"Hey Remember Me" By Anne Anime and Cecile

It was a typical day and Helga was cleaning out her room. Arnold was walking Abner by when he heard a crash, he walked over underneath Helga's window. "Ack a spider!" Helga said throwing a large box of her poem books out the window. Down it went, until it hit Arnold right on the head. Helga looked out the window.
"Arnold, oh my!" She said running down the stairs and out the front door. She lifted up Arnold's head. "Arnold, speak to me, please Arnold, please say something!"

"Who are you?" He said looking very confused.

"Arnold quit joking." Helga said with a nervous laugh.

"Um...who are you?"

"I'm Helga, Helga G. Pataki, remember?"

"Not very well...." Arnold said as he passed out again. Helga quickly got Arnold to the hospital, where Arnold's grandparents were contacted.

The doctor stood there talking to Grandma, Grandpa, Helga and Gerald. "Now, we believe Arnold has amnesia, but not the severe type, just minor. Now before you are allowed in to see him you must remember one thing, just play along with what his says, it's the best for his health."

"Hey Short man? how ya doing?"

"I'm fine Grandpa, I'm glad that Helga was there to help me once....what ever hit me in the head hit me in the head...." replied Arnold

"You had us worried Kimba! Me and Phil didn't know if you'd remember us!"

"You did give us one heck of a scare man! I'm glad your all right"

"Well, nice being at this sappy reunion, but I gotta go, bye football-head!" said Helga secretly wanting to stay and see if Arnold was really all right.

"Don't leave already Helga! Stay! Please?'"

"And why should I, football-head?"

Arnold laughed, confusing everyone in the room, "I think as my girlfriend it's only right that you stay too!"

"Girlfriend!?!?" Grandpa, Gerald and Helga all said at once.

"Yeah she's my girlfriend, don't you guys know that?" Helga looked completely shocked. "Arnold, you must be losing it man, Helga's not your---"

Grandpa cut Gerald off and whispered to him. "Gerald, remember what the doctor said, play along."

"Helga, thank goodness you found me, I'm so glad you helped me." Arnold said.

" Arnold I...I..."

Grandpa walked over and whispered in Helga's ear. "Remember what the doctor said, play along with him."

"Arnold, I'm so glad you're all right." Helga said walking over to Arnold's bedside. Arnold took Helga's hand.

"I'm so lucky to have a girlfriend like you Helga, you're so sweet and compassionate."

"Uh... you're sweet too my dear."

Gerald's mouth dropped wide open, he couldn't believe Helga would do this, especially for Arnold. "Uh, Helga can I talk to you?"

"Sure thing Geraldo."

Gerald pulled Helga around the corner. "Helga what in the world are you doing?"

"I was just doing what the doctor said and playing along."

"Helga, I know you and you know Arnold and apparently you got hit in the head too, because you seem to have forgotten you hate Arnold's guts!"

"Gerald, don't you realize how severe this is, I was the first person he saw when he woke up, I am the most important link to Arnold now."

"What? Helga are you sure you don't have amnesia?"

"The doctor told me that before you got here, ask him yourself if you don't believe me. And despite my feelings towards Arnold, I have to play along, I don't hate him as much as you think Gerald. And I would never hate him enough to ditch him when he's in this condition." And with that Helga went back in to Arnold's room.

"Weird" Gerald said to himself before going back in too.

The doctor came in and pulled Grandpa into the hall. "All his vital signs are up, he could leave right now if he wanted, is his memory clear" said the doctor, clearly in a rush.

"Well, his memory is clear as crystal.... except he thinks the a girl who is the biggest bully at school is his girlfriend"

"That could be a problem, just make sure she keeps playing along. Write a note to his teacher, and make sure the kids in his class co-operate too, well that'll be all!" The doctor runs off, giving grandpa a bill.

Mr. Simmons told the class the news, "Okay class, after Arnold's mysterious case of amnesia, he seems to be fine and is returning to school. But his memory is still a little shaky, and it is best for Arnold's health that you play along with whatever his says. Now I know this will be hard for you kids to deal with, but remember he's a very special person. Also he has already shown one sign that his memory isn't there, he believes our own Helga Pataki is his girlfriend." Helga turned bright red. "So kids lets give a very special welcome to Arnold, who is back today." Mr. Simmons said letting Arnold come in.

Arnold sat down right next to Helga. Harold snickered. Helga turned, gave Harold a mean look and turned back to Arnold. "So Arnold, you feeling any better?"

"Well I still have a headache, but besides that, I'm fine. Thank you for asking though."

Rhonda sat in the back of the class, she whispered to Nadine. "I can't believe Helga is playing along with this, she hates Arnold."

Arnold turned to Gerald. "Hey Gerald, since I'm out of the hospital how bout, me, Helga, you and Phoebe go on a double date somewhere."

