Chapter 1:

Authors POV:

It was a sunny day in the land of Aaa. The birds were singing a happy tune, while a certain long haired adventuress walked happily through the woods. Suddenly she heard some loud and familiar voices coming from a nearby clearing. So Fionna decided to run towards them to see what was going on.

When she came to the clearing she saw her vampire friend Marshal Lee arguing with... Prince Gumball? In the middle of the woods? She then decided to hide behind some bushes to see just what her two friends were arguing about...

"I'm telling you Marshal Lee it's none of your business! I don't need your help! Agh! I don't have time for this...! " yelled Prince Gumball as Marshal Lee floated just above the prince with an irritated expression on his face.

"It is my business! Especially when it comes to-" Marshal suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence and looked around the clearing.

"What? " PG asked and looked and the vampire. "What are y-" PG was cut off by Marshal whispering " Shhhh! Did you hear that ?" Prince Gumball stopped and tried to hear what Marshal had heard...

Back with Fionna...

Fionna was desperately trying to hear what her two friends were saying. "What are they talking about?"She thought. "Why do I wanna know anyway? It's their business and I shouldn't be eavesdropping! I should probably leave... "

She got up as quietly as she could and started walking back to the treehouse. Just as she was about to step out of the forest she heard PG scream...or at least she thought it was PG since it sounded more like a little girl screamed...
She immediately sprung back to the clearing, her sword at hand. When she got there she saw Marshal Lee fighting, what looked like a Fire monster, in his monster bar form and PG clutching his stomach in pain on the ground. Fionna raced towards him immediately while dodging fireballs that were occasionally thrown at her.

"Gumball! What happened? Are you ok? "asked Fionna with a clearly worried tone.

"Fionna? What are you doing here!? " he asked worried too, for some reason that Fionna obviously didn't understand. " You have to- Agh! "Gumball said while almost getting hit by another fireball as he tried to get up.

" PG! Are you ok dude?" asked Fionna as she supported the prince and led him away from fight.

" Fionna I'm fine! But you have to get out of here! " PG yelled.

" Gumball? What are you talking about ? I'm staying! " Fionna argued. " I'm not leaving you guys! ...Besides I'm the hero here! " She continued and raised her demon blood sword.

Before he could argue Fionna ran towards the Flame creature. The monster noticed her and just stared at her, completely forgetting the fight and the vampire. Marshal took this to his advantage and pushed to monster into a nearby lake. It yelled in pain as its flames died down to reveal a figure of a boy, about Fionna's age.

"It's a ...boy" Fionna said quietly in disbelief, just loud enough for the vampire to hear her. Without hesitation she jumped in lake in an attempt to rescue the prince. Marshal looked at her in disbelief. She could barely swim due to her fear of the water.

"FIONNA! " the vampire cried as Fionna dived into the water. He went to jump in and pull her back out when Prince Gumball stop him.

"What are you doing! We have to help her! "Marshal said as he pulled his arm out of the pink prince's grip.

"No Marshal! Look! " yelled the prince and pointed to the water.

Marshal turned his gaze to the water, to see a panting Fionna coming out of the lake and placing the fiery prince on the ground. She then kneeled beside him. For some reason this made Marshal feel something he never felt before. Jealousy.

Fionna's POV:

I looked at the unconscious boy, that lay on the ground in front of me. He looked about my age, about 14 years old.
'But why was he attacking us? And why was Gumball telling me to leave? This was very confusing... Was this guy the reason they were arguing before?' I was lost in my thoughts, until Marshall's voice brought me back to the current situation.

" FI! FI? Are you alright?" Marshal asked.

"Huh?... Oh yeah...I'm fine Marsh..." I said barely hearing what he said.

" Are you sure? Fionna you can't even swim and just jumped in there to save a guy that you don't even know! " Marshal said clearly worried about me.

" He is right Fionna. " said Gumball strangely agreeing with Marshal.

"But i had to save him Gumball! I couldn't just let him die! Hero's honour!" i cried trying to convince them.

Gumball sighed and said "Well... at least you didn't get hurt. Next time think before you act Fionna."

" NEXT TIME? " Marshall yelled " There WON'T be a next time! You got that Fi?"

"Yeah...yeah i got it..." i assured him. But that was a lie

" Who is he anyway? " I asked trying to change the subject.

"He is the prince of the Flame Kingdom...But he's EVIL!... He somehow must have escaped...but how?" Prince Gumball answered walking towards them while saying the last part to himself.

" Why was he attacking you guys? How did he find you? And why was he looking at me like that?" I asked once again.

" He was attacking us because Gumwad here" he said pointing at the pink prince " locked him up in a lamp when he was a kid and he obviously remembered him." Marshall said with a smirk on his face, while getting a look from Gumball saying ' Why did you tell her?'

" answer your second question..." PG said while walking over to me. " You might wanna sit down..." he continued.

"What? Why? " I said. Was it really that bad?

" Just sit down Fi...or I'll make ya! " Marshall said flashing his fangs. I gulped and sat down on a log, while PG began his story...

Prince Gumball's POV:

As Fionna sat down I began explaining what happened before she found us in the woods...


I was on morrow flying over the land of Aaa, when i saw a forest fire. I went down to have a look, when i landed... I saw him. He turned around and looked at me. His eyes full of anger. "YOU!" he cried and immediately started throwing fireballs at me. I quickly ran back to morrow, barely dodging the fireballs. As I was flying over the grasslands I saw Marshall Lee, but ignored him. I landed in a nearby clearing to think of a plan. To my luck Marshal saw me too. He floated down to me, with he's signature fanged smirk.

"Hi ya Gummy! " he said with a carefree tone. " What's up? "

"Not now Marshall Lee. I'm busy." I said annoyed.

"Aww...Is Gummy not in the mood?" he laughed

"Go away Marshal! " I said starting to get irritated...or more irritated than I already was.

"Okay i give up tell me what's wrong." He asked "Your acting like the Flame Prince is on the loose or something! "he joked and laughed. Little did he know ... he was right. By the scared face i made when he used the words 'flame prince' and 'loose' in the same sentence, he then realised what the problem was.

"You're kidding! ...right? " he asked with uncertainty and for a minute i thought i saw slight fear in his eyes...

To be continued...

A's note: Hope you enjoyed it! This is my first fan-fiction so go easy on me! :) Feel free to review!