Title: - Stealing the teacher's pet

Rating: - M

Main pairings: - Izaya x Shizuo (Izuo), Tom x Shizuo

Disclaimer: - I don't own Durarara

Warnings: Izaya, smut, language, forbidden relationships

Summary: - AU Shizuo thought his strength was his only problem, now he's in a forbidden relationship, dealing with a stalker. Oh and his father is getting married, bringing a troublesome new step brother.

A/N: I was going to wait until I posted this one, but then again, I'd probably lose it the next time my laptop breaks. Anyway enjoy.

A usual morning

Shizuo blinked, slowly opening his eyes, his hands stretching above his head as he yawned. He glanced down at the pieces of his alarm clock, laying on his bedside table, he gently picked up the pieces of blue broken plastic. He would need to get it replaced. Brushing the rest into the bin, he noticed a dent in the table, small shards of wood stuck out.

"Nii-san." The fake blond looked up at his younger brother standing in the doorway. "Morning Kasuka." His brother came into the room, sitting on his bed. "You broke another alarm clock?" Shizuo let out a sigh, nodding his head. "I was half asleep, I'll buy another one. I still have my allowance." Kasuka nodded, his expression blank as usual. "Didn't you want to save up for that music player?"

Shizuo ran a hand through his hair, taking his school uniform out and laying it on the bed. "It can't be helped, it will just take longer. I was thinking of looking for a part time job." He smiled as he felt Kasuka's comforting hand on his back. "Its not just the music player is it. You want to help dad out." Shizuo blinked and then blinked again. A small laugh escaping him.

His younger brother Kasuka was expressionless, he was always polite to everyone and calm. The complete opposite of him, he was loud and short tempered and stupidly strong. The first time he had lost his temper, he had lifted a fridge. He had broken nearly every bone in his body. The last time he had picked something up was a vending machine from the school canteen, he was surprised when his bones didn't so much as crack, his body had finally caught up to his overpowering strength.

Thanks to some displays of his short temper, he had a lot of enemies. It was thanks to a certain someone, that he had dyed his hair, making him look like a delinquent and more dangerous. Most had backed off, now that his presence was louder and he stood out more. His lover's influence over the school helped. He smiled at the thought, heading for the shower. "I'll see you downstairs Kasuka."

Once he was dressed he headed downstairs, both Kasuka and his father were at the table. "Morning dad." The older man smiled gently at him. "Morning son, all ready for school?" Shizuo nodded sitting down. When he was younger and out of control with his strength, both Kasuka and his father had stayed by him, accepting his strength. After all it wasn't his fault, he had this strength.

Where as his mother had turned away from him, screaming at him every time his father had left for work. She had called him a cursed child, making sure he wasn't allowed out with the little friends he had. Then it reached the day he had gotten sick and had to stay home. He spent all day shivering under the covers, his bedroom door locked. His fever worsened, until she had no choice to step in.

That was the day his father found out. He had returned home from work, just as his mother looked at him in disgust, a sickened grin on her face as she poured hot chicken soup over him. He had cried out, screaming, tears running down his face. "You should never have been born... Ah! When did you get back dear?" Shizuo watched his father's face change, gently pulling him away.

"What were you doing to our son?" He had watched through his tears, his mother apologise, blaming it all on him. His father had ushered him out of the room and lifted him up, being careful not to touch his shoulder, where he could feel a burning sensation. He was quickly stripped and placed in the bath, filling up with cold water. He remembered the large gentle hand, rubbing his hair, gently calming him.

His memory was fuzzy after that bit. There had been cold and ice. Closed doors and yelling. His brother had been there, holding out a lollipop, it had tasted of strawberry. Then he had lost consciousness, waking up in a white room, full of beeping machines. His fever had worsened, keeping him in bed. He never saw his mother after that. He remembered he and Kasuka asking him where she was. "Shizuo, Kasuka. Your mother is sick, she won't be back." And that was the last they had spoken about her.

He knew now that she was in a mental hospital, she had lost her mind after his father had filed for divorce. It had taken a while, but they had stood together as a family, even though his father had stayed up late every night, a sad look on his face. They were all happier now. He had a friend, a best friend and a lover. And his father was dating too. "Do you two want a lift to school?" Shizuo shook his head. "No it's fine, shouldn't you be at work?"

His father sighed. "Yes, but I wanted to talk to you two." Shizuo sat up, hearing the seriousness in that tone of voice. "I'm sure you two have guessed, I'm dating again. I thought it was time to move on." Shizuo nodded, showing that he already knew. Kasuka gave a small nod, barely moving his head. "We'll continue this later. Have a good day."

Shizuo walked slowly to school, letting Kasuka keep up. "Dad seemed happy." The blond took a lollipop from his pocket, removing the wrapper. It had become a sort of comfort food to him. "Yeah, it looks like, they've been going out for a while. It might be serious." He let the taste of strawberry fill his mouth. Finally they reached the school gate. Shizuo couldn't stop the smile spreading across his face. "You look happy. Did something good happen?" He shook his head. "Nothing much, see you later Kasuka." His brother nodded. "See you after school, nii-san."

Next:- A forbidden relationship