"Excuse me man, what about Phoebe?" Gerald said turning slightly red.

"You know Gerald, Phoebe, your girlfriend."

"WHAT!! I mean.... well.. I'll have to ask her that's all... she might be busy with..... fencing that day.... yeah, fencing!"

"We could always schedule it around her fencing practice."

"Um... Ok Arnold.... I'll talk to her..."

Class went by almost normally, up until lunch, when Arnold insisted that Phoebe, Helga, and Gerald all sit with him at lunch. Gerald pulled Helga aside.

"Helga this is serious, he is insisting on Phoebe being my girlfriend."

"Yeah so that's not as bad as him thinking I'm his girlfriend, just play along, explain it to Phoebe and knowing her she won't mind."

"Okay, I'll try."

Gerald let Helga return to her set and Helga whispered to Phoebe, "Gerald needs to talk to you." Phoebe got up and went over to where Gerald was standing.

Gerald took a deep breath and began trying to explain. "HI Phoebe.. Um.. I don't know how to say this... but Arnold thinks...." Gerald started, not knowing exactly how to say to the girl he liked that they had to pretend to be girlfriend and boyfriend.

"What does he think, it can't be much more awkward then how he think Helga is his girlfriend"

"He... He thinks you and I are a couple..."

"WHAT!? I mean... Well if it's for Arnold's health, we'll just have to play along, won't we, at least until he comes out of his amnesia.

"Yeah... but personally, I don't know how he could not black out on anything except for those two things."

"There's probably more, but We'll have to wait and see, now won't we?"

Lila walked over to Arnold. "Hello Arnold, how are you doing?"

"Excuse me, are you talking to me Lila?"

"Why yes, I believe I am Arnold."

"Lila, you know I stopped talking to you because you broke up with me, you're still jealous of Helga aren't you?"

"Why whatever do you mean Arnold?"

"Lila, just leave me alone, and go bother your boyfriend, Curly." Helga had the most satisfied smirk on her face, Lila just got told off and she hadn't done a thing. Then Helga got an idea. She waited for Lila to leave, then excused herself and followed Lila. Helga pretended to be worried about Lila.

"Lila are you okay?"

"Yes Helga, I think so, Arnold's just acting ever so strange."

"It's the amnesia Lila, but you remember what Mr. Simmons said. You know, about playing along with him. Hey I am, so the least you can do is play along also."

"But Helga, Curly's just ever so weird."

"I know, but it's the doctor's orders, sorry Lila."

So Lila went along with it, sitting next to Curly and trying to calmly explain to him that she was only pretending to be his girlfriend for the good of Arnold's health.

Curly on the other hand, had decided that she was only pretending to be his girlfriend because she liked him, and was at this moment running after her. Trying to get a kiss.

"Come on, Lila-Dearest! You know you like me!" shouted Curly running.

"Please... someone.. help me! I'm ever so tired of running!" Lila said evading Curly once again. Helga thought she was going to crack a rib from trying not to laugh, and her face hurt from trying not to smirk.

Arnold sat there calmly, "Helga, what's Lila's problem, I thought she and Curly got along really well."

"I don't know Arnold, I'll ask her." Helga said with an evil smirk on her face.

Helga grabbed Lila's arm as she ran past. "Lila, I need to talk."

"Helga, can we talk another time, Curly's still after me and I'm ever so certain, I don't want him to catch me."

"Well that's what it's about Lila, Arnold seems confused because you are running from Curly, now I know you don't like, like Arnold, but remember Lila, Arnold's health could take a serious turn for the worse if we don't play along."

"Okay Helga, I do it, but only because Arnold might get worse." Lila walked back to where Curly was.

"Hello Curly."

"Lila, sweetheart, babe, call me Thaddeus."

"Uh...sure thing Thaddeus."

"That's more like it now, give daddy some sugar." Curly said as he kissed Lila. Helga completely lost it, she was hiding around the corner and had seen the whole thing.

School ended with Lila sitting next to Curly on the bus, in the back. And Arnold and Helga talking near the front.

"So Helga, do you want me to walk you home?"

"Ok Arnold! That be nice" Helga was loving every minute of this. So the bus stopped at Helga's stop and both Arnold and Helga got out. They walked in silence until they got to Helga's house.

"Thanks again for getting me to the hospital so quickly the other day Helga" said Arnold handing Helga her books.

"Well... it was nothing..." said Helga, starting to feel guilty and sad, 'He only has amnesia because of me! What will I do when he gets his memory back?'

"Helga! What is Alfred doing here!" said bob storming out of the house.

"Uh...nothing Bob, he just walked me home...well uh...bye Arnold."

"Bye Helga, and thanks again for getting me to the hospital so quick, I could still be in the hospital if it wasn't for you."