Ok, so I had this random dream last night about Clint Barton aka. Hawkeye, loosing his memory after another attack on Manhattan,

So I decided to try and write a fanfiction on it.

And this is the result.

Its set 100% in Legolas's Point Of View (POV)

And please don't be too harsh if its not that good, I still haven't fully planned it out!

Hope ye all enjoy it :)



We got the call from Fury at exactly 8:03am. A small attack, but in the centre of Manhattan where they could cause the most damage. They were aliens, mutants even, and they were kitted out to the full. Guns, explosives, and what looked like a small army tank, but instead of shooting bombs that'll explode on impact, it shot cannon balls. Or what I hoped were cannon balls. Buildings came down under the strength, and cars were sent a good 20 or 30 meters back when they got hit with them, so our first priority was to get rid of the tank. Even though every alien had at least 2 machine guns with them at all times, they were as smart as a brick. Some even managed to shoot themselves with their own guns. So, obviously, they weren't as dangerous.

"Guys... I may have found another tank" Stark said slowly through the comms set.

"Might?" Steve asked, "Stark either you do or you don't".

"I could always tr-" Tony started but was cut off by a loud bang, "ok, yea, definitely a tank. Damn that hurt".

"Did you seriously just let yourself get shot?" Natasha asked as I put an arrow through another aliens head. I could almost hear her smirk.

"Yea. I did. And I don't recommend it" Tony replied, slightly static voice from the suit. I laughed; he really was a complete moran wasn't he? But hey, I wasn't the one to complain, he made my arrows... Speaking of arrows...

"Ah, guys? I'm kinda running low on ammo here" I said, reaching behind for one with an explosive tip.

"You're almost out of arrows?" Widow asked, "Already? How many did you bring?"

"All of them... Like... 24" I replied and Stark laughed. Natasha didn't find it as funny.

"You brought 24 arrows? 24 ARROWS? Clint, we're up against an entire alien army here!" she yelled.

"Yea and I just killed 24 of them" I replied, "You're welcome". Stark burst out laughing again but was quickly silenced by another bang, "Found three tanks. But that's defiantly it".

"Three tanks? Anyone found a way to destroy them?" Rogers asked again.

"Well, the other guys giving it his worst" Tony said.

"How's the tank looking?" Steve asked and Stark gave a low whistle, "Not. A. Scratch".

"So we're up against brainless alien mutants with machine guns, small tanks that even the Hulk can't dent, and the whole time Manhattan is being destroyed for the second time in 6 months?" I asked, reaching behind for another arrow.

"Yep" Natasha replied calmly.

"How much longer can ye guys last?" I asked again.

"Suits power is at 54% no, wait... Make that 52%" Tony said, "I'd say an hour, two hours at the most, and that's with all the backups used and all".

"I'm with Stark. An hour tops" Steve said.

"Same here" Nat said sighing, "what about you?"

"For fighting, I'd say an hour. Shooting? I'm fucked. No arrows left" I replied, stabbing an alien with my bow before folding it and tying it securely onto my back, getting into a fighting stance.

"So... Basically..." Natasha trailed off and I smirked, "we win this fight now, or we are sooo dead".

Kicking an alien in the stomach, I snapped its neck before picking up its gun and shooting down a few others. I was wrecked. I was scratched and bruised. And I had no bow or arrows to use. And I was simply not Hawkeye without my bow and arrows...

"GOT IT" Stark yelled suddenly and I flinched at how loud he was over the earpiece, "got what exactly?"

"The tanks. I got bored so I decided to throw one of its own cannon balls at it. It dented the armour around it. So I shot a small missile at the dent and it actually went through to the inside. It's just wires, that's it, which means someone's controlling these things from a computer or similar non-stark device" he replied excitingly.

"So we just have to give it a taste of its own medicine then shoot at it?" Natasha asked confused.

"Precisely. Though I cant do it" Tony replied.

"You're the only one here who has half a brain when it comes to technology and you're telling us you CAN'T shut these things down?" Steve asked amazed and i could almost picture Stark grinning.

"Course I know HOW to do it Cap, but I actually CAN'T".

"What do you mean you can't?" He asked.

"Well aside for the obvious reason that I'm the only one here with eyes on the sky and can shoot laser beams, the suits kind of big. It wouldn't fit with the wires inside. And even if I could fit, it's a suicide mission. Seriously, chances of surviving are pretty small" Tony replied. The suit was too big...

"Hey, Stark?" I asked, "how small exactly do you have to be?"

"Smaller than the suit anyway. But it's too small a gap for a normal man to fit through. And no offence Widow, but you'd need the strength of a guy to break it open..." he explained and Nat laughed softly, "none taken".

Too small for an average man... I was slightly shorter than average... And I was useless without my bow and arrows...

