anything. It's love that counts. And the will and strength to keep the promise. She didn't want to tie Ranger down. She herself needed to be free. But the day when the child took his first step, she suddenly thought, "Why not?" So she leaned against the door later that night while Ranger was changing the diaper and said, "Marry me." And he turned to look at her with smile in his eyes as the smell of poo danced in the room and their son started giggling.

Perfect timing.

Her heart quickened a little and she held her breath when she put the ring on Ranger's finger. Husband and wife. Partners for life. Friends. Their life together was not like a paperback romance. It was an ordinary weekday. The judge looked a bit like Morgan Freeman. She thought of all the ups and downs and unexpected bumps and couldn't hide her smile when she heard, "You may kiss your bride."

And next year, when the pain of losing Rex ebbs, they will go to the shelter and adopt a cat. Or maybe two.

~The End~