"Tash?" I asked and a second later a knife landed at my feet. I could just about make out her tall slim figure a few meters away in the swarm of aliens. But I still caught her smirk, "go get 'em".

Grinning, I picked up the knife, and began running.

"Wo, wo, wo. Hold on there Legolas. Where do you think you're going?" Stark asked flying overhead.

"You need someone to dismantle the tank don't you? Tell me what to do and I'll do it" I replied, stabbing a few aliens as I reached the tank. Tony was right. It had a huge hole on top. And there was A LOT of wires.

"Clint. I know your small and all" he said, "but you're still too big to fit".

"Trust me Stark. I can fit" I replied grinning.

"How do you know?" He asked confused and I grinned.

"Budapest" Natasha and I said at the same time before we burst out laughing.

"I'm not even going to ask" Steve muttered, "So you can fit. Great. But what did Stark say again?"

"Suicide mission" Tony repeated.

"Exactly" Rogers continued, "You get in that tank, you might not get out. I am ordering you no-".

"Save it for when I get back Cap" I replied cutting him off, putting the blade of the knife in my mouth as I began to climb up the side of the tank. And then, a few minutes later, I was in. Dropping down into the hole on top, I could just about squeeze into the tight compartment with all the wires. Here we go.

"Alright I'm in, now what?" I asked, taking the knife from my mouth and looking at all the different coloured wires and lights in front of me.

"Seriously? You actually fit? Wow that must have been something small in Budapest. Anyway, there should be a group of wires to your right, one green, one blue, one red, and two white" he replied, "greens for power, blues for the computer, reds for shooting, and the whites are what's telling it where and where not to shoot".

"So which one do I cut first?" I asked and he sighed, "That's the problem. Cut the green one and it'll go mental, most likely squashing you. Cut the blue and they'll be nothing telling it what and what not to do. Cut the red one first and it'll more or less explode. And if you cut the white ones first, it'll start shooting wherever it wants".

"What if I cut them all together?" I asked and he laughed, "Oh that'll defiantly cause an explosion".

"So it's up to me" I muttered and he sighed again, "Yep. And if you make the wrong move, we're going to die. No pressure". Ok so it was up to me. Time to do this.

The white one controls where it shoots... But the red ones what's making it shoot... Ok, I think I got this. Taking a deep breathe, I reached up and cut through both whites and the red together. Nothing happened. Ok. That was easier than expected. Now there was the blue and the green. The blue connected it to whoever was controlling all this, to whoever was behind this attack. Then the green was the thing that kept it moving. The single wire causing it to keep on going, the one that gave it all power. This was more difficult. But if I cut its power, the connection would be lost, and it'll still think it's being ordered about...

Grinning, I reached up, and cut through the blue wire, then the green one. Just as Stark had predicted, the machine went mental, driving around in circles and shaking. But it wasn't firing any more. Wincing as I was thrown about in the tiny compartment, I reached up, grabbing the ledge and pulling myself up and onto the roof, putting the knife back in my mouth. Unforcently, the tank didn't like the fact I was escaping and spun around really fast, throwing me off the side and two meters to the concrete ground below. Groaning, I shook the dizziness from my head, before quickly rolling as the tank charged past.

When it didn't hit me, it turned around and charged again. Guess it didn't like me. Jumping to the side, it drove past, barely an inch away. But instead of turning like I had expected, it simply stopped and backed back, slamming into the back of me. I fell to the ground once more, snapping my head of the concrete, but I barely had time to register the blood pouring from my head before I had to roll over again as the tank charged back. I thought I had cut the power from this guy? Ah, ok, yep, there it was. A second later, the tank beeped before suddenly stopping. It was dead.

Slowly sitting up, I thought back to Starks words. Hadn't he said it would expl- A huge bang cut me out of my thoughts and sent me flying back into the side of a car -ode? Explode. There we were. Looking up through the smoke, I smirked at the burnt out remains of the tank. It was dismantled. Severely.

"Hawkeye report".

Steve's clear words broke through the deadly silence.

"Hawkeye... Report" he repeated and I shook my head against the blackness creeping in. Man I had hit it pretty hard.

"Hawkeye, REPORT" Steve said again, more anxious this time and I grinned, pressing a hand to my ear piece, amazed that it stayed intact, "Hawkeye clear".

I heard them all breathe a sigh of relief and a few seconds later Tony landed in front of me in the iron man suit, "You seriously got to watch the video of that later".

"You videoed it?" I asked and he laughed, holding out his metal clad hand, "course. You looked like those bull fighting guys. Videos going on You Tube too".

Grinning, i took his hand and he pulled me up, "are you ok?"

I dusted off my clothes, still grinning, "A little beaten up but nothing i can't handle. So yea, I'm fine. And I'm ready for round 2".